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Too Bad About Stickman

Ulysses G.

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I really miss Stickman's weekly column, although I didn't agree with him on everything. Many people I know would faithfully wait for it to come up every Sunday night.

Just think, one dirt-bag with a vendetta ruined this enjoyable free entertaiment for the rest of us! :o

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Some creep who called himself "John Galt" or "Not Stickman" started taking the piss out of Stickman's columns every week on his own website and then published his real name, place of employment and pictures of his fellow employees with suggestive comments. No one knew what he was going to do next.

Stickman decided to stop doing the Weekly Column. :o

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Stickman was obviously on dodgy ground with two rather conflicting jobs...

The Summers guy is in real need of a severe hiding for what he did though. This story has been done to death on other forums and Thailand websites.

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Stickman decided to stop doing the Weekly Column. :o

Stickman re-started the weekly column about a month ago.

You are correct, but it is called "Stick Mark II" now for some reason, so I didn't recognize it when I was looking for it before. Welcome back Sticky!

Yes, this was talked about a lot when it happened, but that was quite a while ago and I was wondering what was happening with him now-a-days. Now I know! :D

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However reading her new Stickman column leads me to believe that the person writing it now is not the same that was doing so previsouly. I base my opinion on the gramatic mistakes, recent errors about immigration policy and the style of the writing that seems to have changed. The old Stickman was pro.

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Who cares. Only read a couple of things by stickman and found them boring and done to death topics. The only reason i visited his site was beacuse some one over the years posting a link here. As said before. Its been done to death.

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Stickman is a member here. I PM'd him not long ago to tell him what I thought of that prick Keith Summers.

Summers deserves an ass whooping.

I wrote him and told him so.

He's a moron to communicate with....knows nothing of Thai culture.

He told me he is commonly referred to as "kee nok farang" around his village......said it was a term of respect and endearment.......I never heard from him again, after I told him it translates as "bird shit foreigner"

What an idiot.

And if you'd like to drop him a line and tell him what you think.....

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Who cares. Only read a couple of things by stickman and found them boring and done to death topics. The only reason i visited his site was beacuse some one over the years posting a link here. As said before. Its been done to death.

Typical middle class English English teacher who marries a Chinese Thai woman he meets in a bookshop, with glasses and thinks he knows all about Thailand. The type that refuses to get on a red bangkok bus - what a nob.

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He's a moron to communicate with....knows nothing of Thai culture.

He told me he is commonly referred to as "kee nok farang" around his village......said it was a term of respect and endearment.......I never heard from him again, after I told him it translates as "bird shit foreigner"

Actually it doesn't mean that when properly translated and it is "farang kee nok". :o

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Some creep who called himself "John Galt" or "Not Stickman" started taking the piss out of Stickman's columns every week on his own website and then published his real name, place of employment and pictures of his fellow employees with suggestive comments. No one knew what he was going to do next.

Stickman decided to stop doing the Weekly Column. :o


I don't really like his website although I do think he is very smart and capable.

But to do something like that is really evil!

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He's a moron to communicate with....knows nothing of Thai culture.

He told me he is commonly referred to as "kee nok farang" around his village......said it was a term of respect and endearment.......I never heard from him again, after I told him it translates as "bird shit foreigner"

Actually it doesn't mean that when properly translated and it is "farang kee nok". :o

My Thai wife disagrees. enlighten me.

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Mark , the new writer, is not stickman, heck stickman was married to a lady from Chiang Mai , this guy is with a lady from Udon. Then the style is different, remember that some part of the weekly columns are written by a couple of guys helping the website, but when you read some personal stuff, you can clearly see that's a different person.

Maybe stickman sold it..who knows..

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Mark , the new writer, is not stickman, heck stickman was married to a lady from Chiang Mai , this guy is with a lady from Udon. Then the style is different, remember that some part of the weekly columns are written by a couple of guys helping the website, but when you read some personal stuff, you can clearly see that's a different person.

Maybe stickman sold it..who knows..

He's a member here......called "Stickman" (go figure.)

ask him!

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nothing wrong with stickmans old musings , whoever wrote them , better written and more informative than trink , even if it was the same old stuff over and over again.

it was a bit like the lowbrow uk press , you dont want to read them , but you usually end up having a look.

the bozo who attacked him was just that , a bozo.

and whats wrong with marrying a chinese thai and avoiding the red bus ?.. he knows just as much about thailand as the falang that lives in a moo baan , drives a car without insurance , can swear in local thai and pontificates tediously all the time about how going native is the only way to go ...... reverse snobbery at its finest.

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He's a moron to communicate with....knows nothing of Thai culture.

He told me he is commonly referred to as "kee nok farang" around his village......said it was a term of respect and endearment.......I never heard from him again, after I told him it translates as "bird shit foreigner"

Actually it doesn't mean that when properly translated and it is "farang kee nok". :o

My Thai wife disagrees. enlighten me.

It's 'farang kee nok' and yes it translates as bird shit foreigner but that's not it's meaning, i don't know where your wife comes from if she does not understand it.

It's a term used for stingy or unruly foreigners and comes from the name of a type of guava fruit (farang). Hence, farang (guava) in itself is not meant as being derogatory but if you refer to someone as 'farang kee nok' which like i said is a variety of guava fruit it gives a negative meaning to the person.

I hope this enlightens you.

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'farang kee nok" is a type of guava tree tht grows where you would not expect it. It grows maybe in the middle of a mango orchard as the seed has been transferred by birds eating the seeds and then shitting.

