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lol thanks Alex...for once I feel I have some kindred in my limited views :D

BAF.....but just for the record....Im in thailand....have always been here........but what would I know huh :o

PS> EDIT to add that> IM prolly just one more of those UNMARRIED, UNWANTED thai women :D

Wait up, MiG16, I'm on my way in September.

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:o what century are we living in

more to the point what century are YOU living in :D

And yet more to the point: what COUNTRY are you living in? :bah:

"...more to the point what century are YOU living in?" I might add, what planet and what galaxy? :D

I know where you are living :D Cyberspace.

:D Are you loooonesooome to night.

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lol thanks Alex...for once I feel I have some kindred in my limited views :bah:

BAF.....but just for the record....Im in thailand....have always been here........but what would I know huh :D

PS> EDIT to add that> IM prolly just one more of those UNMARRIED, UNWANTED thai women :D

Assuming you really are a Thai female: can you repeat, slowly, that you actually believe that in current day Thai society a 40 yo woman has as many chances to find love and get married in Thailand as a Western 40 yo woman has in the West..? :o

[i know at this point I should ask you what kind of knowledge do you have on the West since you "have always been" in Thailand, but it's fun enough as it is... :D ]

P.S. This is just an anonymous internet board so, can you tell us your age? :D

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get real guy. odds are she a hooker........lol.

we all know yours is different.....lol.

from what i hear not mut hope for 40 year old in thailand. they considered so way over the hill its not funny....lol.

You could very well be the reason there are wars! Maybe if you stopped hearing things and started to look more, you may find a ray of sunshine in your life. I never heard age was a prerequest to the quality of a person. Because she is 40 does not mean she is any less of a person. Which is probably why she is not with you. I wish you well.

all the girls I have known here have email accounts and message board/chat room accounts, they will often just copy and paste the same reply to all the contacts they have, generally they don't tell the truth etc etc.

true senario

Thai girl I know meets english guy after a string of many usually on a 2 week cycle

he likes her falls in love goes home........she then carries on as usual, he thinks she's being a good girl and is sending money (1 of many)

he comes back asks her to marry him, 2 weeks later goes home, sets the arrangement for marrage next visit, she carries on as usual, next she is 2 months pregnant - oh my darling it can only be you my love......................................day before he comes back again for the marrage etc she's been dating this other guy for a while, he has no idea that she is pregnant or getting married in a few days all lovy dovy, guy arrives next day and I see them walking hand in hand as I did the previous day with the other bloke.............if you saw and spoke to this girl ....butter wouldn't melt in her mouth...what a sweetie pie

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Sorry for being blunt, but having read your first post and your replies to some of the responses you got, it seems you aren't as "far from naive, ignorant, or inexperienced in the ways of the world" as you think you are...

If you really have lived for any extension of time in any 3rd world country and you are not one of those blind daydreamers these boards are full of, you should have noticed the many common themes in those cultures and their social dynamics. Asia, Africa, (Mexico and Central and South) America or (East) Europe, it doesn't matter.

Contrary to what you wrote, it seems you aren't really looking for opinions and advices too. Anyway here is mine: 40 years old? Let me guess, her last "relationship" has been with a foreigner...

You are looking for love in the wrong places and in the wrong ways.

Good luck.


It seems you are as "far from naive, ignorant, or inexperienced in the ways of the world" as our lovesick friend :o

The point, lost on you and on others on this thread, was that a farang is what a Thai 40 yo woman living in the LOS needs if she is still looking for love and/or a family (or, more realistically, just the security she hasn't yet got or has lost at 40).

We are, sadly, their best bet. And if they are from the lower classes/education/wealth and/or already married (to a Thai of course...) and/or with children and/or with the physical traits many farangs seem to like but the Thais do not you can say we are pretty much their ONLY chance.

And yes, it does say a lot about us and a lot about the Thais and their values.

P.S. "We" are not all the same of course: I'm around 10 years her junior and I'm as interested in Thai women of my age as the average Thai is, let alone 40 yo... :D

I also happen to share the common accepted Thai concept of beauty. Now, what does that say about me and the average Thai man..? :D

What it says about you and the average Thai man is that your preference for women is a personal choice, limited only by self contained boundries. Whether you find what you are looking for in life is another story, But someone elses choice to persue an interest based on a long learning process, that does not align with yours or the average Thai man, may mean that beauty is more then skin deep, athough I find she does have both.

With reference to looking for love in the wrong places, maybe you could elaborate on that by explaining the right places to look. A bar? A street corner? A hot dog stand on the streets of New York? Where are the right places? If you read my entire post you would have noted that we are meeting to pursue our interest in each other. Obviously, we do like each other enough to want to meet and see what develops, and if all goes well, continue to develop the relationship over time, regardless what others with no interest may think. I can assure you that I, and I am sure her, will not be walking into this without being cautious.

