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My Thai Wife Is About To Become A British Citizen


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Well Folks, after 5 years of UK residency and recent completion of the requirments for English language/Cultural knowledge, my Wife will soon be asked to attend a ceremony to be sworn in as a British Citizen. The notes which accompany the application form state that this is a major life event and that the privilage of being British is something to be proud of, which I agree with. When I explain this to her she just shrugs and smiles, I had to bend her arm just to get her through the process (language school/Citizenship classes etc). As we live here in the UK, and this is the Country of my birth, It's easy to lose sight of the many advantages of being Citizens of this Country. So that's it, in a few weeks time she'll officially be a "Brit". With how much esteem should her new found nationality be held? An interesting talking point I thought?

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Well Folks, after 5 years of UK residency and recent completion of the requirments for English language/Cultural knowledge, my Wife will soon be asked to attend a ceremony to be sworn in as a British Citizen. The notes which accompany the application form state that this is a major life event and that the privilage of being British is something to be proud of, which I agree with. When I explain this to her she just shrugs and smiles, I had to bend her arm just to get her through the process (language school/Citizenship classes etc). As we live here in the UK, and this is the Country of my birth, It's easy to lose sight of the many advantages of being Citizens of this Country. So that's it, in a few weeks time she'll officially be a "Brit". With how much esteem should her new found nationality be held? An interesting talking point I thought?

Congratulations, althought it does appear your wife is a little apathetic about the deal right now. I think this will not be the case when all is done, first, I think the family back home will never hear the end of it, second, every friend remaining in Thailand will know within a week and third, I am sure travelling to other countries will show the change in attitude of others towards your spouse and the improvement in processing travel arrangements.

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Well Folks, after 5 years of UK residency and recent completion of the requirments for English language/Cultural knowledge, my Wife will soon be asked to attend a ceremony to be sworn in as a British Citizen. The notes which accompany the application form state that this is a major life event and that the privilage of being British is something to be proud of, which I agree with. When I explain this to her she just shrugs and smiles, I had to bend her arm just to get her through the process (language school/Citizenship classes etc). As we live here in the UK, and this is the Country of my birth, It's easy to lose sight of the many advantages of being Citizens of this Country. So that's it, in a few weeks time she'll officially be a "Brit". With how much esteem should her new found nationality be held? An interesting talking point I thought?

Great for her, congratulation and to you too, for being a nice chap.

I know by experience the difficulties one faces when born in a country with a bad passport, e.g. third world countries, and the difficulties one has when travelling, not matter how honorable, legal or justified reason one may have. So in my mind she will get a priviledge that it is fantastic to have. Nice to see that some are willing to share privileges. Good on you.

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Right Torito, we Brits tend to take our passports for granted and forget how much freedom we've enjoyed throughout our history. But I can understand why a Thai takes a little time to grasp the significance when the procedure is so complicated. Anyway congrats to geevlus and spouse on getting over the major hurdle.

Edited by qwertz
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Superficial matters like Nationality aside for the moment, the esteem in which I hold her in comparison to this life changing event doesn't really compare. Born into a life of "grinding" poverty, witnessing the death of several siblings in the family home from various illnesses, without the means to even provide pain relief, the nursing of her dying mother from a very young age and the loss of her eldest brother, just last year...............................Although she often sheds a tear because of these tragedies, She wakes up smiling in the morning, has an inner dignity and compassion for "all" that makes her magnetic. It's funny here, people young and old want to be around her, her kindness is hypnotic and superficially, she is truely beautiful. A fine, fine example of a human being, I wish I could boast such attributes.

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Well Folks, after 5 years of UK residency and recent completion of the requirments for English language/Cultural knowledge, my Wife will soon be asked to attend a ceremony to be sworn in as a British Citizen. The notes which accompany the application form state that this is a major life event and that the privilage of being British is something to be proud of, which I agree with. When I explain this to her she just shrugs and smiles, I had to bend her arm just to get her through the process (language school/Citizenship classes etc). As we live here in the UK, and this is the Country of my birth, It's easy to lose sight of the many advantages of being Citizens of this Country. So that's it, in a few weeks time she'll officially be a "Brit". With how much esteem should her new found nationality be held? An interesting talking point I thought?

