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Do You Drink And Drive?


Do you get behind the wheel after having a few?  

57 members have voted

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Yes I do!

Am I proud of it - NO!

I think with the relaxed laws here in Thailand, it does not deter you from doing it.

Yes I understand That I could be classed as a menace to society, but I drive well drunk or sober and am very carefull......

If there was an honest Tuk Tuk driver in my area, I would pay the fee.........

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I've been driving after a few for a few years. Do take it more careful - have never been in an incident while DUI but at the same time couldn't stand living with myself if I should ever cause an accident due to being inebriated...

Been pulled over a couple of times here in Texas while on the piss. Cops are so relaxed (unless you're sh-t-faced). Sir, have you been drinking tonight? Yes officer, I have, just trying to find my way home...1 more block and I hit my bed :o "Well OK son, just be careful, OK?" Yes, Sir! As long as you're straight with them they'll be OK. Legal limit btw is 0.08 (4 times the legal limit in Sweden)..

/// DFW

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I also drink and drive, but under the legal limit. My favourite barman is always big help in this regard. If I am too pissed to drive, I will take a cab. Or go crash somewhere closer than my place. Good excuse for not coming home though.

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For me there is no choice to vote, as this thread presumes that all people are drinking usually alcohol, except (maybe) when driving.

This thread and vote is excluding the few people, who do not drink at all.

Please add one choice more in the poll. Thank you!

In Thailand it is somehow normal, to drink, when you drive....and not to drink, when you are not driving....driver needs fuel, same as the car.....I do not know if there is any fine or regulation about it in Thailand, as I do not drink anyway.

Maybe somebody can explain about the legal regulations, too.


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the question is;do you get behind the wheel after having a few?

This question is not for us and it is also not interesting if a non-alcohol consumer is behind the wheel.(only than if he is under drugs or has no license.But that is another question)

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Darn.. I already feared I phrased that last option WAY too attractive for people to resist. :D

Yohan wrote:

> This thread and vote is excluding the few people, who do not drink

> at all. Please add one choice more in the poll. Thank you!

I did actually consider you before posting, and especially for you I decided to re-phrase the first option to the way it is now, so that you could vote! After all, you don't drink a drop when you're going to be driving don't you? :o Originally I phrased it as 'I don't drive after I've been drinking'. This would indeed have left you out. :D

Oh yes, in general: Not all polls apply to all people, Yohan. I'll be doing a poll next about what percentage of women gave birth naturally compared to a caesarian. Would you like an option for yourself in that poll too? :D



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Never drink and drive. My wife drives or I get a cab.

I have been driving 17 years (since 17), but do not consider myself a good driver - I'm an OK driver.

I drive too fast and perhaps too aggresively. I have never had an 'at fault' accident - well in a car anyway (bikes are a different matter :o ).

My wife is a very good driver. She is safe and yet doesn't pootle. I feel much better dozzing in the passanger seat while she drives. She does not drink.

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If there's one thing wrong with this poll then I'd say it would be that it makes no difference between Bangkok and other places.

Like in Bangkok it doesn't take all that much effort to manage not to drink and drive as taxis are cheap and plentiful and pretty much piled up sky-high at any bar or pub area. And you probably don't want to drive your own car and then find a parking space to begin with.

When you live upcountry though, then your own car or bike is a helluvalot easier than taking whatever mode of public transport is available there.

Just a thought.

(So maybe the Bangkok people can imagine a scenario where they're upcountry with the car at some wedding or other party, drink some and then decide if they'd drive back to their hotel or leave the car and hitch a ride. )

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Darn.. I already feared I phrased that last option WAY too attractive for people to resist. :D

Yohan wrote:

> This thread and vote is excluding the few people, who do not drink

> at all. Please add one choice more in the poll. Thank you!

I did actually consider you before posting, and especially for you I decided to re-phrase the first option to the way it is now, so that you could vote! After all, you don't drink a drop when you're going to be driving don't you? :o Originally I phrased it as 'I don't drive after I've been drinking'. This would indeed have left you out. :D

Oh yes, in general: Not all polls apply to all people, Yohan. I'll be doing a poll next about what percentage of women gave birth naturally compared to a caesarian. Would you like an option for yourself in that poll too? :D



This thread goes to quick.I meant to referto your statement that not every poll is for everybody

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the question is;do you get behind the wheel after having a few?

This question is not for us and it is also not interesting if a non-alcohol consumer is behind the wheel.(only than if he is under drugs or has no license.But that is another question)

But maybe it is interesting to see how many non-alcohol consumers are driving a car in Thailand.....

Are there any?

This was my idea when reading the subject called:

Do You Drink And Drive?

OK, sorry

Oh yes, in general: Not all polls apply to all people, Yohan. I'll be doing a poll next about what percentage of women gave birth naturally compared to a caesarian. Would you like an option for yourself in that poll too? 

Cheers, Chanchao

I recommend you to post this poll in the FARANG GIRLS section. I do not post there, and will not vote there....

