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Hey All,

Have been to Thailand, namely Pattaya several times. The usual stuff, fell in love, blew them out, etc etc. Have finally decided I'd rather be in Thailand than here. Nothing keeping me and more reasons to go rather than stay. I'm 36, will have circa 5 Million Baht and the decision to go is made and I'm happy about it. I have millions of questions but a few of the practical ones could use your input please.

I return for 3 weeks on November 10th to sort house, transport, etc etc and am compiling a 'to do' list.

1. Bike Vs Car - I have pretty much decided on buying a new moped, yet I drive a number of cars, a van and a motor bike here ( I'm a professional singer, hence the van for my equipment, sound and lights etc). Are the running costs, practicality, insurance etc much different between the two? Is insurance as expensive as Ireland for example? Thoughts?

2. TV/Stereo/DVD etc - I am deciding what things to ship. Are there compatibility issues between Ireland and Thailand? I have a very large screen projection tv here, should I ship it?

3. Houses for rent/Areas - I have decided not to sell up here initially. I will rent for the first 12 months or so, possibly 24. Are there areas to stear clear of? I think if I go, perhaps 10Km Max outside Pattaya I will get a better propoerty for less money. I intend the November trip being a very busy one and will have a list of houses to see when I arrive. I will also just drive around and call numbers I see on houses for rent. Got a Thai phone on my last visit (5 weeks ago). I want 3 beds and pvt pool, a step down from here but I don't NEED 7 beds, I live alone. The extra beds are for visiting family and friends, of which I am sure there are many:) Any areas spring to mind for any of you? Any non-obvious considerations I may be missing?

4. Non Imm B - This is the one for me although I will not be rushing into investing initially. As I said I am a singer of SOME acclaim in Ireland. I have 2 shows per week booked in Pattaya from January and intend to build on this. I have been assured that a company (who will remain nameless for now) can organise the Non Imm B for me. They tell me if I do the paperwork with them in November I will be set to emmigrate Dec 28th as planned. As I am a firm "Love many, Trust Nobody" merchant, I have a concern. Is this enough lead time to organise the non - Imm B? Do I get a letter from just any company re employment or specifically from one? Does It Matter? Is there anything else I need to know about Non Imm B? My intention is to find a little business, I have several areas of expertise and have identified a couple of areas that are not excluded to farangs and intend lots of looking, listening and pondering before I commit? Thoughts?

5. Shipping Companies - Anyone know of a shipping company that ships containers from Ireland to Pattaya? Where is the nearest port to Pattaya?

I realise this post is lengthy guys but information I have received from you in the past has proven invaluable. Your thoughts, as always are welcome. Any Pattaya bashers that don't have constructive comments are more than welcome not to comment.

Cheers Guys & Gals

Steve Ireland



Will give you the "Cliff-notes" only :o

1. For Pattaya I would recommend just the bike. Cheap/easy to get fixed and insurance Etc. practically zero. Finally PARKING not an issue as w. cars.

2. No compatibility issues w. TV and DVD but do NOT bring it - as customs will want their (too high!) share. Buy here - resonably cheap

3. housing; good idea to rent first - tons of "catches"; mainly neighbors and workmanship. Best advise; rent and come check for yourself. If 10 km from Pattaya you might want a car.... so living close might be more expensive but saves the car...

4. Try to obtain a 1 year multiple O based on "visiting friends/study Thai music"/whatever (or B visa with invitation letter from your potential partners) from Consulate in Ireland. Best solution and gives you 12 months to figure things out - also easier to convert later.

5.You need freight forwarder; not just shipping company. Nearest port is Laem Chabang being the main port in Thailand. Ensure you get DOOR TO DOOR prices INCL. Customs clearance(note; customs tariffs will not be included so you will not know untill stuff here how much to pay extra) - ship AS LITTLE as possible.... rates are high, risk of damage and finally the ever-hungry customs....

Phew.... Cheers!


I don't mean to rain on the OP's parade - and I'm sure he's put a lot of thought into this - buy why are alarm bells ringing in my mind?

A few concerns. A couple of nights singing a week in Thailand doesnt sound very lucrative, neither does it sound like a long-term commitment. An agreement made over a few beers in a bar is not enough to base the hope of a long-term income stream on, particularly in Pattaya. The same thought occurs re the non-immigrant B visa. With all due respect, it's not the unnamed company that will give it to you - it's the embassy in Thailand and they will need assurances that your bonafides are in place. I'm just not convinced a part-time singing gig will suffice for them.

To answer your specifics on non-immi B. You need your potential employer to write a letter explaining that you are employed in Thailand. YOU - not them - submit that to the Thai embassy in Dublin, and THEY - not the anonymous company - grant you the visa. Be careful of this mysterious company you mention: it sounds weird.

Your housing requirements are also ambitious, based on your finances. I'm guessing that 3-bd houses plus private pool are going to cost you at least 40k a month down there. I don't know what your expected income is, but certainly investment income from 5 million (invested at 6% say) only generates 25,000 a month. You're going to need to be earning a fair bit to cover that, because you sound like a bit of a party animal.