Some Thais will say it when they see a farang upcountry, where they would not be expected.

I've also heard someone asy that it means a farang without any money, as the farang kee nok fruit has very little meat - ie a poor man's guava.

Strange as when my first daughter was born in bamrunrad hospital, I went to the toilets and two <deleted> walked in and said "farang kee nok". It's not exactly cheap! I was wearing my work suit, and a good one too. When I challenged them they refused to admit that they said it(what a surprise).

But I'm not Thai, could be wrong.

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Just finished reading this thread. Have never heard of "Stickman" before, must have been missing out on something. Did a google search and came across some old threads about him. He sounds like the guy that used to write for Bangkok Post as "Night Owl", but retired a numer of years ago.

I tried entering "Stickman" on my browser navigation window, and surprised it went to the correct web site. Something else to do now

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he knows just as much about thailand as the falang that lives in a moo baan , drives a car without insurance , can swear in local thai and pontificates tediously all the time about how going native is the only way to go ...... reverse snobbery at its finest.

Knows as much as the retired dental technician who thinks he's Bill Gates.

This is getting tiresome -

I don't live in a moo baan.

My cars have always had 2nd class insurance.

I don't swear in Thai.

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farang kee nok. FYI: kee has a double meaning; can mean excrement but is also a classifier or descriptive word for people who do things. Eg bai gap kee lot . card for person who drives vechical (driving license). kee meaning person. farang is a play on words: farang gin farang. farang eats guava (or chewing gum). Same play on words. farang kee nok. farang that goes around like a bird from tree to tree. backpacker or person travelling on a budget with backpack (eg does not wish to spend much money travelling around).

Stickmans postings were always interesting and worth reading. I mean you dont take it too seriously, enjoy the read, and maybe you learn something new or have some insight on something or see someone elses point of view. You dont have to agree with it, but always a good read. Someone shooting him down and exposing his personal life is an assh#le. However if you have such a high profile on the Internet you are exposed to these types of idiots.

Nothing stays the same; you can see the changes in Thailand as time goes by. Now I think Bangkok Thais are becomming much like westerners. They have to manage their incomes and be stingy with their money like farangs :o Ironic considering the concept of farang kee nok. Everrthing becomes more expensive and Thais have to budget and manage their outgoings :D So who is the kee nok now that everything is so expensive and salaries dont increase inline?

Country Thais are different from Bangkok or city Thais. Which is the 'right' Thai? Well both I guess :D

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farang kee nok. FYI: kee has a double meaning; can mean excrement but is also a classifier or descriptive word for people who do things. Eg bai gap kee lot . card for person who drives vechical (driving license). kee meaning person. farang is a play on words: farang gin farang. farang eats guava (or chewing gum).

Your a bit confused here.

"kee" in, bai kap kee rot, here means 'ride'. it is ขี่ not ขี้

ขี้- a prefix used with negative character traits eg.

ขี้เมา kêe mao (drunk)

ขี้เหนีอว kêe neeao (stingy)

ขี้อย่ากรู้ kêe yàak rúu (nosy)

ขี้เกียด kêe gèeat (lazy)

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Thanks for that! You should always be able to learn something new and learn from others :D Should I be อิจฉา you? Sometimes I give up on Thai; its so difficult and will take a lifetime to learn to speak well :o

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and whats wrong with marrying a chinese thai and avoiding the red bus ?

Neeranam's had a personal hardon for the Chinese since I can remember. More than one racist rant from him in the archives.

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so what was the guys excuse for giving stickman these problems????

I think his mommy used to dress him up in girl's clothes. That kind of thing can be difficult to deal with.

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Stickman’s writings were overall very good – there are few sites on the internet that conveyed as much real world practical info as his did. I too did not agree with some of his writings, but so what – one can find a hundred write-ups one a hundred different subjects and level much the same argument.

Stickman had (and has) far more understanding and experience of Thailand than many of those who saw to criticize him – John Galt must be high up on that list. JG was well out of order to put Stickman on the public plinth in the manner he did. It was done for no other reason than to have a dig at him at a personal level – a personal level that quite frankly was distasteful, and said more about JG than it did about Stick’

Whatever literal translation one wants to give to “farang kie nok” - bird shit or worth nothing: it conjures up much the same impression – an impression which if the locals where he lives really did say about Galt, summed the guy up rather well.

It was far more out of order than anything he tried to pin on Stickman.

Stickman’s insight of Thailand and the way he communicates that experience is very good.

His website has a lot to offer newcomers to this country.

It was his experience – we are all entitled to disagree with it if we wish, but there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it – and JG certainly went about it the wrong way.

I wish Stickman well – good on you Stick’.


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There's a user on this forum with a name of "notstickman", but not sure if it's actually bellend himself.

Stick's weekly read wasn't too bad. Enjoyable is a bit of an overstatement, but good to see he's got it back together. Thought his wife was from Korat though?

If you're going to call something "mark 2", as in "version 2", isn't it supposed to be worded "Mk. II" ?

/edit - wording.

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so what was the guys excuse for giving stickman these problems????

I think his mommy used to dress him up in girl's clothes. That kind of thing can be difficult to deal with.

Yes, it can take its toll on a person, but I think it is more attributed to a medical complication. Unfortunatley, SHORTLY after cicumcission, infection set in. The doctors felt that it would be best to amputate a significant portion of the infected tissue in order to save JG's life. JG is now & forever, half a man, in literal terms.

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