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To Pay, Or Not To Pay. That Is The Question?


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My live-in GF has a Son back in the Village. He is 14yrs old. Three months ago she loaned him her New Meo so that he could get to school on time.

When she got it back last week is was in a he-ll of a state ie Panels Missing. Rear Brake not working. Kick starter missing. Mirrors missing. Damaged forks. Engine Valve burned out etc etc.

Now she wants me to pay for the repairs!

I say no-way. Am I right?

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Definitely make sure he makes an effort to pay. Tell how much the damage is and how much he needs to pay back per week. Maybe you have some work for him around the house. When he's paid more than half back, decide if he's learnt a harsh enough lesson and drop it.

If your gf doesn't support that then change her title to "live out".

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If you pay now then you've already opened the door for future re-occurences, and you won't be able to shut that door further down the line.

You didn't do it, you don't pay it.

Next time think twice about giving a motorized vehicle to a 14 year old boy, with no insurance nor license, and while I'm at it, thank whichever deity it is that you thank that he didn't crash and hurt himself.

Bt the way, did you give him a crash helmet to wear as well?

Maybe on 2 nd thoughts you deserve to pay.

But don't!

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Don't pay. Make the little shit learn.

Anyway, you said GF?????

It's not like ya'll are legally married, if she has a prob, you know you can take care of yourself, so kick her out and get another one. But, if you really love her and are sure you can not find a better one, then you should pay because this might be remembered by her further down the track. Anyway, if you allready said you won't pay and she has a problem with this, it's too late to go back on your word about not paying, she will always rememebr this, just kick her out now or start looking for a new GF, the end is near...................

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When he's paid more than half back, decide if he's learnt a harsh enough lesson and drop it.

If your gf doesn't support that then change her title to "live out".

Farangs flexing their economic muscles .........................hahaha..

I love these type of threads.

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Hows a 14 year old kid going to pay for it when he goes to school and lives out in the sticks? Drop out of school and get a full time job paying 2,500 baht a month?

Get your GF to fix it, its her bike, she lent it to her son - surely the money should come from her pocket.

I have to say though, the kid's living without his mum (and I'm guessing his dad) and going to school, I wouldn't be too rough on him, dirt roads and motorbikes don't fare too well and he could have had an accident, which would account for teh damage.

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I wonder how these 'gentlemen' would have reacted to this thread if it had been a 17 year old Thai girl instead of a 14 year old Thai boy....

Then again, maybe LuckyDog would have coughed up for the repairs without question, or would have already bought the girl her own bike.

Just a thought. :o

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can the missus afford repairs to the bike. who bought the bike in the first place.

if man in superior financial position he should then pay.

why else would thi s girl be his girlfriend......................hmmmmmmm.............

many of donalds trumps hunnies say the sex is good, but would it be good if he didnt have a few billion lying around.

Edited by blizzard
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SHort sighted behaivour caused this problem.

THe Smart money says, "You can buy a second had bike in the sticks ( even in Korat, I DID!!) for 4500bht. as he's 14, no reg and no insurance and no tax is no problem as he is already underage to have a license so all of the above are immaterial.

Had you done this you would be £60 down but have given the boy his wheels and there would be no recourse for, "uncle Lucky Dog, I broke it. Chuay Noi dai mai??"

Now I suggest if you don't have a bike you fix hers and keep it for your next girlfriend somwhere out of sight. THen buy her a 5 grand second hand replacement and if she needs an expanation thell her that she treated the last one like it was 5 grands worth so this time you will meet her at her expectation.

Get the boy a helmet too. If he's goign to school he sounds like his head is worth the extra 200bht!

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im usually very perceptive about these things.

you think the avg farang w thai girlFRIEND give a hoot about a 14 old boy, not living with them in unholy matrimony.

wake up and smell the som tum!

it would help if posters did give more info so we can make better comments.

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My live-in GF has a Son back in the Village. He is 14yrs old. Three months ago she loaned him her New Meo so that he could get to school on time.

When she got it back last week is was in a he-ll of a state ie Panels Missing. Rear Brake not working. Kick starter missing. Mirrors missing. Damaged forks. Engine Valve burned out etc etc.

Now she wants me to pay for the repairs!

I say no-way. Am I right?

I disagree with the masses. Fix the bike up to brand spanking new condition....... then sell the bloody thing and keep the change.......... lesson learnt!

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I say no-way. Am I right?

I am of different opinion but it does not matter. This is so personal and at end of the day it is your decision, nobody else can give an answer.

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Lucky Dog,

Why doesn't the boy come to live with you and your LIVE IN GF? Then you can teach him the values that you stand by and wish to both uphold and perpetuate. You can be as fatherly as your good nature allows and he can learn from your examples. You might just help shape his future in a positive way. If you have moved his mum in I can only assume you care for her somewhat so, why not exercise a bit of charity where the boy is concered. I bet the schools are better where you live that out in the sticks. I bet you could set him a fine example of how to grow into a man. Do you have son's back home, by the way? just wondered.

Go on... Be the exception to the rule and do something special.

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My live-in GF has a Son back in the Village. He is 14yrs old. Three months ago she loaned him her New Meo so that he could get to school on time.

When she got it back last week is was in a he-ll of a state ie Panels Missing. Rear Brake not working. Kick starter missing. Mirrors missing. Damaged forks. Engine Valve burned out etc etc.

Now she wants me to pay for the repairs!

I say no-way. Am I right?

I would have had a "chat" with the GF and told her that we pay, but I would also tell her that the consequence is that we have to reduce our spendings to be able to. That way the GF will understand that giving money to her son will impact her monthly spendings, and hopefully she will relay that message to her son. what I'm trying to say is that not paying will make you look bad, and paying unconditionally will make you look like a fool. the main point is to get the GF to understand that money has to be allocated from somewhere. I'm sure that when the GF sees that the repair will hurt her ability to spend money, she will demand an attitude adjustment from her son, and you will be coming out of the situation as a person of good heart, and willing to help. Hopefully this would also solve future money problems with in laws.

just my 2 satang


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You got two choices : pay or not pay?

Pay and you'll end up paying again and again and again but you keep her for sure.

Don't pay, then she's got two choices : stay or go?

Stay, you've set the rules and she knows them and you have an idea that you mean something to her.

Go, you know what the relationship was based on.

I guess it's down to can you afford the money? Do you care that much for her?

Don't bother paying and lecturing her on the value of money and how you'll pay just this once because all she'll hear is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah here's the 10,000 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

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because all she'll hear is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah here's the 10,000 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

:o:D:D no disrespect to the lady, but 'PhilHarries' is probably right......(yet I remain out of opinion in here...it is just that 'PhilHarries' comment is quite funny)

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