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lol thanks Alex...for once I feel I have some kindred in my limited views :bah:

BAF.....but just for the record....Im in thailand....have always been here........but what would I know huh :D

PS> EDIT to add that> IM prolly just one more of those UNMARRIED, UNWANTED thai women :D

Assuming you really are a Thai female: can you repeat, slowly, that you actually believe that in current day Thai society a 40 yo woman has as many chances to find love and get married in Thailand as a Western 40 yo woman has in the West..? :o

[i know at this point I should ask you what kind of knowledge do you have on the West since you "have always been" in Thailand, but it's fun enough as it is... :D ]

P.S. This is just an anonymous internet board so, can you tell us your age? :D

Apparently age is very important to you BAF. Quantity of years, over Quality of person? But... allow... me... to... remind... you... that... this... thread... is... about... a... 40... year... old... Thai... woman... who... is... far... closer... to... achieving... success... with.... a... Western... man.... than... a... 40... year.... old.... Western... woman... is.... I hope this was slow enough for you?!

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Of course not, blizzard. Consider this for statistics: averaged out by seasons farangs are probably outnumbered 50 to 1 by Thais. Assuming that more than half of all farangs (according to many posts) are geriatrics or freaks or both, a girl would be very lucky to find Mr. Right on the first attempt. So the odds are in the farang's favour which still doesn't stop many from making a wrong choice. More to the point, all you farangs could be using this forum more to inform each other of the pitfalls instead of dumping on each other, as frequently occurs. We could pool our intelligence far more effectively than the locals.

Ok. whos first to post pictures, time, location and how much $$$$ you lost?

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Hi There,

My best advice would be to take your future into your own hands, don't let anyone influence your decision.

You might get lucky, and if not you will have learned a valuable lesson.



p.s. I know this is not funny, but i don't think the OP intended it to be funny.

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95% chance she is playing the Farang Lottery.

Nothing better to do.

And she's probably bought a hundred tickets. No way is this guy the only one she's playing.

What makes you so sure of that? Are all women there the same? Or is there some experience(s) you only have gone through? Would not a trip there be revealing?

Very odd, all the blanket statements, without knowing a particular person

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95% chance she is playing the Farang Lottery.

Nothing better to do.

And she's probably bought a hundred tickets. No way is this guy the only one she's playing.

What makes you so sure of that? Are all women there the same? Or is there some experience(s) you only have gone through? Would not a trip there be revealing?

Very odd, all the blanket statements, without knowing a particular person

You met her over the internet. Do you honestly believe she's only speaking to you? She's almost certainly talking to a dozen other men, luring them into visiting Thailand. She'll see them as they come, and see what she can "win."

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What makes you so sure of that? Are all women there the same? Or is there some experience(s) you only have gone through? Would not a trip there be revealing?

Very odd, all the blanket statements, without knowing a particular person

Of course not all people are the same, same as all men are not the same...

I mean, there must be some Farangs who are married to Thai women in Thailand who don't visit prostitutes behind their wives back, I personally don't know any, but there must be some..............

This thread is about trust right....and Farangs are trustworty !! :o

Jesus H Christ......

Soi 6 in Pattaya is full of trustworthy Farangs who are out playing golf with their friends at the weekend.

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She'll see them as they come, and see what she can "win."

But like most other Thai women, she'll end up with the booby prize.

JR Texas: Howdy! What the hel_l is this all about? Thai women or women? :D What is the difference? They all want to have fun when they are young. :o Then a biological timer goes off and they start looking for security (males with power and money). :D Along the way they think nothing about ripping hearts out of the chests of males they encounter and feeding them to stray dogs and cats. :D Am I realistic or discouraged? :D

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95% chance she is playing the Farang Lottery.

Nothing better to do.

And like most other Lotteries, the chances are she will end up with a loser.

:D Nice one, Maigo :D:o

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if you want to test your girl do as i say.

have her pay half you r communicating bills. phone, internet, etc, whatever means you use. it cant be insignificant as youve been doing it for a while you say.

then you will see if she playing you like a fiddle. money tells all!

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if you want to test your girl do as i say.

have her pay half you r communicating bills. phone, internet, etc, whatever means you use. it cant be insignificant as youve been doing it for a while you say.

then you will see if she playing you like a fiddle. money tells all!

That would be pretty lame, would it? Maigo, was this what you were talking about? :o

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That would be pretty lame, would it? Maigo, was this what you were talking about? :D

Alex, that would be a prime example.

Farangs make me laugh actually, they flock to Thailand cos they can't get white women in their own countries and can use their money power to attract the local females, then they complain about the fact that the local women only want them for money.

Hello.......................... :o

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And as for Farangs saying " Oh wow, I only find Asian women attractive "...................

The reason for that is, you know you have no chance at all with a much younger women in your own country..unless of course you are a rich man, and it that case you would already have a young white woman who speaks your language and doesn't eat insects for lunch.

How many Movie Stars flock to Thailand to look for a wife, how many Multi Millionaires are in Pattaya looking for a girl from Nakhon nowhere.............not many huh...why ?

Cos they have a choice in their own country, that's why! :o

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we trying to help one guy who is not flashing cash. he truly believes his girl cares for him.....lol. we arent talking about farangs in general.

we know in general they look for chicks coz they got money and the villagers dont.

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blizzard's advice to test the lady on an issue involving money is a good idea. But it would be better for him to use some contrived excuse while he is in Thailand (eg. lost ATM card). Certainly, if she requests any sort of financial assistance during the visit run for the airport. However, I suspect requests for money, if that's her game, won't eventuate until he's visited, fallen for her charms which, again if it's her game, will be generously offered, and then returned home. Suddenly there will have been an accident in the family, or sudden unemployment, or a sick buffalo.......

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