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Kind of a confession I guess: I listen to Thai Music...

Almost impossible to avoid when living with a Thai wife, but even when by myself I do pop a Thai CD in the car or (like right now) listen to Thai music on the web.

http://www.ethaimusic.com/lyrics/156.htm (playing right now - this site comes complete with transliterated and sometimes translated lyrics)

Let's *claim* that I primarily see it as language-training, with the added benefit of having a couple of Thai songs in the back pocket when in karaoke bars...

What about you guys? Thai music?

/// DFW

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Out of the closet I come...

I too like Thai music (gulp)

I used to ridicule it with a passion but a year spent in Hat Yai saw me 'get into' the China Dolls (Oh oh oh jeb, anyone?) and Catalina English (dow do do do do dow, you know the one I mean?! didn't think so, its these tight trousers)

I often find myself humming some ditty about boy meets girl, falls in love, has affair / terrible heavy rice grinding machine near-fatality, falls out of love, left with feelings of regret and massive irrepairable tissue damage.....sniff

I think today I am wet, and I don't mean sexually. :o


It's kind of funny because I totally dig the sometimes very funny, risque/obscenish, totally rural hick Isarn look thung mor lam watchamacallit music, but my girlfirend can't stand it. :o

And then there's Westernized Euro-dance look thung... :D Like this one with the brilliant "Welcome to Thailand" (How are You) song. Bloody masterpiece that, love the Thai accent in the English lyrics. Go buy or download it somewhere. (this one)




I enjoy my Carabao cds , Smile Buffalo, Beau, Maleewan and some Christina ,

occasionally some Mai (dare I say Hee-yai (thai joke)) whilst sipping on a creme-de-menthe does wonders for my gout.


I do not speak thai but once while visiting Bkk I heard a song that I just got to have!!! it is by the artist called Bird... and a big thank to dfwbkk for the link.... :D:o


Bert (pom mai me fan), loso (mai by pantip) and ooooooooh tanokon (spelling?)

OOOOOOOOh has the best voice I have ever heard from a Thai singer and the song "hooa Jai gadart" is brilliant.

I have quite a few cds in the car and when out in Thai social circles I tend to show off a bit :D

oh oh jeb was also a favourite of mine, maybe me and fatter than can start a boy band :o


In my bar fly days i used to hear a song that just creased me up with laughter, a friend of mine (bar owner) used to play it... cant remember the artist or the title but it was a p1ss take of the bar girl thing... "oh my tirak, sen me money" kinda thing... yeah i guess it was a bit lame, and not really a thai song.. just had to share that with you all.

Yeah that Bird whatsitsname track is quite good, havent a clue what hes singing about but i like the tune.. the TGF reckons the singer is gay... he looks a bit gay to me so she could be right.

I think any ThaiVisa.com boy band will need a decent manager, and for the right quantity of chang i could be convinced to do it. Unless you need a super sexy guitarist, then i might actualyl play in the band.


Ok, I'm in.

Please note that on the rider I want a real live cow in my dressing room.


Riders - the list of requests provided by bands to venues of their backstage requirements - have long been the source of stories of rock and roll excess.

The riders can include anything - stage design, sound systems, and food and drink. But over the years they have also included snooker tables, washing machines, or the entire redevelopment of the stadium's dressing rooms.

"The bigger stadium bands are guilty of asking for some very ridiculous things," music journalist Julian Spears told BBC World Service's The Music Biz programme.

For example, the rock group Jane's Addiction, on their latest tour of America, asked for a room with an "earthy, velvet/velour-type atmosphere."

They also asked for washing machines and a room to jam in for two hours before going on stage - which had to have a "contemporary black leather atmosphere with potted indoor plants."

Pop icon Madonna once demanded - and got - her hotel room painted in a different colour.

Meanwhile one opera star - sadly anonymous - told her promoters that her dressing room was not big enough. Consequently a wall had to be knocked down and the room rebuilt.

With some stars, no is simply not an answer they want to hear.

"The bigger the star you are, the more you can have what you like," Mr Spears said.

US singer Christina Aguilera insists on different types of Flintstone sweets wherever she goes.

American group Korn, meanwhile, ask that a "rock-friendly" lawyer, doctor and dentist be present at all times.

Tales of rider excess range from extravagant to the bizarrely picky.

US rock band Limp Bizkit insist that all the lamps in their rooms be dimmable, while Mariah Carey insists on having bendy straws as she will not use straight ones.

