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Capture One Express

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Has anyone used this program?


I really don't wish to spend time on editing, just cropping and some basic tools which this program has.


If there is anyone in Pattaya who would be willing to come and spend a few hours getting me started i would be most grateful and i am willing to pay or donate some cash to a local charity.


I am aware there are many tutorials online, but after hours of going round in circles i can't even get the photos imported and am at the point of giving up. I must be doing something wrong, but i have no idea at all.


Thanks in Advance



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Chrissables,  can't help with the tuition aspect as I have the full Capture One version for Fuji and am just starting out with it myself with a goal to learn it this year. I bought an instructional e-book as a reference guide and for when I get more proficient with the basics,  ( 600 pages - groan),  My starting point though is just to use Capture One's own instructional videos starting obviously with the basics. I watched a couple in advance and they look ideal, I find visual learning easier as I can stop, replay and start the videos over and over until I work out how to do something at my own pace. 


The same thing applies to the Express version, just looking they have a 7 minute video explaining the very basics which seem to be mainly what you are seeking. Look under the help menu on the home screen or just go on their website and look for their instructional videos. They are designed for new starters like me and you. 


Appreciate you mention having tried videos, but I think the key is to use Capture One's own resource. Import a file, edit a file ( total basic sliders on the standard right side panel), save and export a file, that's really all you need. 


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47 minutes ago, kinyara said:

Chrissables,  can't help with the tuition aspect as I have the full Capture One version for Fuji and am just starting out with it myself with a goal to learn it this year. I bought an instructional e-book as a reference guide and for when I get more proficient with the basics,  ( 600 pages - groan),  My starting point though is just to use Capture One's own instructional videos starting obviously with the basics. I watched a couple in advance and they look ideal, I find visual learning easier as I can stop, replay and start the videos over and over until I work out how to do something at my own pace. 


The same thing applies to the Express version, just looking they have a 7 minute video explaining the very basics which seem to be mainly what you are seeking. Look under the help menu on the home screen or just go on their website and look for their instructional videos. They are designed for new starters like me and you. 


Appreciate you mention having tried videos, but I think the key is to use Capture One's own resource. Import a file, edit a file ( total basic sliders on the standard right side panel), save and export a file, that's really all you need. 


Hi, i have followed their videos, the problem has been that when i click on something to follow the video the program does not do the same.


I have imported and ready to edit, but all the sliders are not working, i can do nothing. I have uninstalled and reinstalled to try again, but they remember your last account and the same settings come back.


I'm sure the basic editing is simple if i ever get to try, but first the catalo and now the editing tools not working is beyond a joke for me, it should a fun learning experience.


Thanks ????

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7 hours ago, chrissables said:

Hi, i have followed their videos, the problem has been that when i click on something to follow the video the program does not do the same.


I have imported and ready to edit, but all the sliders are not working, i can do nothing. I have uninstalled and reinstalled to try again, but they remember your last account and the same settings come back.


I'm sure the basic editing is simple if i ever get to try, but first the catalo and now the editing tools not working is beyond a joke for me, it should a fun learning experience.


Thanks ????

Jeez, that sounds like bad news, hope I don't experience the same. I take it the version you have is compatible with the version of the operating system you have on your computer. Like you say learning and using should be fun not a headache. Best of luck, wish i could help. 

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6 hours ago, kinyara said:

Jeez, that sounds like bad news, hope I don't experience the same. I take it the version you have is compatible with the version of the operating system you have on your computer. Like you say learning and using should be fun not a headache. Best of luck, wish i could help. 

Yes, i have a fuji camera and the fuji software. 


For sure i have accidently clicked a button somewhere that has caused this issue. That is why i thought uninstalling would help. But they have your email stored and on reinstall it opens with exactly the same issue. Not as it did the first time.


I will try photoshop elements i think. I can use without the catalog which suits me, i am waiting to see if my camera is compatible, as i have read of some issues. If not i can use picasa, but i wanted something a bit more advanced than that.


Thanks ????

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chrissable: if you're using a Win laptop to edit jpegs try Picasa3 . It's the best I've ever used for basic photo editing. Very easy to use - crop, straighten, lighten/darken, sharpen/soften, some effects...all very fast & easy. I can whizz through a batch of jpegs spending 10-20 seconds doing basic tweaks on each. 

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5 minutes ago, TSF said:

chrissable: if you're using a Win laptop to edit jpegs try Picasa3 . It's the best I've ever used for basic photo editing. Very easy to use - crop, straighten, lighten/darken, sharpen/soften, some effects...all very fast & easy. I can whizz through a batch of jpegs spending 10-20 seconds doing basic tweaks on each. 

I have that program, and it is good and quick, very quick. I idea was to try to learn a few more skills with Capture Express. But time i have lost going in circles is amazing and and a waste. I am sure it is me, but i fail to see any reason you can open an editor and not one editors slider will work. That should be impossibe.

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9 minutes ago, chrissables said:

I have that program, and it is good and quick, very quick. I idea was to try to learn a few more skills with Capture Express. But time i have lost going in circles is amazing and and a waste. I am sure it is me, but i fail to see any reason you can open an editor and not one editors slider will work. That should be impossibe.

I have Snapseed on my smartphone and it's very good. I recently d/l Snapseed to my Win 10 laptop. I've tried just about all the major photo editors, if one of them gives me any headaches I just remove it. If they're not user friendly forget it. 

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7 minutes ago, TSF said:

I have Snapseed on my smartphone and it's very good. I recently d/l Snapseed to my Win 10 laptop. I've tried just about all the major photo editors, if one of them gives me any headaches I just remove it. If they're not user friendly forget it. 

I may just stick with picasa, easy to use. ????

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On 1/9/2021 at 4:03 PM, chrissables said:


I have imported and ready to edit, but all the sliders are not working, i can do nothing. I have uninstalled and reinstalled to try again, but they remember your last account and the same settings come back.



When you install Capture One it will install the program under C:/Program Files/Capture One . But it will also install files under C:/Program Data/Capture One. 

Try to uninstall the program again, then delete C:/Program Files/Capture One  and delete C:/Program Data/Capture One. 

Then try to install the program again.  

Just an idea. 


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5 minutes ago, XJ650 said:

When you install Capture One it will install the program under C:/Program Files/Capture One . But it will also install files under C:/Program Data/Capture One. 

Try to uninstall the program again, then delete C:/Program Files/Capture One  and delete C:/Program Data/Capture One. 

Then try to install the program again.  

Just an idea. 


I have actually done that. When you reinstall they have your email, i presume that records along with the licence some details.

I know i am terrible with computers, but it should be impossible to open a photo for editing and all the sliders and greyed out. Why have that option available, and if it is necessary, it should be on there help page explaining how to turn on. 

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