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Meteorological Dept Says Abundant Rainfall Nationwide

Jai Dee

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Meteorological Dept says abundant rainfall nationwide

The Meteorological Department of Thailand says a low pressure trough lies across the upper South, lower Central and East and an active southwest monsoon prevails over the Andaman Sea, southern Thailand and the Gulf.

Abundant rainfall is expected over Thailand while heavy rain in some places, especially in the western of the North, Central, East and South or the windward side of monsoon.

People in the risky and lowland areas should beware of flash flood and all ships in the Gulf and the Andaman Sea should proceed with caution and small boats in the Andaman Sea should keep ashore.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 12 May 2007

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the thing that seems to worry the villagers around here is not so much the rain, which is welcomed, but the lightning. In 2 years have had one woman fried and one house burnt down by lightning.

the path of least resistance!


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But when will it end :o ? My garden is a paddy at the moment. This is abnormal weather.

Likewise, I have no intention of building a swimming pool but I think I am getting one. This has to be the wettest May on record already.

Can't complain though as it keeps the temperature down, but it could be dangerous for some so I am sparring a thought for them.

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Wish some of that rain would head over the upper Northeast. One of the driest early "rainy" season's on record here so far. Looking bloody dry in most streams and lakes on the road from Udon to Sakhon Nakhon this week, so send some of your fon tok this way please! :o

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Abnormal weather this year.

We had a very cool winter (lovely) and too much rainfall now.

The rainy season hasn't even started yet!

El Nino?

El Nino---- La Nino(go to the farming sections!!) Careful, you might start Maizefarmer on this one again!! :o:D

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Better an "unusual" wet May, then an unusual drought all over Thailand!

Better full Reservoirs then dried up ones...and then "if it's rainin' it's rainin'..." :D

Here on Samui it rains a lot too, but usually during afternoon or evening.

Today, cloudy but fine, not too hot and the dust has settled.


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