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Govt Readies For Lawsuit Against Youtube


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From Youtube Terms of Use

C. In connection with User Submissions, you further agree that you will not:

...(iii) submit material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate;

I think that was the article that Thais wanted to base their lawsuit on.

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ten will get you five this removal don't fly .....................................

A little birdy has told me that in fact nothing has changed on youtube. It sounds like the youtube executives were just placating the ranting and raving loony bin minister. I think it'd be pretty humorous to see it go to court though. I wouldn't be totally surprised if the minister made up or exaggerated youtube's response to save face over being pretty much ignored the past few months.

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I wouldn't be totally surprised if the minister made up or exaggerated youtube's response to save face over being pretty much ignored the past few months.

:o i didn't say that ,

even if I may think same ...........................

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The Information and Communications Ministry has dropped the criminal lawsuit it planned to file against Google today after the internet giant officially informed Thailand that it will remove controversial video clips from its YouTube website. ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom said yesterday that he had received a letter from Google's vice-president Kent Walker to this effect.

--Bangkok Post--

Bangkok Post Article

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Utter and total crap.

The usual big-mouth, smug, self-important, big-shot Thai shooting off his mouth to impress the peasants as to how powerful he and his buddies are (subtext: stay in line and tug on your forelocks a lot because even huge, international companies bow down to our power). The poor jerk doesn't know one site from another and, just as a matter of interest, there is no such thing as 'a criminal lawsuit' either.

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It's interesting that they announced it being illegal to use proxies to view "illegal" sites and then immediately after that claim a big victory over youtube. Interesting indeed..maybe they are trying to convince Thais that they have won while they keep youtube banned anyhow so they can save face and hope that no Thais will check and see for themselves.

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Utter and total crap.

just as a matter of interest, there is no such thing as 'a criminal lawsuit' either.

I am not sure that is correct in Thailand.

In the west libel and slander are civil matters,

in Thailand they are criminal and you can go to jail.

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ten will get you five this removal don't fly .....................................

A little birdy has told me that in fact nothing has changed on youtube. It sounds like the youtube executives were just placating the ranting and raving loony bin minister. I think it'd be pretty humorous to see it go to court though. I wouldn't be totally surprised if the minister made up or exaggerated youtube's response to save face over being pretty much ignored the past few months.

Yes, it would have been interesting to see it go to court and have the letter entered in as evidence that Google promised to remove them and then failed to do so. It also would have been interesting to see Google explain how their Terms of Use, provided by Plus, come into play on the issue.

YouTube expected to remove clips of Thai king

BANGKOK (AFP) - YouTube is likely to remove all video clips deemed insulting to Thailand's king, a government official said Thursday, paving the way to the ban on the website being lifted.

The popular video-sharing site, owned by Internet giant Google, has been blocked to Thai users since early April, when clips showing digitally-altered images of revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej began appearing.

Asked whether Google would remove the clips, Vissanu Meeyo, a spokesman for the information ministry, said: "It is likely."

He was responding to reports on the Bangkok Post newspaper's website that the information minister has received a letter from Google's vice president vowing to delete all clips considered offensive to the monarch.

Vissanu told AFP that information minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudoom would hold a press conference on Friday to disclose the details.

Thailand's government had considered suing YouTube over charges of lese majeste -- insulting the monarchy -- a serious crime here that carries up to 15 years in prison.

The government has been blocking YouTube since the first clip showing the king next to a photograph of feet, considered deeply offensive in Thailand, appeared in April.

The number of clips lampooning the king mushroomed after news spread around the world that Thailand had reacted by banning YouTube.

Thailand's 79-year-old king, almost universally adored by Thais, is the world's longest-reigning monarch, and one of the few who is still protected by tough laws that prohibit any insult against the royal family.



Government drops Google lawsuit

The Information and Communications Ministry has dropped the criminal lawsuit it planned to file against Google today after the internet giant officially informed Thailand that it will remove controversial video clips from its YouTube website. ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom said yesterday that he had received a letter from Google's vice-president Kent Walker to this effect. The letter said the company did not want to encourage any wrongful act and promote hostile feelings as a result of the video clips depicting His Majesty the King, the minister said.