And rockers Van Halen insist that back-stage celery is trimmed and not peeled.

Smaller bands can be demanding too. British band Mogwai once asked for a framed picture of Star Wars' Princess Leia.

Pop group The Polyphonic Spree ask for 200 bottles of water at the end of every performance - although given the size of the 23-strong group that may not be too outrageous a request.

Dance star Moby, meanwhile, is particularly keen on fresh underwear being available for the end of his sets. In fact, socks are very popular on riders for many acts at festivals - due in part to the conditions the bands are often playing in.

However, one band most famous for their use of socks - US rockers the Red Hot Chili Peppers - prefer a meditation room and a selection of aromatherapy candles.

Even those without such a rock star image can be demanding.

As well as demanding a plain dressing room - so his dedicated fan club can turn up and decorate it - American crooner Barry Manilow requests that the air temperature in the auditorium be kept at a regular 65 degrees.

Not all stars are so demanding, however.

US singer Beck, for example, contents himself with two packs of rice cakes, a container of hummus, bottles and cans of water, and some plain yoghurt.


Pah, I used to like Beck too!


He's good is Beck.

Anyway, thai artists I like...

Loso (Sek) - He's living in London at the moment.

Also have Cd'c be Peter, Bird and Saturday Seiko among others but want to get my mits on some of that traditional warbling that sounds like it is accompanied by accordion and Yamaha keyboard. You hear it played in Taxi's all the time.

Yeah that Bird whatsitsname track is quite good, havent a clue what hes singing about but i like the tune..

well u can find some translations in the website of the OP.

Some lyrics are actually quite funny.. :o and eventually can someone familiar with the Thai lifestyle can explain to me the watermelons reference? is it something thai in the song "ma tam mai" (Why did you come?) ?? :D:D Thanks! :D

B: ล้อเล่นๆ ก็ไม่ได้เป็นอะไร งอนกันไป ให้เธอเข้าใจเสียที

lor-len len gor mai dai ben a-rai ngon gun bai hai ter kao jai sia-tee

I'm just teasing you. There's nothing wrong really. It was just to make you understand.

J: มีแตงโม มาฝากตั้งมากตั้งมาย

me dtang moh ma fark dtung maak dtung mai

I have a lot of watermelons for you.

B: แตงอะไร ไม่อยากไม่รู้ไม่ชี้

dtang a-rai mai yaak mai roo mai chee

What kind of melon? I don't want to know. I don't care.

J: กินแตงโม จะได้ Smile สักที

gin dtang moh ja dai smile suk-tee

Eat the watermelon so that you can smile.

B: แตงคนดี ไม่เอา ไม่เอา ไม่เอา

dtang kon dee mai ow mai ow mai ow

'Daeng', you are a good person. I don't want. I don't want.


I'm quite a fan of Tata Young , however her latest album is in English, so don't know if that can be classified as Thai music, but not bad anyway. Check out the Sexy,Naught,Bitchy Video here. My favourite Tata song has to be Shot from the imaginatively named album Tata Young.

I have to confess to also liking the song Worn by The Peach Band. It's sweet, just click play in the top right of the screen. :o


Hehe - thats another one i kinda like...

I'm quite a fan of Tata Young ,... Check out the Sexy,Naught,Bitchy Video
I've tapped my foot to that one...
J: กินแตงโม จะได้ Smile สักที

gin dtang moh ja dai smile suk-tee

Eat the watermelon so that you can smile.

I asked.. the reply i got was it calms you down... cool heart and all that.

Sounds plausable :o


Chonabot -> (dare I say Hee-yai (thai joke)) - big is it? :D:D:D

Could take or leave Loso, but like the new album with Pee Bird doing vocal.

Like Carabou - don't know why though (?)

Absolutely love Nicole (Theriault) - have all her CDs and VCDs.

Like the China Girls if I'm in a fun mood - especially "oh, oh, oh". Great vids too.

Used to like Rapter (Raptur?) - but not heard anything for a while. My wife hates them.

Wifey loves Gott (in every way!) and puts me through the torture of having the CD on loop! :D

I like to go to the Issan bars in BKK and listen to the live bands. My wife hates it because she can't speak the lingo (neither can I, but the bands often do some great guitar stuff - rifts), hardly any tourists and fun staff, "make mine a bottle Mekong and ice water - I'll pour my own thanks, I like to see a colour change in the water". :o


I don't care at all for all the love ballads, booooring. Boy and girl bands suck, no matter where they are from. Most of the rock music sounds just like rehash of standard rock.

