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Urology general question over possible kidney stone....

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Will precis. Because of the Covid restrictions all the consultations are being done remotely including 5 GP discussions plus the hospital consulatant here in UK


Now because of the blood tests coming back normal and the marker for Prostate lowest he's seen (his words) they're ruling out potential cancer for now which I've had in the past (18 years ago once) and he's sending me off fo ar CT scan to see if theres a stone somewhere causing the discomfort/distress and urine flow tests for any blockage....Plus after that possible camera insertion which I've had before, more than enough times....


My question for anyone who has had a stone what symptoms where you getting initially  ??  I dont want to say what I'm getting as dont want to "lead"


I appreciate if there is one and it moves theres a world of pain coming lol but am asking about prior to that period ??





To be confused with possible prostate problem the suspected stone would likely be in bladder not kidney.


A stone in the bladder can obstruct urine flow the same way an enlarged prostate does causing the same symptoms: inability to fully empty the bladder and a persistent need to pee. In severe blockage difficulty peeing altogtrher and pain from a distended bladder.



1 hour ago, Chivas said:

My question for anyone who has had a stone what symptoms where you getting initially  ?

i had a very large kidney stone that was too large to pass. the first symptom was a pain in my lower back right side. minor at first. maybe 10-15 minutes of this followed by a very bad stomach ache sort of pain center abdomen. Then the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. far worse than broken bones. the pain was so horrible all I could do was roll up in a fetal position on the ground and yell for help. once the pain began it did not let up until i got to the hospital and got a shot of morphine. 


The second time was similar only the stone could pass.  again pain in lower back, then a super horrible knife like sharp pain in spasms. again morphine drip followed by super strong pain killers for home.


from the Mayo clinic:

"Signs and symptoms of kidney stones can include severe pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills and blood in your urine. A kidney stone usually will not cause symptoms until it moves around within your kidney or passes into your ureters"


i did not have any of these symptoms except severe PAIN.


my kidney stone experience was so bad the the only medications I brought to Thailand seven years ago was pain killers for a possible repeat.



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29 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

i had a very large kidney stone that was too large to pass. the first symptom was a pain in my lower back right side. minor at first. maybe 10-15 minutes of this followed by a very bad stomach ache sort of pain center abdomen. Then the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. far worse than broken bones. the pain was so horrible all I could do was roll up in a fetal position on the ground and yell for help. once the pain began it did not let up until i got to the hospital and got a shot of morphine. 


The second time was similar only the stone could pass.  again pain in lower back, then a super horrible knife like sharp pain in spasms. again morphine drip followed by super strong pain killers for home.


from the Mayo clinic:

"Signs and symptoms of kidney stones can include severe pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills and blood in your urine. A kidney stone usually will not cause symptoms until it moves around within your kidney or passes into your ureters"


i did not have any of these symptoms except severe PAIN.


my kidney stone experience was so bad the the only medications I brought to Thailand seven years ago was pain killers for a possible repeat.




Thanks for that. At the moment and will precis I'm getting this below and have been for now 2.5 months slightly longer


Ludicrous amounts of urine compared to amount consumed

Burning sensation on and off peeing

Pain end of penis on and off

Do have back pain but damaged that 41 years ago and have had it on and off ever since

Heaviness from groin area for want of a better description

Just general discomfort 24/7 on and off


No abdomen pain that I have noticed though

9 minutes ago, Chivas said:


Thanks for that. At the moment and will precis I'm getting this below and have been for now 2.5 months slightly longer


Ludicrous amounts of urine compared to amount consumed

Burning sensation on and off peeing

Pain end of penis on and off

Do have back pain but damaged that 41 years ago and have had it on and off ever since

Heaviness from groin area for want of a better description

Just general discomfort 24/7 on and off


No abdomen pain that I have noticed though

how about very sharp pains? like a knife with no warning? this would be really horrible pain. you will not be able to function. if you have a stone after talking to your doctor, you should drink huge amounts of lemon juice. I did this and one of my stones disappeared after a month or so. 

they can see your stones with ultra sound. 


"Lemon juice helps break up kidney stones and dissolves them so they can pass easily from the kidney to the bladder through urination. It contains a natural antiseptic that helps prevent bacteria growth in the kidney, therefore reducing the chance of infections occurring."



You could have a bad infection.

I had a prostate infection that took several months to get better.

Maybe not as severe but similar symptoms to a stone.  A urine sample did not show infection and after about a month of a bunch of tests ( camera, blood, ultrasound, etc.), I painfully in the Doctors office provided a semen sample.  A culture of the sample showed a major infection. 

A month on Cipro and it was gone.





I agree it sounds more like an infection though no doubt the doctors are evaluating that.


You say you think you are urinating less amount than you should based on intake but do not mention any difficulty emptying your bladder. If there was blockade due to a stone in the bladder, the bladder would be distended  and uncomfortable and you'd feel that when you pee, the bladder is not emptying. Pressing in your lower abdomen (near groin) would oprovke discomfort and a feeling of needing to pee.


If there was blockage in one of the kidneys due to a stone there you'd have considerable pain in the back or abdomen

21 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

I agree it sounds more like an infection though no doubt the doctors are evaluating that.


If there was blockage in one of the kidneys due to a stone there you'd have considerable pain in the back or abdomen

I agree with Sheryl and NCC1701A.


I had kidney stone(s) about 2 years ago and it was the pain in the abdomen that was the problem. 
Mostly a problem when i was lying down e.g. going to bed. Had to use pain killers to sleep.

As stated by NCC1701A they can use ultrasound. My diagnosis was confirmed by Ultrasound.
I was lucky. Started to consider if surgery may be necessary, and had a CT scan to check the extent of problem.
Just the day before CT scan, I had felt better. On having the scan they could not identify any stones.


Perhaps a miracle,  but more likely the stone had managed to pass through.
I had been taking lemon in my green tea for a few weeks. I guess this may have helped to start dissolving the stone(s).

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