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marriage visa extension

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Hello everyone! I want to extend my NON-O Visa based on marriage. This is my second extension and I want to know if the requirements are the same as the first extension and also IF I CAN EXTEND for the 60 days period in case I need more time to prepare the bank account, docs, etc. I mention that I extended already for 60 days BEFORE the 1 year stamp. Thanks!



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No changes for the requirements to apply for a extension of stay based upon marriage. But your local office could change their documentation requirements so best to check with them.

You could apply for the 60 day covid 19 extension and then the one year extension if you need more time. 

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7 minutes ago, danielshv said:

thank you so much, Joe! Can I apply for 60 days extension in the last days of my visa?

You can apply for the 60 day extension of stay (it is not a visa) during the last 2 weeks of it at most offices.

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  • 1 month later...

Friend of mine needs to do his 1st extension of his Non-O Visa (issued in the UK based on Marriage) & wasn't aware that he wouldn't be able to use his UK Bank account for proof of funds so is now too late to "Seed" the money. 


Appreciate any advice on the following questions:

  1. Can he use his UK Bank account or does it have to be in a Thai Bank Account?
  2. How long does the money need to be seeded for (I'm sure I'd read that it only had to be there on the day for a Marriage or Dependency Visa, but Googling brings back either 2 or 3 months depending on which Legal firm you read). 
  3. Would it be possible to use a Joint Bank Account (with his wife) that he uses in Thailand & if so how much would he need (would it be double the 400K like is is with Retirement Non-O's)
  4. What other option will he have if he's unable to get a 1 year Marriage Visa (This will be the very 1st Extension for him so he hasn't used the 60 day one for visiting his Family + he has a Thai child so could he get a 1 year dependency  Visa)
  5. Failing being able to extend for having a Wife/Child, can he get a 60 day Covid Extension  

I should add that he's looking to open a reasonable sized company up later in the year so will need to get a Work Permit to run it etc... Hence he's trying to avoid getting into the situation where he'd need to leave & come back on a Non-B if possible hence he went for the Marriage Visa rather than the Non-O for retirement. 







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4 minutes ago, fishtank said:

400,000 in a Thai bank for 2 months before application.

Bank account in his name only. Not joint.

Can get a 60 day extension to visit Wife.

This would give the required 2 months needed for seasoning.

400,000 baht in thai bank 

so this 400k cannot be touched for 2 mths right ? 


i cant put 400k in , then later take 50k out and put back in again ?


its a must 400k for 2 mths , please advise 

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100% essential to keep the 400,000 in the bank 2 months before application

If it drops under 400,000 even for a day you will be refused.

Some offices  want the 400,000 to remain in the bank for the under consideration period also. Usually one month.

Edited by fishtank
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