Dont get me wrong. I'm not saying don't do it. Au contraire. Live your dream. But make sure you manage your expectations, and good luck.

I don't mean to rain on the OP's parade - and I'm sure he's put a lot of thought into this - buy why are alarm bells ringing in my mind?

A few concerns. A couple of nights singing a week in Thailand doesnt sound very lucrative, neither does it sound like a long-term commitment. An agreement made over a few beers in a bar is not enough to base the hope of a long-term income stream on, particularly in Pattaya. The same thought occurs re the non-immigrant B visa. With all due respect, it's not the unnamed company that will give it to you - it's the embassy in Thailand and they will need assurances that your bonafides are in place. I'm just not convinced a part-time singing gig will suffice for them.

To answer your specifics on non-immi B. You need your potential employer to write a letter explaining that you are employed in Thailand. YOU - not them - submit that to the Thai embassy in Dublin, and THEY - not the anonymous company - grant you the visa. Be careful of this mysterious company you mention: it sounds weird.

Your housing requirements are also ambitious, based on your finances. I'm guessing that 3-bd houses plus private pool are going to cost you at least 40k a month down there. I don't know what your expected income is, but certainly investment income from 5 million (invested at 6% say) only generates 25,000 a month. You're going to need to be earning a fair bit to cover that, because you sound like a bit of a party animal.

Dont get me wrong. I'm not saying don't do it. Au contraire. Live your dream. But make sure you manage your expectations, and good luck.

3bds with pool down here run from 22,000 upward in Pattaya itself, I am looking just outside. My income from the gigs will generate 40,000 per month, before CD sales and obviously I intend to build on that. I appreciate the words of caution, of course. I intend to have a seperate business also. The singing will just be a base to build on

My income from the gigs will generate 40,000 per month, before CD sales and obviously I intend to build on that. I appreciate the words of caution, of course. I intend to have a seperate business also. The singing will just be a base to build on

Good luck on the move Steve,

I met another Steve from Ireland in Pattaya a few months back, he's in a band, The Dublin City Ramblers.

You've probably heard it before, but I am gonna repeat it, be careful in Pattaya, that 5 Million Baht can very quickly evaporate, look out for yourself and pay particular attention to Farangs that have been in Pattaya for too long and need a business partner for their bar that is doing really well.

Don't drop your guard just cos the people are Farang, they can very often be the biggest conmen in town.

Have fun......and keep your hand on your wallet. :o

You've probably heard it before, but I am gonna repeat it, be careful in Pattaya, that 5 Million Baht can very quickly evaporate, look out for yourself and pay particular attention to Farangs that have been in Pattaya for too long and need a business partner for their bar that is doing really well.

Don't drop your guard just cos the people are Farang, they can very often be the biggest conmen in town.

Have fun......and keep your hand on your wallet. :o

Very VERY wise advice from thaivisa's second most cynical member . . .

My income from the gigs will generate 40,000 per month, before CD sales and obviously I intend to build on that. I appreciate the words of caution, of course. I intend to have a seperate business also. The singing will just be a base to build on

Good luck on the move Steve,

I met another Steve from Ireland in Pattaya a few months back, he's in a band, The Dublin City Ramblers.

You've probably heard it before, but I am gonna repeat it, be careful in Pattaya, that 5 Million Baht can very quickly evaporate, look out for yourself and pay particular attention to Farangs that have been in Pattaya for too long and need a business partner for their bar that is doing really well.

Don't drop your guard just cos the people are Farang, they can very often be the biggest conmen in town.

Have fun......and keep your hand on your wallet. :D

5 million sounds like a fortune but it aint ,its easy to go through that in a couple of years so spend wisely and beware of great opputunitys there normally only ok for the seller or assaid the partner ,being able to sing is a bonus if you open something along those lines,try working for another bar 1st if you are drawing in the punters then open your own place .why do you need 3 bedrooms ? hope it all works out for you and you listen to the advice you get from others :o


You've probably heard it before, but I am gonna repeat it, be careful in Pattaya, that 5 Million Baht can very quickly evaporate, look out for yourself and pay particular attention to Farangs that have been in Pattaya for too long and need a business partner for their bar that is doing really well.

Don't drop your guard just cos the people are Farang, they can very often be the biggest conmen in town.

Have fun......and keep your hand on your wallet.


Heres the best advice anybodys ever going to give you, with only 5 million bht, your going to have to believe him.

Print it out, keep it in your wallet and read it regualy.


Come with three suit cases sell or move nothing from your home country. One year here is really not enough to determine if your going to make here or for that matter if you are really happy here.

Visiting here and living here are very much two different things.

Give yourself some time don;t burn any bridges, at 36 you have long ways to go for the so called retirement visa, and then you still have to prove income from outside of Thailand to qaulify.

I wish you luck

Don't drop your guard just cos the people are Farang, they can very often be the biggest conmen in town

Don't forget Maigo6's advise....


i'm sure the op knows this already but,4.5% of 70,000 pounds in a building society in the uk (set up before you go) is 3150 pounds interest a year,plus you can claim the tax back.

i'm sure you could live cheaply for the first year just to suss out possible oppotunities,if there are any,& just be prepared to go home if it doesnt work out.with this in mind,i dont think you have any worries.


