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After stopping my work permit, how can I stay in Thailand for a few days?

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Hello, everyone. I hope you are happy and healthy even though all are in pandemic right now.


Ok, my question is whether there is a way to stay in Thailand for a few days after canceling my WP.

I am currently working in a school located in Southern Thai and I hold WP, extension of stay(Non-B) until April 10th, and a contract until the date.

But since the finals will be done in March, I don’t think I am going to stay until the date. So I think my work at school will be done around April 3rd.


Here is the problem that I have to do a covid 19 to enter USA(at least I need 2 days; test and get a certificate) and get a criminal certificate in Bangkok before leaving from Thai. So I really need to stay a few days more after stopping my WP.

I read some posts that people mentioned that I can apply an extension for 7 more days after cancelling my WP for 1,900 Baht.

Is it true? 

I think about many options how I can do everything without any troubles, but I don’t know what I should do.

I am waiting for someone who knows the answers or has similar experience.


Thank you!

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Indeed, on the same day your extension to stay from working is cancelled, you can apply for an extension without an appropriate reason, which will be refused, but result in you being given seven days to legally leave the country.


You want to be sure that seven days is going to be enough before choosing that approach. If you might need more time, other approaches should be considered. Immigration rules are changing so fast right now that it is better to wait until nearer the time to solicit advice on your best way to go.

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8 hours ago, Angie C said:

Here is the problem that I have to do a covid 19 to enter USA(at least I need 2 days; test and get a certificate) and get a criminal certificate in Bangkok before leaving from Thai. 

It is 3 days before before your departure to the states for covid test.

"Air passengers are required to get a viral test (a test for current infection) within the three calendar days before their flight to the United States departs and provide written documentation of their laboratory test result (paper or electronic copy) to the airline or provide documentation of having recovered from COVID-19. " Source: https://th.usembassy.gov/health-alert-u-s-embassy-bangkok-thailand-january-15-2021/

The above could change between now and April.

What do you need the "criminal certificate"? It can take up to 30 days to get a police clearance certificate from the Special Branch Police office.

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6 hours ago, Science workshop said:

Or ask the school to give you few days to cancel work permit when you leave,

A work permit has nothing to do with staying it the country. It is the date the extension of stay is canceled by immigration or it expires that is important. 

The school could post date his termination letter to the day his current extension expires and he could go to immigration and they would post date the cancelation. Or he could just stay until the day it expires.

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