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2007 Wet Season Early


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The wet season is not due till July

any one have ny idea why is is 2 months early this year

How long is it expected to continue

No matter which way I turn every one seems to have a really bad cold

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The wet season is not due till July

any one have ny idea why is is 2 months early this year

How long is it expected to continue

No matter which way I turn every one seems to have a really bad cold

Seems normal to me

Check it out :


You sure you didn't get sold the wrong tourist guide ?

Ireland maybe ?

Can happen , especially if you have a cold when you ask.


PS Great avatar :D

PPS You sure it's colds , not bird flu ? Apparently that's a problem

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The south west monsoon is supposed to arrive somewhere between may and july and depending where you are in LOS rain will start somewhere this time until november when it's supposed to be dry except in the south where they also have to face the north-east monsoon from november to january.

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I distinctly remember it raining during and after Songkran last year, so if it is early, it's at least the second year this has happened.

I don't think there's any hard and fast rule about when the rains will start. Some years they come early, some late, sometimes it rains for a month or so, then stops for a month or so, then starts again., and so on...

All quite unpredictable.

A bit like England :o

Personally I love the rain, it cools everything down, and out here in pollution free Pong, where we don't get in each others faces, no one seems to have colds.

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I think it depends where you are. Even where I am 15 kms inland from Pattaya, we get a lot more rain than Pattaya does. A lot of the rain is very localised, and it can be raining in Bangkok, and not along the east coast, or it can be inundating parts of Issan for weeks, and we don't have any down here, and so on...

I'm sure Chiang Mai has different weather patterns too.

As I said, I don't see any difference this year to last year. (Before that I was in Bangkok.)

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I have noticed this too. Typically you will get some rain this time of year, but I reckon it's been much wetter so far. Friends in the UK have been telling me that it has been one of the dryest April's in history. Maybe we are getting their rain...

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It is entirely possible that the weather will get hot again for an extended period...maybe even a month with no rain.

I hope so considering it's El Niño year... I was hoping for a long hot season!

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No matter which way I turn every one seems to have a really bad cold

rain does not cause colds. drafts are causing colds. avoid fans and most important avoid sleeping next to an open crack.


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