I like morlam, unique to Thailand. Rhythmic, the synth sounds can be a bit crappy sometimes but I guess that s what makes up the morlam sound. Jintara and Rock Saderk are my favorite female singers. I still have many more to discover.

*cough*.... I also like the old thai stuff, *cough* wartime music with brass sections and totally out of tune double bass. I guess most of those artists are dead by now. You can often see these cd's on sale in the small music stands outside shopping malls. My cd collection includes these, all the way to Frank Zappa.

Sheik Yerbouti :o


LOSO has to be number one, specially the early raw stuff. Bird, Taxi, Tanapon, Xanax, Thrash project (do they still exist) and mor ram when I am in the mood. Got used to Carabao, my friends like it. Some more traditional Isaan music, can't read the names, though.

And who is the one with the sexy voice singing: tchop, tchop...

Yeah that Bird whatsitsname track is quite good, havent a clue what hes singing about but i like the tune.. the TGF reckons the singer is gay... he looks a bit gay to me so she could be right.

Bird or Bert ?

A little stroy about him.

The prince and his wife went to see a Bird or Bert concert quite a few years back.

The Princes wife gave flowers to Bird or Bert and the Prince was in a jealous rage and had Bird or Bert brought to him. The Prince then had all of his hair cut off and banished Bird or Bert out of Thailand for so many years............... ask your wives they will give you the run down......... BTW, Bird or Bert is gay!


Bird - Thongchai McIntyre seems to be his original name ... and he seems quite young?

personnally I really do not care whether he is gay or not, I like his music, the rythmn and even the lyrics because they make me smile...( translated into english of course... I know nothing of Thai language :o ) ...

He is said to be also an accomplished t.v. and movie actor. ... ??

Bird - Thongchai McIntyre seems to be his original name ... and he seems quite young?

personnally I really do not care whether he is gay or not, I like his music, the rythmn and even the lyrics because they make me smile...( translated into english of course... I know nothing of Thai language :o ) ...

He is said to be also an accomplished t.v. and movie actor. ... ??

yes he looks great for his age, but he is much older than he looks, around 47 I think!

Bird - Thongchai McIntyre seems to be his original  name ... and he seems quite young?

personnally I really do not care whether he is gay or not, I like his music, the rythmn and even the lyrics because they make me smile...( translated into english of course... I know nothing of Thai language  :o  ) ...

He is said to be also an accomplished t.v. and movie actor. ... ??

yes he looks great for his age, but he is much older than he looks, around 47 I think!

Yes, he's very old. Never knew that he was gay, so thanks for that info, but it doesn't come as a shock. He's quite theatrical.

Bird - Thongchai McIntyre seems to be his original  name ... and he seems quite young?

personnally I really do not care whether he is gay or not, I like his music, the rythmn and even the lyrics because they make me smile...( translated into english of course... I know nothing of Thai language  :D  ) ...

He is said to be also an accomplished t.v. and movie actor. ... ??

yes he looks great for his age, but he is much older than he looks, around 47 I think!

Yes, he's very old. Never knew that he was gay, so thanks for that info, but it doesn't come as a shock. He's quite theatrical.

Dang - I had no idea!

I felt compelled to look it up and he's actually turning 46 this December.

Youngest kid out of 10 siblings - good going there Mr McIntyre!! :o

Albert Thongchai McIntyre Biography

/// DFW

he's actually turning 46 this December.

wow!! incredible!!!! :D ... But then do most Thai people look way younger than their "birth age" ??? or is he an exception??????

Wish I knew what his "secrets" were :o:D

Wish I knew what his "secrets" were  :D  :D

he doesnt drink, smoke and always swallows :o

so girls, there is a message in his youthfull madness, take heed!

sorry for being crass, the door was open :D


got the newest BIRD-SEK cd and finally admit ... i like the songs (gay singer or not, i do not care).

(did i also mention that it has been my (ex????) g/f's favourite song and this is maybe the main resaon why i cannot stop to play his songs even in my car ??? :o )


aaahhh...forgot to ask:

my real no.1 song on this BirdSek-cd is title # 7.

unfortunately ethaimusic does not have english translation for this song (but only title #1).

anyone here got an idea about where to find translation (elsewhere) ???

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