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Education visa from Thai embassy to study at a language school

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I am outside Thailand (in the USA) and have been admitted to a private language school in Thailand. They have provided an admissions letter to assist with getting an education visa. However, I see that private language schools are excepted from the currently allowed education visas according to the Thai embassy website. 


"Visa and Certificate of Entry for Non-Thai nationals who are students of formal educational establishments in Thailand approved by Thai authorities, including their parents or guardians, except for students of non-formal schools in accordance with laws on private schools or of any other similar private educational establishments" (emphasis mine)


I could try and get a visa anyway, but I see that I am supposed to book a flight, ASQ and insurance before applying and do not wish to do so if there is no chance of getting a visa. However, interpretations of rules can vary and sometimes things are allowed or prohibited that do not exactly follow the letter of the published rules (like immigration asking for evidence of 20,000 baht at the border upon entry, which rarely used to actually happen). 


So my questions is, has anyone recently applied for and gotten an education visa from a Thai embassy outside Thailand to study at a language school in Thailand? Has anyone tried for such a visa and been denied?


Thanks in advance for helpful responses.


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Since the paragraph you quote is quite specific that an ed visa is not for informal study of the kind you propose, I'd say your chances are slim to non-existent. 

You are not the first to have tried this avenue, and as far as I'm aware nobody has succeeded in being granted an ed visa for studying Thai from outside Thailand since restrictions began. 

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As your original post indicated, entry is currently not allowed for ED visas based on non formal schools such as language schools, so I think your chances of getting a visa and COE are zero with that route.  Don't waste any money applying.


There have been a couple of reports of people obtaining an ED visa and COE and entering Thailand recently with an ED visa from a formal, university level school, studying full time towards a degree. 

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