Do you know why? Shall I explain now everybody on this forum every single reason, why I do not post anything in the FARANG GIRLS section? :o

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You should only drink and drive when you are too pissed to walk :o

Absholutey true, Dr.

Well I admit it, in BKK I do hop into my car and drive home. Selfcontrol and experience force me, 'no experiments, no speeding, no fight with taxi drivers', not too slow, it is the first give away for any police control around the world.

When my wife is with me, I let her drive, unless.... her alcohol tolerance is quite low.

Frankly speaking, if the police would be as strict in law enforcement, I would do the same as in Europe, leave the car at home. In Thailand, as long as you don't have an accident you have usually no problem, except during specially law-enforcement-weeks, when I do not want to be the first farang shown on Bangkok-post cleaning the road in front of the city hall.

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I recommend you to post this poll in the FARANG GIRLS section. I do not post there, and will not vote there....

Do you know why? Shall I explain now everybody on this forum every single reason, why I do not post anything in the FARANG GIRLS section? :D

NO! please spare us from your long winded reasons :o

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the question is;do you get behind the wheel after having a few?

This question is not for us and it is also not interesting if a non-alcohol consumer is behind the wheel.(only than if he is under drugs or has no license.But that is another question)

But maybe it is interesting to see how many non-alcohol consumers are driving a car in Thailand.....

Are there any?

This was my idea when reading the subject called:

Do You Drink And Drive?

OK, sorry

Oh yes, in general: Not all polls apply to all people, Yohan. I'll be doing a poll next about what percentage of women gave birth naturally compared to a caesarian. Would you like an option for yourself in that poll too? 

Cheers, Chanchao

I recommend you to post this poll in the FARANG GIRLS section. I do not post there, and will not vote there....

Do you know why? Shall I explain now everybody on this forum every single reason, why I do not post anything in the FARANG GIRLS section? :o

Jeezus Yohann. Are you anti everything ? You'd be a sad soul to be stuck on a fishing trip.

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Not any more. There are too many drunks on the road in LOS now and I need any edge I can get. If I do have any bevies, let the missus take the wheel...

Same here, but don't take the car when I am going to drink, and drink 1 or 2 small Sings when taking the car. Had a drink and drive accident 8 years ago and really learned my lesson.

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Wandering off topic a little with this one, but I'm curious.

Thai women who don't drink at all: are there many BGs or who work in that mileau who are teetotal?

In non-BG society is it common for Thai women to drink or is it regarded as indecent?

And amongst men - the fifth Buddhist precept if non-consumption of intoxicants. Are there many non-monks who abide by this strictly?

Also, if you'll tolerate spinning even further off topic, how many BG/ex-BG/non BG women are non-smokers?

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Wandering off topic a little with this one, but I'm curious.

Thai women who don't drink at all: are there many BGs or who work in that mileau who are teetotal?

In non-BG society is it common for Thai women to drink or is it regarded as indecent?

And amongst men - the fifth Buddhist precept if non-consumption of intoxicants. Are there many non-monks who abide by this strictly?

Also, if you'll tolerate spinning even further off topic, how many BG/ex-BG/non BG women are non-smokers?

Are you serious?

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Jeezus Yohann. Are you anti everything ?  You'd be a sad soul to be stuck on a fishing trip.

Dr. Patpong,

The subject here is 'Do you drink and drive?'

I also think, that people, who do not drink at all, should post here their opinion. Is this so funny?

I expected such replies like yours. I am against alcohol, so it means for you, I am anti-everything....or a sad soul, ...... I heard such arguments against me many many times.

If a person is not on 0.0 promille level, I am even against driving....

I remember the surprised face of a full-drunken 19 yrs guy with his new sportcar at 0300AM back from a disco, who crashed into the full-size-45-seater bus, which I was driving with our delegation some years ago. Regrettable, this young man cannot post anything here, because he died quickly.

Feel free to compare it with a caesarian birth, because emergency services had to cut the car into two parts to remove his remains....(150 km/h)

I am a sad soul? Maybe - It is better to be a sad soul sometimes - I feel responsibility for other people's health, who are sitting with me in the car or bus, when I am driving.


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Begs Posted on Fri 2004-06-18, 13:24:28

  QUOTE (Yohan @ Fri 2004-06-18, 17:56:45)

Do you know why? Shall I explain now everybody on this forum every single reason, why I do not post anything in the FARANG GIRLS section? 

Here go's

Why Yohan, why do you not post? 

Pan to girl running in slow motion, her hands outstretched, a pleading look in her eyes. "nooooooooo Begs, nooooooooo, don't doooo iiiiitttttt" :o

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Wandering off topic a little with this one, but I'm curious.

1. Thai women who don't drink at all: are there many BGs or who work in that mileau who are teetotal?

2. In non-BG society is it common for Thai women to drink or is it regarded as indecent?

3. And amongst men - the fifth Buddhist precept if non-consumption of intoxicants. Are there many non-monks who abide by this strictly?

4. Also, if you'll tolerate spinning even further off topic, how many BG/ex-BG/non BG women are non-smokers?

1. Yes, but there are other options

2. Both, in different contexts

3. No

4. Quite a few

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