Continued here:


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ten will get you five this removal don't fly .....................................

A little birdy has told me that in fact nothing has changed on youtube. It sounds like the youtube executives were just placating the ranting and raving loony bin minister. I think it'd be pretty humorous to see it go to court though. I wouldn't be totally surprised if the minister made up or exaggerated youtube's response to save face over being pretty much ignored the past few months.

Yes, it would have been interesting to see it go to court and have the letter entered in as evidence that Google promised to remove them and then failed to do so. It also would have been interesting to see Google explain how their Terms of Use, provided by Plus, come into play on the issue.

Google wouldn't have to explain anything because they are located in a different country with its own laws. If Thailand wanted to force them to do something they'd have to bring something more to the table than a kangaroo court criminal charge. I'm just waiting until Thailand oversteps its bounds big time through some more overt aggressive action towards another sovereign nation. Thailand is really treading the line closely with nations like Burma these days.

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ten will get you five this removal don't fly .....................................

A little birdy has told me that in fact nothing has changed on youtube. It sounds like the youtube executives were just placating the ranting and raving loony bin minister. I think it'd be pretty humorous to see it go to court though. I wouldn't be totally surprised if the minister made up or exaggerated youtube's response to save face over being pretty much ignored the past few months.

Yes, it would have been interesting to see it go to court and have the letter entered in as evidence that Google promised to remove them and then failed to do so. It also would have been interesting to see Google explain how their Terms of Use, provided by Plus, come into play on the issue.

Google wouldn't have to explain anything because they are located in a different country with its own laws. If Thailand wanted to force them to do something they'd have to bring something more to the table than a kangaroo court criminal charge. I'm just waiting until Thailand oversteps its bounds big time through some more overt aggressive action towards another sovereign nation. Thailand is really treading the line closely with nations like Burma these days.

Which is why they were considering filing the complaint in an international court.

I'm just waiting until sovereign nations show respect to the deep-rooted feelings of other nations, when decency outpaces profit-margins. I guess I can expect a longer wait then yours.

America is really treading the line closely with uhmm... no other nation really. The animosity they are generating world-wide with countless countries is unparalleled.

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Google Sends Apology Letter to Thai Government, Promises to Take Down Video Clips

In a bid to avoid any lawsuits and hostile feelings, Internet search giant Google has agreed to take down all anti-monarchy videos from its YouTube website.

In a letter addressed to Thailand’s Information and Communications Technology Minister, Google’s vice president Kent Walketer said that “the American company did not want to promote hostile feelings over the Internet video clips,” reported the Bangkok Post.

This action is seen as a means to end the ban that Thailand had imposed on the popular video sharing website since digitally enhanced videos lampooning the Thai king emerged last month and to also drop the lawsuit the Thai government had filed against Google whose company slogan is “Don’t do evil.”

According to the Bangkok Post a Google official had confirmed that although it might take a while to find all the video clips uploaded on YouTube, they will be removed eventually.

However, as of yesterday evening, majority of the offensive videos were still available for viewing said the Bangkok Post.

Although the lawsuit from the government has been dropped, it is not known if the pending charge from the National Police Office will be dropped as well.

The much revered Thai king is the world’s longest-reigning monarch and is protected by tough laws against any insult on the royal family.

Source: SDA Asia - 11 May 2007

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Which is why they were considering filing the complaint in an international court.

There are no laws internationally that would have upheld any Thai criminal court ruling. Even if by some obscene fluke if it did go through there's nothing they could do to enforce it.

I'm just waiting until sovereign nations show respect to the deep-rooted feelings of other nations, when decency outpaces profit-margins. I guess I can expect a longer wait then yours.

America is really treading the line closely with uhmm... no other nation really. The animosity they are generating world-wide with countless countries is unparalleled.