Well for one, when she is in Bangkok and you go to a club and she gets asked for id at the door, she can show her foreign passport to the snooty little door rats that most clubs in bangkok employ.

Ditto for hotel checkins.


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I don't know what it symbolizes to you and your wife, but to me it is an affirmation of the civilized values of the UK.

Like your wife, my parents where immigrants, a generation later I and my brothers/sisters are hugely proud to be British. It is a story repeated throughout British history.

An open society welcoming new people and new ideas.

Congratulations to your wife on having completed the study required, I hope her British Nationality is as great a boon to your family is as it has been to mine.

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Superficial matters like Nationality aside for the moment,

Surprise that you say that, when this is the beginning of all our differences.....

the esteem in which I hold her in comparison to this life changing event doesn't really compare.

No doubt about that, and this is beautiful 'geevlus'

Born into a life of "grinding" poverty, witnessing the death of several siblings in the family home from various illnesses, without the means to even provide pain relief, the nursing of her dying mother from a very young age and the loss of her eldest brother, just last year...............................Although she often sheds a tear because of these tragedies, She wakes up smiling in the morning, has an inner dignity and compassion for "all" that makes her magnetic. It's funny here, people young and old want to be around her, her kindness is hypnotic and superficially, she is truely beautiful.

Refreshing to read that in this forum...

A fine, fine example of a human being, I wish I could boast such attributes.

don't be so modest, the way you appreciate and respect her as human being say something about you too....

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Superficial matters like Nationality aside for the moment, the esteem in which I hold her in comparison to this life changing event doesn't really compare. Born into a life of "grinding" poverty, witnessing the death of several siblings in the family home from various illnesses, without the means to even provide pain relief, the nursing of her dying mother from a very young age and the loss of her eldest brother, just last year...............................Although she often sheds a tear because of these tragedies, She wakes up smiling in the morning, has an inner dignity and compassion for "all" that makes her magnetic. It's funny here, people young and old want to be around her, her kindness is hypnotic and superficially, she is truely beautiful. A fine, fine example of a human being, I wish I could boast such attributes.

Well from the sound of it you are a lucky guy and she is lucky girl too as you sound a decent bloke yourself.

As someone pointed out we from blighty sometimes forget just how much easier our passport makes it for us and many of the other things we should be proud of about our homeland.

Good luck to the both of you.

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K.wifie got hers a couple of years ago now and all in all good fun.

We all (neighbours came as well) trotted down to the Civic Centre where all the newbies sat in the main council chamber and following a welcome speech from the Mayor were invited one by one down to the podium for a handshake and a photograph (with His Worship.the Mayor) while being presented with their Brand spanking New British Citizenship Certificate.(Citizens /Subjects ...another argument)

They were then all requested to stand and take an oath of allegiance towards the country and accept the Democratic Principals to which we all support and embrace...without fear or favour...treat everyone equally with respect and dignity and adhere to our way of life ...affirmation.... or for the religious ....the so help me...thingy.etc....

Incid she was the only Thai on that day......

After that a feeble attempt to sing the National anthem...bit of a joke..... :D and then it was off upstairs to a reception with Tea and biscuits.(digestives and choci bourbons)

Enter the building as a Foreigner ...Leave a Brit........Lottery ticket of Life.... :o

Then we headed off down to the local Nandos for some spicy Mexican chicken ...lots of Peri Peri sauce ...and a few wet ones...Traditional...innit... :D

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K.wifie got hers a couple of years ago now and all in all good fun.

We all (neighbours came as well) trotted down to the Civic Centre where all the newbies sat in the main council chamber and following a welcome speech from the Mayor were invited one by one down to the podium for a handshake and a photograph (with His Worship.the Mayor) while being presented with their Brand spanking New British Citizenship Certificate.(Citizens /Subjects ...another argument)

They were then all requested to stand and take an oath of allegiance towards the country and accept the Democratic Principals to which we all support and embrace...without fear or favour...treat everyone equally with respect and dignity and adhere to our way of life ...affirmation.... or for the religious ....the so help me...thingy.etc....

Incid she was the only Thai on that day......

