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Cambodia’s birth rate in decline due to national development and education

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The United Nations and Macro Trends show that there is a marked decline in birth rates within younger families in Cambodia. In the last two years alone there has been a four percent decrease in the national birth rate, with maternity hospitals seeing fewer birth admissions, a lower infant mortality rate and newborns having fewer medical problems such as defects and diseases at birth.


Since 2016, data shows an overall decrease in births in Cambodia. An increase in education, the cost of living and the country becoming stronger economically each year have all contributed to younger families wanting a better standard of living.


Choun Kimcheng, a doctor from a private clinic in Phnom Penh, said yesterday: “Women now have access to better contraceptive care meaning they have more choice when to have children. Women are also more independent now and go to work to support their families, just as men do.” “Better access to education and a more civilised society are both factors that lead younger couples to make more informed decisions about their families’ future,” he said.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50775691/cambodias-birth-rate-in-decline-due-to-national-development-and-education/

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