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Tourism - The Honeymoon Period is Over!

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After more than a decade of frequent travels to Thailand,  I have concluded that the Honeymoon period is over, brought on  a little early due to covid for the following reasons:


1.political termoil . The 3 finger sulute...say no more.

2. Response to covid. Figures are low cos of limited testing is low. Opening the borders prior to a vaccine, may result in the downfall of the current dear leader. If figures reach that of Europe. In short, the Thai health structure is simply not designed to handle a pandemic.

3.There remains covert hostility towards the falang....no matter how much money you spend or invest, you have no right to own property, unless your Thai.

4. The Thai bhat remains strong ,and continues..no incentives appear to be in place to encourage tourism. Instead the opposite...having loads of money is a key requirement 500,000 for a 3month  visa stay. If the expectations you will be spending 5000 a day. People that stay  for 3 months and have 500,000 plus  are not the same people who spend 5000 a day in a country where less than 1000, is enough to relax and enjoy good food and drink minus lady entertainment ????


It's the 2 or 3 week tourist..that on overage spends 5000 a day.. the type of tourist that keeps the Thai economy on its legs. Regrettably,  this fact appears lost perhaps due to being lost in the midst of an pandemic and political turmoil.


5. Last but not least the apparent banning of pornhub..maybe just the beginning, taking away a form of pleasure entertainment from the masses and future generations..will only exacerbate feelings. As for trying to control the masses... It's to late.. today's and tomorrows generation of youth , are smart and very tech savvy to be controlled by H2O cannons...it's a battle that only can be won by suppression as in HK .And if that happens, then the end of tourism as we know it will follow.



Plan to travel outside of the Thai comfort zone, over the next 2 years  to other South Eastern countries. I say 2 years cos it may take that long before Covid has been fully addressed with an effective vaccine..remembering that it's the additional 12 month period after the vaccine has been made available that counts...no good having a vaccine, if the possible side effects, maybe just as bad as  what it's trying to prevent..... only then will the penny drop and changes and tourism incentives will follow to bring back the falang!



Maybe although, maybe a waste of time...but it's reality , not as you would like, but it's still reality. It is what it is, sad but true.


For those that wish to look at tourism through rose tinted glasses...thats your prerogative to do so. 




9 minutes ago, San888 said:

Maybe although, maybe a waste of time...but it's reality , not as you would like, but it's still reality. It is what it is, sad but true.


For those that wish to look at tourism through rose tinted glasses...thats your prerogative to do so. 




Not even close to reality. Good luck with your plan to travel to other SE Asian countries. Their borders are closed too.

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