After that a feeble attempt to sing the National anthem...bit of a joke..... :D and then it was off upstairs to a reception with Tea and biscuits.(digestives and choci bourbons)

Enter the building as a Foreigner ...Leave a Brit........Lottery ticket of Life.... :o

Then we headed off down to the local Nandos for some spicy Mexican chicken ...lots of Peri Peri sauce ...and a few wet ones...Traditional...innit... :D

Well she has her bit of paper saying she is British - I suppose I have my passport but no paper.

I think I only know the chorus of the national anthem myself but know more of Jerusalem.

Well its off to Boat Quay now for a pnt of Strongbow cider - as the sun sets over the Singapore River I will look across at the statue of Sir Stamford Thomas Raffles and say thanks for being British

Edited by Prakanong
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totally shambolic and pathetic sporting performances against Australia will now mean more to her.......

So will winning the cricket against....lets see.....nup, dunno, who can you beat again???

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In response to your infantile reply, she rarely drinks and bathes twice a day
Here's to hoping she WILL grow some Brit humour upon receiving her passport. :D

Then perhaps some of it can rub off onto this winnah. :o

Edited by jingjoe
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She'll be drinking warm beer, and bathing monthly from now on I guess. :o
totally shambolic and pathetic sporting performances against Australia will now mean more to her.......

You know geevlus, I love Australians becuase they have a sensitive and respectful sense of humour...Just let me tell you an Irish joke to answer their humored responses:

An English man who hated monarchy decides to become Irish...so he went to see an specialist and request an operation to achieve a real change.

The doctor toll him, "if you want to be Irish, then we should take out a quater of your brain"

The decision of this man was so firm that he agreed to go for the operation.....so they proceed with the matter


When the man woke uo after the operation, he found his doctor sit on his bed......

the doctor told him, "we are so sorry, we did a mistake, we took out three quarters of your brain instead of the quarter that was necessary..."

and the man answered...."no worries mate!!".

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She'll be drinking warm beer, and bathing monthly from now on I guess. :D
totally shambolic and pathetic sporting performances against Australia will now mean more to her.......

You know geevlus, I love Australians becuase they have a sensitive and respectful sense of humour...Just let me tell you an Irish joke to answer their humored responses:

An English man who hated monarchy decides to become Irish...so he went to see an specialist and request an operation to achieve a real change.

The doctor toll him, "if you want to be Irish, then we should take out a quater of your brain"

The decision of this man was so firm that he agreed to go for the operation.....so they proceed with the matter


When the man woke uo after the operation, he found his doctor sit on his bed......

the doctor told him, "we are so sorry, we did a mistake, we took out three quarters of your brain instead of the quarter that was necessary..."

and the man answered...."no worries mate!!".

Australians have a sensitive and respectful sense of humour? That is better than the joke! :o

The Aussies and the Brits share the same p1ss taking, disrespectful, irreverant and crude sense of humour denied to the rest of the world for humanitarian reasons.

Anyway congrats to the OP and his missus, just tell her that she'll now have to pay farang price next time she goes back to Thailand. :D

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She'll be drinking warm beer, and bathing monthly from now on I guess. :D
totally shambolic and pathetic sporting performances against Australia will now mean more to her.......

You know geevlus, I love Australians becuase they have a sensitive and respectful sense of humour...Just let me tell you an Irish joke to answer their humored responses:

An English man who hated monarchy decides to become Irish...so he went to see an specialist and request an operation to achieve a real change.

The doctor toll him, "if you want to be Irish, then we should take out a quater of your brain"

The decision of this man was so firm that he agreed to go for the operation.....so they proceed with the matter


When the man woke uo after the operation, he found his doctor sit on his bed......

the doctor told him, "we are so sorry, we did a mistake, we took out three quarters of your brain instead of the quarter that was necessary..."

and the man answered...."no worries mate!!".

Australians have a sensitive and respectful sense of humour? That is better than the joke! :o

The Aussies and the Brits share the same p1ss taking, disrespectful, irreverant and crude sense of humour denied to the rest of the world for humanitarian reasons.

Anyway congrats to the OP and his missus, just tell her that she'll now have to pay farang price next time she goes back to Thailand. :D

I'm proud to be from a nation that is loved and praised by so many. Keep the compliments comming! :D

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