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As many regulars will have noticed I have recently successfully installed Linux Mint on an older laptop.

The laptop is an HP Pavilion G6 approx 6 years old, and three years ago it suffered a WiFi failure. This was cured by a repair shop who plugged in a Dongle into one of the USB ports. It worked fine until yesterday. Now all indication are that it is connecting to my router perfectly but I cannot access any sites. I get a message " Server not found" As you can see from this post using a Windows 10 laptop everything works fine with my wife's mini laptop.

I have been to 2 repair shops in Computer Plaza only to be turned away because both are Windows only repairers and will not touch Linux. Can anybody recommend a repairer in Chiang mai area who will touch Linux ?

Forbye,  I am not convinced that the Operating System is relevant to the WiFi, it should be part of the computer's basic programme. I suspect the Dongle, should I try replacing it first ?

Thanks in advance.


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First I would change the USB port that it's plugged into, many times I've had a USB port go bad.


Then I'd test it in a different computer which I guess is easy to do if you have several computers lying around the place all using identical wi-fi adapters but that probably isn't your situation.


Also plug it into the wifes laptop to see if it recognises it in there.


If none of that works then I'd buy a new one, they're pretty cheap anyway.


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Server Not Found sounds like a DNS error, not a fault with the Wireless Card.


A 'repairer' would have replaced the faulty Wireless Card, not just plugged in a USB Wireless Adapter. I guess he didn't have any cards in stock or simply didn't know how to deal with the Whitelisting.


Since this is a Linux issue, you can try to post it on the Linux section, if anyone actually goes there.


This is why people go with Windows....more support.


Personally I would fit an inexpensive SSD(from as little as 431 baht), install Windows 10 Pro and possibly replace the Wireless/Bluetooth Combo Card(for neatness). Around 500 baht in total if you leave the current USB card in place. You'll then have a much speedier and easier to maintain laptop.





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Thanks to UKRules,

I moved the Dongle to a different USB port, all is working fine, however I only get 2 or three bars on the signal indicator, where I used to get 4 bars on the possibly faulty port. I will now try to get a new socket fitted.

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3 hours ago, Maybole said:

Thanks to UKRules,

I moved the Dongle to a different USB port, all is working fine, however I only get 2 or three bars on the signal indicator, where I used to get 4 bars on the possibly faulty port. I will now try to get a new socket fitted.

That model laptop has 1 x USB 2 port and 2 x USB 3 ports. it could just be a case of your dongle only operates on USB 2 or 3, and not the other.

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16 hours ago, Maybole said:

As many regulars will have noticed I have recently successfully installed Linux Mint on an older laptop.

Cannot say I noticed at all:-)


That said I too have an old HP G6 that I run Linux Mint on through the wifi just fine. I did have trouble a few years back with the built in wifi card, but these are dirt cheap on the net to buy and easy enough to replace yourself like I did. Saves faffing about with dongles sticking out the side of the laptop. Must say I was mighty unimpressed with HP and won't be buying them again tho.



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An update, I once again lost the internet although indications showed a firm connection to the router. I moved the dongle back to its previous position in the right hand port and all worked perfectly with an improved signal indicated.

I suspect that the dongle has an intermittent fault which is reset by repositioning it

I will by a new one.

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1 hour ago, Maybole said:

An update, I once again lost the internet although indications showed a firm connection to the router. I moved the dongle back to its previous position in the right hand port and all worked perfectly with an improved signal indicated.

I suspect that the dongle has an intermittent fault which is reset by repositioning it

I will by a new one.

Sometimes you can squeeze the connector a little (the metal casing bends quite easily) which will ensure a better connection....not too much though, and maybe clean the contacts.


Worth a shot...also the contacts on the laptop side might use a clean, solved a few issues for me over the years.




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