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Am I Made Of Money?


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Apparently I am, in the eyes of many expats and nearly all Thais.

I work hard and make pretty good money but their are still some who belive I actually am made of the stuff. How dare I complain about scams and petty thievery?

Maybe I'm not a quality expat? I bet a quality expat just like a quality tourist bends over and takes it up the *&^% without ever questioning why it is so painful.

I shall now endevour to never complain about:

Rediculous transportation prices.

If I hear, "Hey you go 5 meters 100 baht." I will gladley pay. Heck there are no taxis at the bottom of the ocean and if their were imagine the price and I bet they don't use meters either!

Bait and switch:

"Oh that price ummm that price is only for ginger lads on Tuesdays."

Far be it for me to argue just because it is listed or written down doesn't make it the gospal right?

Out right theivery:

"oh me solly 25 baht plus, 50 baht, plus 20 baht not equal 350 baht?" "So, solly misteak."

I really do like to live here some things about LOS are truely great but I need to get over the fact that there maybe some complaints. From now on if I don't like every filthy wart and pus oozing sore I vow to get a plane ticket and leave!

After all I checked again and lucky for me I'm made out of money. Phew I thought my skin was just dry.

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It's always rough when those rose tinted spectacles are about to wear out :o , but we've all been there and most of us get over the disappointment. Don't worry to much, you will find yourself in a much better state once you have realized that Thailand might be paradise, but there sure are snakes in there :D

my best wishes for a quick recovery :D

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From now on if I don't like every filthy wart and pus oozing sore I vow to get a plane ticket and leave!

Think how lucky you are to have that choice,............................. then stop complaining!

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I have my Thai partner handle all financial transactions with cab drivers, vendors and restaurant wait persons or any other Thai person we do business with in public. We never have a problem. Amazingly simple. I take care of the other financial matters.

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Has anyone else noticed the scammers are working overtime these days?

3 days in a row, a taxi didn't use the meter. Of course, I never mention it and only pay what is on the meter.

If it says 0, then that's what I pay. Not going to play that game.

I've been here 15 years and the ripoffs are at an all time high. No?

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When things seem bad, and those little irritations start to niggle and a vex a person; I always like to sing a little song to myself, and suddenly the clouds will open, and the birds start to sing, and....

(Join in, everybody!)

Song: My Favorite Things Lyrics

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels

Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

Silver white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites

When the bee stings

When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad

[Repeat all verses]


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When things seem bad, and those little irritations start to niggle and a vex a person; I always like to sing a little song to myself, and suddenly the clouds will open, and the birds start to sing, and....

(Join in, everybody!)

Song: My Favorite Things Lyrics

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels

Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

Silver white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites

When the bee stings

When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad

[Repeat all verses]


I think an award for the most subtle piece of humor I have read in a long time is in order.

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Has anyone else noticed the scammers are working overtime these days?

3 days in a row, a taxi didn't use the meter. Of course, I never mention it and only pay what is on the meter.

If it says 0, then that's what I pay. Not going to play that game.

I've been here 15 years and the ripoffs are at an all time high. No?

Are you serious? Have you actually refused to pay the taxi after the trip? What was the taxi driver's reaction?

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Has anyone else noticed the scammers are working overtime these days?

3 days in a row, a taxi didn't use the meter. Of course, I never mention it and only pay what is on the meter.

If it says 0, then that's what I pay. Not going to play that game.

I've been here 15 years and the ripoffs are at an all time high. No?

Are you serious? Have you actually refused to pay the taxi after the trip? What was the taxi driver's reaction?

If the meter says zero, why should I pay?

If they follow me into the store/restaurant.... I will fork over 35bt and tell them to learn how to use a meter. Make sure he loses major face.

Maybe they will think twice about scamming the next Farang, though I doubt it...

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Are you serious? Have you actually refused to pay the taxi after the trip? What was the taxi driver's reaction?

Yes of course he/she has done it, 3 days in a row according to him/her .

It must be true, it's on an anonymous internet forum, right.................. :o

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Most taxi trips in Bangkok seem to cost 80 baht, so just give him 80 bhat next time. This is what I do when I get a taxi:

1. Choose I nice new shiney one. I like those pink ones. The bashed up old ones always seem to have drunken lowlife driving them.

2. Open the door and in perfect Thai ask him if he will take you to where you want to go.

3. If he agrees, get in.

4. Make sure he switches on the meter.

5. Maybe you can tell him which way you would like to go if you know the route or wish to go by Expressway.

6. Try not to talk to the guy unless you really have to. Most of them are friendly and honest, but some if you tell them too much its a opportunity to get something out of you.

7. Give them the money for the tollway as you approach the booth so you dont have to add it on to the meter fare at the end.

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I prove to them that I have no money, even if I have to tell a big white lie. Occasionally I go to a favorite shop to buy something for, let's say, 85 baht. I make sure that I have exactly 85 baht in small bills and change, no more. When the check-bin time comes, I say in terrible accent, smiling, "Mai mee 'tang!!" Then I scrounge around and finally come up with 85 baht, turning my pockets inside out, and say again, "Mai mee 'tang!!"

Let Thais hear you say, "I cannot buy that. I don't get my money until next week." Ask them to lend you some cash until payday. Prove it. Show up at the bar in the pouring rain in a motorcycle, and don't be wearing the $129 Ducati rainsuit. Don't pay for 100-baht items with a 1000 baht bill all the time. Everytime I pay sip baht for the swimming pool, I announce to the attendant, "sip baht" as if that's a notable amount of money.

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