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Part Time Thai School.


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I am tired of being treated like a dumb tourist, i feel that if i spoke more thai people would take me a little more seriously. My learning curve has platoed with my girlfriend and now im not learning any more thai but becoming very competent in tinglish.

Can anyone recomend a part time thai language course or know of a retiered thai teacher willing to do private lessons. I cant do full time courses because of my work scedule.

Thanks for you help. Cheers

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Here's a good tip: Directly across from Carrefour on Central Road is the new and very efficient Pro Language School (a branch of their 8 year operation in BKK) offering 1 week free lessons.

Check it out and see how you like learning there. The nice aspect of learning from a teacher is you learn the nicest pronunciation of all the words. Not that Ebonics Issan village stuff...

edit: I can speak Thai very well these days and I do get to meet a better crop of Thai ladies as a result. I pity the newbie tourist who gets stuck with the hardened pros who speak better English than most or with another newbie who can't speak a lick of English.

Edited by freckle
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Thanks alot for the info freckle and bazz. I will definetely check out those places. They sound like what im looking for.

Though ive heard that falangs speaking amature 'high thai' can be sometimes difficult to understand, but you have to start somewhere i guess.

I suppose anything must be better than 'Bar Loas' or 'Bar Esan' which makes me feel like im speaking like a retarded 4 year old.

No offense intended. cheers

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Thanks alot for the info freckle and bazz. I will definetely check out those places. They sound like what im looking for.

Though ive heard that falangs speaking amature 'high thai' can be sometimes difficult to understand, but you have to start somewhere i guess.

I suppose anything must be better than 'Bar Loas' or 'Bar Esan' which makes me feel like im speaking like a retarded 4 year old.

No offense intended. cheers

My wife says i speak isaan with good isaan accent, it is easier to me to learn than straight thai too, i so cant hear the tones with thai it all sounds the same

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I am currently taking lessons twice a week in a class with 4 other expats. 30 hours for 4500 baht. The teachers name is Yok and she is excellent. You can contact her at 089 1664899. She also gives private lessons.

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Yeah bazz no offense towards loas or esaan people, i was talking about my own laughable attempts at speaking and understanding bar talk. Where did you learn to speak esaan? That would be a skill worth having. Would it be easier to learn esaan first or thai?

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