I realize you are finding it hard to cement your place with Manchester City but do you really think moving to Bangkok is the answer :o What do you think Mr Bo??


It's not just alarm bells, the control system is hovering on the brink of ESD (Emergency Shut Down). If the OP hadn't come back a couple of times I'd be suggesting we have ourselves a large T....

Think about it, 36 years old and 5 mill Baht. Forget the 40k per month singing a couple of times per week that's pure pipe dreams as is the CD revenues, either the OP is embellishing the truth or he's been sold a pack of lies. Either way the money will evaporate quicker than a wet footprint on the poolside.

22k Baht a month for a 3 bedroom house with private pool? I personally doubt it but I don't know the current rental market in Pattaya.

A man should always have his dreams for from dreams comes reality. However sometimes that reality don't quite measure up to the dream.

Prediction : one years time we'll be reading of a penniless, homeless hobo bumming the price of a Chang on beach road.

Hope I'm wrong, best of luck to you and if I bump into you on beach road I'll buy you that beer. :o


Do not sell up at home.

Rent your house out and use the money to pay your rent in Thailand.

Renting you can move whenever you want to. Not so easy if you have bought.

Never invest more money in Thailand, than you are prepared to walk away from.


Work permitt and visa for u is no problem - I know someone in Bangkok who specialises in getting WP's and visa's for foreign musicians and singers - PM me if you are interested, will forward you details.



At 36 and only 5 mil bths! – you have to very very believe in yourself to do this. What about for the emergencies and medical bills, have you thought about these? Unless you already have a solid plan set up, otherwise you will be crying home or begging at a street corner somewhere in a few yrs time. Thailand is a money pit for many naived farangs chasing a dream of good time and good life, just be careful - esp with your "new found friends" . I have many thai friends around the same age as you and it’s unthinkable even for them to be thinking of going back to Thailand with that kind of amount.

Still best of luck to you


I'm glad I'm not alone in my scepticism. I too find it hard to believe that anyone can earn 40,000 a month as a singer in Pattaya (not to mention CD sales!!!!) when the town is awash with Thai and Philippino singers and bands who will work for significantly less. And in a country where copy versions of the hit CDs are available on every pavement for 100 baht, how much does the OP really expect to make hawking his own (unheard of) warblings?


I assume you need to stand during your singing engagements and if in a wheel chair your income would be greatly affected.

I know there are a number of falang who drive mopeds or "motorcys" in Thailand, however, many of their horror stories regarding damage to their bodies, as a result of accidents on motorcys are not something I would wish on anyone.

Almost without exception, every death in motorcy vs. auto accident in Thailand is suffered by the motorcyclist. I rode on the back of one for three months with an experienced driver before I got my car and I know of what I speak. No stats on injuries in such accidents but I am sure the motorcycle rider comes out a poor second to the automobile.

There is nothing between your metal motorcycle and the metal of an automobile or truck except your soft leg flesh.

My advice would be, as a high priority, to buy yourself a reasonably priced used automobile that has a good service history for your own long term safety and the transportation of your entertainment gear.

After all, you would be returning to your digs late at night after a gig when the drunk drivers abound and visibility is markedly reduced.

i'm sure the op knows this already but,4.5% of 70,000 pounds in a building society in the uk (set up before you go) is 3150 pounds interest a year,plus you can claim the tax back.

i'm sure you could live cheaply for the first year just to suss out possible oppotunities,if there are any,& just be prepared to go home if it doesnt work out.with this in mind,i dont think you have any worries.

how can he claim the tax back

i'm sure the op knows this already but,4.5% of 70,000 pounds in a building society in the uk (set up before you go) is 3150 pounds interest a year,plus you can claim the tax back.

i'm sure you could live cheaply for the first year just to suss out possible oppotunities,if there are any,& just be prepared to go home if it doesnt work out.with this in mind,i dont think you have any worries.

how can he claim the tax back

you dont have to pay tax on the interest youve earned if you are out of the country.i claimed my tax back on my interest when i went back home.

It's not just alarm bells, the control system is hovering on the brink of ESD (Emergency Shut Down). If the OP hadn't come back a couple of times I'd be suggesting we have ourselves a large T....

Think about it, 36 years old and 5 mill Baht. Forget the 40k per month singing a couple of times per week that's pure pipe dreams as is the CD revenues, either the OP is embellishing the truth or he's been sold a pack of lies. Either way the money will evaporate quicker than a wet footprint on the poolside.

22k Baht a month for a 3 bedroom house with private pool? I personally doubt it but I don't know the current rental market in Pattaya.

A man should always have his dreams for from dreams comes reality. However sometimes that reality don't quite measure up to the dream.

Prediction : one years time we'll be reading of a penniless, homeless hobo bumming the price of a Chang on beach road.

Hope I'm wrong, best of luck to you and if I bump into you on beach road I'll buy you that beer. :o

I think the Op is Val Doonigan :D:D Nignoy
maybe i misunderstood as english is my second language. i think he going to peddle other peoples cd to supplement his income.

What's your third language, blizz? :o

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