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Got some plants from the neighbour but have no idea how to care for them


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2 weeks ago, someone vacated an adjacent condo and the new tenants didn´t want to have the plants my neighbour had. So the letting agent asked me if I wanted to have them because otherwise he would just dispose of them. So, having never ever had any plants myself before, I now ended up with a few of them on my tiny little balcony.


As you can see from the pictures, some of the leaves already turned yellow. I water the plants every 2 days and have this week bought some new soil to top up the pots. My questions are:


- What should I do about the yellow leaves? 

- Should I buy some (liquid) fertiliser? Would it do the plants any good? If so, which product to buy and where? Knowing nothing about these things I went to check on Lazada and Homepro etc but still have no idea which of those countless products on offer would be the right one for the plants I´ve got. LOL


Knowing nothing about "keeping plants alive for longer than a week", I´d appreciate all well-intended suggestions which give those plants at least a tiny little chance of surviving another month. :-))) 







Edited by DUS
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Second foto is a Dieffenbachia, seen everywhere in Thailand. They seem to thrive on neglect, don't need a lot of water. Mine loses its lower leaves regularly.

The third I don't know the name but they need little water.

Buy a general purpose fertiliser in BigC and try with that. Don't over water!


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What sun exposure does your balcony have?  Direct afternoon sun can be too much for these plants and the foliage will get sunburned, especially if water deficit occurs.  If possible, provide shading.  Airflow from the aircon unit will have a drying effect.  Water management and getting that right will be your biggest challenge. Monitor soil moisture daily until you get to know how soon the water in the saucers dries up and the soil dries out.  Watch for wilting of the foliage, evident in the photos, which indicates extreme water deficit. Monitor by watching the water in the saucer, digging into the soil surface with your finger, or buying a 'soil moisture meter', which helps to take the guess-work out of when to water.




Don't leave the probe in the soil or it will corrode, but probe the soil then pull it out and wipe it dry until next use. After you water, the dial should read 'wet'. Don't water again until the dial drops to the lower 'moist' range. Don't let it get to completely 'dry'. 


The yellowing can be due to nutrient deficiencies, especially nitrogen and calcium, but it can also be due to impaired uptake of water and nutrients. Root bound plants in containers are a common problem when the plants are not repotted and upgraded to a larger pot with new soil every year or two. Root rot from overwatering can impair root function. Chemical fertilizers can kill off beneficial soil biology that are vital for nutrient absorption. Since you probably don't know the history of the gifted plants, you should consider buying new pots and enough soil to do the upgrade. 


 A complete balanced fertility program is what you want.  High NPK chemical fertilizer like 15-15-15 tends to stimulate excessive vegetative growth, which looks good, but will be a magnet for mealy bugs and other pests and diseases.  Use slow release organic fertilizer. Worm castings, and bokashi are available. I have used Organic Totto products with great results. But there are others listed on Lazada which I have not used.






I hope that helps. Don

Bokashi fertilizer.docx

Edited by drtreelove
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