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Things That Irritate Me


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What irritates me? - The hessian sack cloth I wear due to my strict religious beliefs. It tends to chafe a bit, but its worth it to show my love for all things abstemious and godly. :D

things that irretate thais that dont turn up for work,worse thais that break appointments and dony call :o

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And the wine, I hope. I'm no pushover. :D

Sure, just dont be too fussy k.

Me really cheapskate bummer student. Can only afford cheapskate wines.

So what would it be? Red? White? Rose or Riesling?

The cheapest grape would taste like nectar in your cherished company, my dear. No need to strain your limited budget for me. BTW, don't be taken in by maigo's smooth talk, he's a notorious philanderer and doesn't know squat from cooking. He always tries to move in on my prospective conquests.

what irritates me? people who engage in protracted dryhumps on Thaivisa threads.

there are PM's, there is a chat function. get on the nest together if you wish, but spare me joy of reading it.

to speculate, does anyone else see a similarity between the monikers "viciouskitty" and "graceless fawn"?

i suspect the only real difference is a couple of tequila shooters

Having a bad day, t.s.?

nope, just on topic

LOL, you are indeed having a bad day, if others bantering is irritating you.

Here is something else that irritates me too. When some onliners, figuring they are so smart, they dont even know who they are trying to gossip about. And all they can do is whine about similarities of people who has annoyed them, but never get to really know.

Too bad, I prefer hard liqour. VSOP to be exact. :o

if the truth be told, TV generally irritates me, it is like picking a scab or smelling your own farts or looking at a traffic accident -- sometimes you just have to do it. once i move beyond my irritation it tends to reassure me that as far as expats go i maintain a pretty even keel.

kitty, kwertz,

dont worry about me ,you just enjoy being your bad selves. i promise i'll be fine. Kitty, As for knowing who i am gossiping about, i reckon you have provided adequate information on your website for me to draw my own conclusions.

Edited by t.s
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Quote t.s.

if the truth be told, TV generally irritates me, it is like picking a scab or smelling your own farts or looking at a traffic accident -- sometimes you just have to do it. once i move beyond my irritation it tends to reassure me that as far as expats go i maintain a pretty even keel.

They're all crazy except you, right? Even Kitty (normally a caring little soul) could care less, right? BTW, re. your scab and fart compulsion - have you taken your medication today? :o If I'm a little OTT today, just woke up and I'm irritated. can't think why, nothing irritates me more than not knowing, but maybe you'll understand. And thank you for sharing your

irritations with me

Edited by qwertz
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hmmm....picking up the check...usually I have to fight to get it from my Thai friends/gf....depends your circle I think. Considered a point of pleasure to be able to treat ones friends here. Even though I am usually the older, and probably richer or same the thais I hang with now really do often pay unless I can get to the check first...the endless food rap is ok now that I am used to it....it is culture driven and as an earlier poster said makes easy non-threatening conversation, no?

my only major and often daily irritation is driving here. Unfortuntely I must commute a ways for work and some days are really terrifying. The lack of any semblance of traffic law/ettiquete that goes here is astonishing. I am getting better at handling it...but sometimes, my fault, for sure, I kind of "daydream" or go on "autopilot" which here can be life threatening...where red lights don't always mean stop, green doesn't always mean its safe to go and and the people in front can and will execute the most interesting manuevers. I think my real fear is I will kill someone...my truck is pretty solid and should come out ok in most collisions but what if I flatten someone??? uuugggg...oh well still everything else is pretty d#mn groovy....and arroi mak! :o

I used to think the same as you, in fact I would not drive in Bkk. Then I went to India!!!!!! Bkk traffic is an oasis of calm compared to Pune or Mumbai. I promise you that a couple of days driving around there and you will see how ordered Bkk traffic is. Sure everyone is selfish and the bikes stupid but there is a sense and order to it. Well it certainly cured me!

But what really irritates is being a pedestrian and trying to cross the road. Even the new green men crossings! The one by the Khao San Rd where 2-3 cops will stand and watch as traffic totally ignores the stop sign.

And what is the point of Zebra crossings if no-one bothers? Don't get me started on that!!

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Quote t.s.

if the truth be told, TV generally irritates me, it is like picking a scab or smelling your own farts or looking at a traffic accident -- sometimes you just have to do it. once i move beyond my irritation it tends to reassure me that as far as expats go i maintain a pretty even keel.

They're all crazy except you, right? Even Kitty (normally a caring little soul) could care less, right? BTW, re. your scab and fart compulsion - have you taken your medication today? :o If I'm a little OTT today, just woke up and I'm irritated. can't think why, nothing irritates me more than not knowing, but maybe you'll understand. And thank you for sharing your

irritations with me

youre welcome, glad to be on topic and unmedicated. Perhaps some light banter will help put things right for you

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kitty, kwertz,

dont worry about me ,you just enjoy being your bad selves. i promise i'll be fine. Kitty, As for knowing who i am gossiping about, i reckon you have provided adequate information on your website for me to draw my own conclusions.

Rite....I dont know whether I was being insulted or getting the idea that you did finally knew who and what.

Who is graceless hawn?

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Here's what irritates me today.

My tenant, a sweet 23 year old vietnamese girl. Is really taking my easiness for a pushover.

I charged her $500/- rental for the use of my whole place while I am travelling.

And now she is demanding that I waived one month rental and the contract. I think I am almost reaching my limit to just tell her to F-off and I keep my place in peace.

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Another annoyance is how they have to unplug everything that has a standby mode. They claim it uses 5W of electricity even when the TV, Stereo are in standby so they choose to unplug all devices that would be consuming power instead of putting them into standby. So nothing switching on only by remote here it's plug in, switch on at the base, and then push the remote button to turn on.

yeah tho they happily keep the rice cooker going till the rice is rock hard, and the fan switched on while sleeping. c'est la vie!