The constant America bashing sounds more like penis-envy to me.

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YouTube bows to Thai king

YouTube is likely to remove all video clips deemed insulting to Thailand's king, a government official said today, paving the way to the ban on the website being lifted.

The popular video-sharing site, owned by internet giant Google, has been blocked to Thai users since early April, when clips showing digitally-altered images of revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej began appearing.

Asked whether Google would remove the clips, Vissanu Meeyo, a spokesman for the information ministry, said: "It is likely."

He was responding to reports on the Bangkok Post newspaper's website that the information minister had received a letter from Google's vice president vowing to delete all clips considered offensive to the monarch.

Vissanu told AFP that information minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudoom would hold a press conference on Friday to disclose the details.

Thailand's army-backed government had considered suing YouTube over charges of lese majeste - insulting the monarchy - a serious crime that carries up to 15 years in prison.

The government, which came to power after a September coup, has been blocking YouTube since the first clip showing the king next to a photograph of feet, considered deeply offensive in Thailand, appeared in April.

The number of clips lampooning the king mushroomed after news spread around the world that Thailand had reacted by banning YouTube.

Thailand's 79-year-old king, almost universally adored by Thais, is the world's longest-reigning monarch, and one of the few who is still protected by tough laws that prohibit any insult against the royal family.

The YouTube ban came a week after a Thai court jailed a Swiss man for 10 years for insulting the monarch by vandalising his portraits.

But the king later pardoned the man, who was then deported from Thailand.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald - 11 May 2007

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Which is why they were considering filing the complaint in an international court.

There are no laws internationally that would have upheld any Thai criminal court ruling. Even if by some obscene fluke if it did go through there's nothing they could do to enforce it.

thanks, but just the same, I'd put more faith in that absolute-worded assessment if it came from someone well-versed in the complexities of international law

I'm just waiting until sovereign nations show respect to the deep-rooted feelings of other nations, when decency outpaces profit-margins. I guess I can expect a longer wait then yours.

America is really treading the line closely with uhmm... no other nation really. The animosity they are generating world-wide with countless countries is unparalleled.

The constant America bashing sounds more like penis-envy to me.

"constant"??! :o uhmm, the other post of my bashing my own country would be where?

Granted, in retrospect, I should have just simply skipped past your ridiculous comparison to Burma.

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"constant"??! huh.gif uhmm, the other post of my bashing my own country would be where?

If you're American and if Thailand is so awesome for you why don't you do us all a favor and renounce your citizenship.

Granted, in retrospect, I should have just simply skipped past your ridiculous comparison to Burma.

In what way is it ridiculous? Here are the similarities for you to consider..

increasing lack of basic free speech or right to assembly

heavy state censorship

imprisonment to those that overstep poorly defined speech laws

military and police actions that violate human rights

antagonistic military junta

politicians and powerful families behind the scenes are basically just kleptocrats

propaganda dissemination

industry that is controlled through oligarchies.

theft of patents and IP from sovereign nations

poorly defined business laws that change to favor Thais when it's convenient.

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I sympathize with Thailand on this, even if the lawsuit is misguided because it makes a mountain out of a mole hill.

Countries, within very, very wide limits, should respect the sovereign rights of other countries to be more conservative socially or to be anything else.

The overwhelming cultural imperialism of the US causes it far more problems across the world than its misguided campaign in Iraq.

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The overwhelming cultural imperialism of the US

Can't recall the last time someone was forced at gunpoint to watch Friends or American Idol.

That's what makes me laugh about these people. They will complain endlessly about American imperialism over a nice cup of starbucks, watch the latest hollywood movies wearing their A&F shirt with levis, and possibly work for an American based company or conglomerate. Meanwhile their own culture is usually creating an even poorer imitation of those that they claim to hate so much.

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The overwhelming cultural imperialism of the US

Can't recall the last time someone was forced at gunpoint to watch Friends or American Idol.

That's what makes me laugh about these people. They will complain endlessly about American imperialism over a nice cup of starbucks, watch the latest hollywood movies wearing their A&F shirt with levis, and possibly work for an American based company or conglomerate. Meanwhile their own culture is usually creating an even poorer imitation of those that they claim to hate so much.

lawsuit dropped after youtube agreed and pulled the offensive matterials

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ICT to sue creators of clips mocking King

Information and Communication Technology Ministry threatens to sue the creators of videos mocking His Majesty the King that posted the clips on YouTube.

ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom said authorities wanted to charge those posting the video clips with lese majeste, the crime of offending a monarch, a serious offense punishable by 15 years imprisonment.

"The police will ask for information from the company to file criminal charges against them," he said.

More from the Bangkok Post here.

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"We have the deepest respect for His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej," Google wrote in a letter to the ministry. "We likewise respect Thailand's law and tradition and hope that we will be able to reach a mutually acceptable resolution to the current controversy."

- International Herald Tribune

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In a letter released by Sitthichai, Google said it had examined 12 videos that Thai authorities found offensive.

Six had already been removed, and the company was willing to remove four others that appeared to violate Thai law, according to the letter.

The company would leave the remaining two that appeared to contain political opinions.


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More details :


Now, ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom says authorities wanted to charge those who posted the mocking video clips with lese majeste, the crime of offending a monarch, which is punishable by up to15 years imprisonment.

"The police will ask for information from the company to file criminal charges against them," he said on Friday.

Mr Sitthichai did not say what might happen if YouTube refuses to hand over the information. A decision by YouTube or its owners to give such information to the Thai government would earn Thailand and Mr Sitthichai a firestorm of criticism across the Internet, and by civil rights groups around the world.

Questions :

-why relaunch again the controversy, now ? Google sent a letter to say that it will remove some (not all) videos. It could have solve the problem.

-why relaunch again the controversy with such an extreme and laughable stupidity ?

It's insane to believe that a US court could impose a US internet provider to hand over to the thai gvt the identity of the people who uploaded those videos.

So, what is the point of the thai ICT minister ? What does he really want to achieve ?

Do they want to make "noise", on the international scene, like a diversion ?

Or are they really totally dumb ?

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Questions :

-why relaunch again the controversy, now ?

There's nothing to prove in this except to raise the ire of LOTS of people who do care about freedom of speech on the internet.

It's insane to believe that a US court could impose a US internet provider to hand over to the thai gvt the identity of the people who uploaded those videos.

Isn't this the same moron who said the internet wasn't important? I don't think he understands the internet at all or the backlash this will cause to Thailand. He's a blathering simpleton.

Or are they really totally dumb ?

I think there's a good possibility that he really is that brain dead. If you look at Thai ministers barely a single one has the credentials of being a doorman in the developed world. Yet here they can rant and rave to a full national audience of ignorant people kept hidden from the realities.

Speaking of which if Youtube releases private information they will be in direct violation of U.S. law. On top of that they will probably be dragged in front of a U.S. hearing committee just like Yahoo did over the journalist incident. There's no way that reprecussions won't be handed down if a foreign country tampers with U.S. laws and sovereignty.

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All the videos are still online...


Is it possible that the last insanity of our ICT Minister (ask the identity of YouTube users in order to sue them) makes Google to think twice... And reassess the situation (in a letter, they wrote that they would remove almost all the offensive videos)... ?

I believe it could be possible.

This lunatic minister is dammaging deeply the image of Thailand abroad. And worst : he shows absolutly no sense of diplomacy and restrain... This silly story could have been discussed quietly.

On the contrary, Sitthichai is doing everything he can to make the situation boiling, to make more noise, to create more publicity (bad of course) etc.

Now, YouTube and Google should stand, and tell him to go back to the rice field leo leo.

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Sounds like someone is trying to portray himself as the great defender of Thailand. Regardless of how ridiculous he looks to outsiders, this may play well when and if elections are held again. After all, the outsiders who think he's making a general fool of himself, and damaging Thailand's image are not the ones he's playing to. We can't vote.

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