Right. We went on a trip for 8 days and my wife unplugged the fridge. It ruined 1,000 baht in meat plus the mayonaise and everything else in the fridge. But when she comes to bed she leaves every light on in the house.

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Another annoyance is how they have to unplug everything that has a standby mode. They claim it uses 5W of electricity even when the TV, Stereo are in standby so they choose to unplug all devices that would be consuming power instead of putting them into standby. So nothing switching on only by remote here it's plug in, switch on at the base, and then push the remote button to turn on.

yeah tho they happily keep the rice cooker going till the rice is rock hard, and the fan switched on while sleeping. c'est la vie!

Right. We went on a trip for 8 days and my wife unplugged the fridge. It ruined 1,000 baht in meat plus the mayonaise and everything else in the fridge. But when she comes to bed she leaves every light on in the house.

They are not unplugging it to save electricity. They are unplugging it to prevent destruction by lightning.

I have had that much electrical & electronic equipment detroyed by lightning that I unplug everything that doesn't to be attached to the wall as soon as I have finished using it.



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fren just emailed me about a farang boy i took under my wings. He is 30 years old, has a 'a' levels, asian mother deceased, farang father now with his 5th philliphino wife and dead broke in australia.

What is it about caucasian eurasians in asian societies, that they cannot swallow their pride and get a job at local rates?

instead, he lies, fake tragedies to get more money out of folks to pay for his ciggies and booze?

and no, i am not sleeping with him. most of these boys; i treat them like a favourite brothers of mine. And i have thankfully a bunch of folks that truly believes that I AM NOT SLEEPING WITH them 'strays' i take in.

Sigh....is it kinda a status thing, that he, being a big tall young farang, should turn down miserly jobs like being a security guard, being a customer service guy at a phone service counter?

and now he is trying for the : "I am broke, no money to eat until somone picks me up and puts up with me." stance with my frens. As a PROTEST!

Its bad enough that I do allow him to leech on me. Cos I only has this much to leech from.

But when he tries to do this hunger strike thing. It pisses me off. Its like extortion in another form.

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I'm stuck for things that irritate me.

Anyway, I'll try:

People in the supermarket queue ramming their trolley in my ass; very unerotic and painful.

Little kids weaving between my feet so I get the blame from the mother when I inadvertently kick one. Scandinavian kids are especially good at this, don't know why.

Feckless teenagers from prosperous German families in my classes who sit and chatter endlessly in German when they're there to learn English.

People who let their huge dogs crap on the pavements so you can't miss treading in it.

The way the volume from the tele suddenly becomes deafening whenever the commercial spots are running.

Oh yeah, and BMs who cut and paste loads of other people's posts and submit half a line of their own urbane comment with a smiley to top off their achievement.

There - that was pretty good. I feel well irritated now.

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I'm stuck for things that irritate me.

Anyway, I'll try:

People in the supermarket queue ramming their trolley in my ass; very unerotic and painful.

Little kids weaving between my feet so I get the blame from the mother when I inadvertently kick one. Scandinavian kids are especially good at this, don't know why.

Feckless teenagers from prosperous German families in my classes who sit and chatter endlessly in German when they're there to learn English.

People who let their huge dogs crap on the pavements so you can't miss treading in it.

The way the volume from the tele suddenly becomes deafening whenever the commercial spots are running.

Oh yeah, and BMs who cut and paste loads of other people's posts and submit half a line of their own urbane comment with a smiley to top off their achievement.

There - that was pretty good. I feel well irritated now.

How big is yer ulcer now? :D That urbane enough for you?

Supermarkets, and the whole shopping experience can be a hassle depending on what state of mind one happens to be in at the time. The "10 items or less" checkout is a constant source of hilarity in this respect. Likewise, people ramming trolleys into your heels are a laugh riot too.

I feel better already.... :o

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Well it just gets so irritating and repetitive to hear this over and over every time something is consumed. Note: I've been married for over five years but this still continues to annoy me to this day.
The Thais are much like the Italians and the French in this respect when it comes to discussing food to the nth degree.

And so does every cultured society.

Discussing delicacies is good manners anywhere in the world.

If you removed the words "arroi" and "suai" from the Thai lexicon, 75% of all Thai conversation would cease.

you forget ron mak

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I have tried to revive the Thread by me "What made you happy today" a couple of times, I wantet it to have more posts than this one, it irritates me, there is more things irritating people and they enjoy that more (3stars), that there is making them happy, and se what happend, now I am posting here to :o what is wrong with us?????

It sucks, but we are apparently a grumpy lot :D:D:D

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It seems to me that talking about food is a 'safe' topic for Thais. They don't have to express a real opinion and won't risk a loss of 'face' by stating a 'wrong' opinion.

Where as we might end the meal with "Did you see Bush/Mourinho/Blair on the news last night? What an idiot/genius/nob!" and go from there. A Thai who did that would be assasinated for being to serious or, god forbid, thinking to serious.

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As for things that irritate me. People who drag their heels when they walk. Millions of years of evolution have given us joints in our legs and some people can't raise their feet more than 3cm.

You've noticed that too! Bet the shoe industry isn't complaing though.

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My brother, now in the house, visiting from Arizona to California.

I got nothing else to say to that brat. Hiding in the room now. Typing and listening to Jacky Cheungs songs on the laptop.

We 3 siblings may now all finally be in one spot, at one address halfway across the globe from our home country.

But there is nothing else I want better then to spit in his face and scratched slap that jackazz.

family, they hurt you the most becos you loved them.

And right now. I cannot deal with it.

Oh.....and its irritating when I cries. I hate crying.

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