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Do You Like Long Postings?


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Since I'm into postings these past few days, I might as well add this topic.

Do you like Yohan's postings or Dr.PP's ones.

Or you just do not care.

The long ones are usually over "informative" and the short ones are usually, well, more funny.

I guess we need both but in my case, I'm not too much into the long ones.

I mean the one page ones,...

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If this is the standard we can expect from you then try a long one with something worth while to post about.

Is it a case of building your posting's?

You are a super member now so you can tell all your friends, sorry they are on this Forum, so they will already know.

If this post did not exist therefore was not written, would anyone care.

What does this bring to peoples lives?

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Bluecat is always trying to come up with new, interesting posts of all types. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes not, but he/she keeps on trying.

Personally, I usually whine about what-ever is on my mind at the moment, so I respect Bluecat for trying to make the forum a better place. :o

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Personally, I usually whine about what-ever is on my mind at the moment, so I respect Bluecat for trying to make the forum a better place. :D

What happens to you today, Georgie.

First, Boon Mee.

Now, me.

Thank you but

Are you in love again? :D:o:D

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Do i like long posts or short posts?

Yohan's posts are rather confusing sometimes, but as he has lived in Japan for a long time, it is understandable that he is completely nuts and i make allowances for that.

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Yohan's posts are rather confusing sometimes, but as he has lived in Japan for a long time, it is understandable that he is completely nuts and i make allowances for that.

I now understand why.

By the way, where is Yohan?

We miss his answer,... :o

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Bluecat, in the past I remember I accused you of being some sort of analyst.

You must be some sort of analyst or maybe a shrink, or data collector for a marketing firm? I can't think of any other reasons you would need to know this.

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I can't think of any other reasons you would need to know this.

But the actual reason is:

Yohan informed me he was banned from posting.

Just wondering why,...

Picked up too many bad habits from the Gent! :o

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Yohan's posts (IMHO) were far too long (again - IMHO!), but the content was never offensive so far as I saw.

If there was a post that got him banned, please post a link so we can judge for ourselves, however I would not think that it was for the length. He had valid points at times, but they seemed to drag on forever.

Dr PP might p*ss the odd person off (translated: make some people unhappy on a rare occasion) but this was few and far between and would be generally deserved.

All in all - Dr PP - okay! and I like his rhetorical wit.

Yohan - no major drama, a genuine person - but cut down on the length of the post.

Now - can we get on with it?

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Yohan is austrian (no, not australian!) and austrians tend to express their feelings/comments filled up with long explanations around the original meaning.

I suggest you guys simply accept and overread those parts of his context which you suppose to sound boring for you.

Furthermore you should be happy (?) to have non-uk/american posters in this forum. They have got so many different views upon any kind of topic as you might have. Isn't it interesting to read such kind of opinions as well?

Aaah, yes ... forgot to tell ... I am not u.k./american either .. and both of us ... Yohan and me .. might have some grammar problems from time to time ... could that be part of your rating that these comments are (tend to be...) boring or over-sized???


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If this is the standard we can expect from you then try a long one with something worth while to post about.

Is it a case of building your posting's? 

You are a super member now so you can tell all your friends, sorry they are on this Forum, so they will already know.

If this post did not exist therefore was not written, would anyone care.

What does this bring to peoples lives?

You nasty little whinger, is this the standard we can expect from your postings when you've got nothing better to do?

The elusive and mysterious Bluecat is a well established and respected member of this forum and is very sensible most of the time.

We all enjoy his posts and like his avatar so leave him alone.

As for Yohan - every forum should have one - he's really funny cause he takes life so seriously and it's brilliant. :o

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Yohan is austrian (no, not australian!) and austrians tend to express their feelings/comments filled up with long explanations around the original meaning.

I have a good friend from Austria, lives here in Bangkok ...

When we meet, I can really relax. He talks for 25 minutes, non stop, And when I finally manage to get a word in, by asking if he ever breathes, he gives another 35 minutes' speech, about breathing.

What I want to say, one cannot jump over one's own shadow.

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i've also had pm from yohan, i've invited him to my bar when he comes to pattaya.

yes he's been banned

i have a question for the moderators,

who banned yohan and why?

was it a female moderator?

was it really justified to ban him?

has he ever really hurt anyone?

i've taken the piss out of him before and we've exchanged views before but on the whole he's ok, a bit long winded but he's also very detailed in all of his postings and also helpful occasionally.

please enlighten me.

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This forum needs Yohan like a tortiose needs mudflaps.

I take that back actually, sorry, it just sounded funny.

The thing about Yohan is that he does take life a bit seriously and is a bit heavy for many people but I don't think he should be banned.

Did anyone see the great lengths he had gone to to have a go at me after I said he spoke a lot of rubbish? He sifted the forum for quotes of mine that would be evidence against my case for getting a job at the embassy.

It was the funniest thing I have ever read on here and I got some weired looks in the internet cafe as I was crying with laughter.

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i've also had pm from yohan, i've invited him to my bar when he comes to pattaya.

yes he's been banned

i have a question for the moderators,

who banned yohan and why?

was it a female moderator?

was it really justified to ban him?

has he ever really hurt anyone?

i've taken the piss out of him before and we've exchanged views before but on the whole he's ok, a bit long winded but he's also very detailed in all of his postings and also helpful occasionally.

please enlighten me.

Dave, I think your questions are legit.

Yohan is long winded, but I never saw anything that really could be insulting.

Rather the other way round, when he felt being attacked by a member or mod, he became extremely polite.

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I'd also like to know why Yohan was banned, ok his posts were long but a lot of people here espesialy new members, are looking for, insite's,information regaurding thailand, and while all the banter between usually established members is very entertaining, its not always helpful.

I was reading the Bangkok section the other day and someone wanted to know about accomadation in BangNa, Yohans replies very very helpful and comprehensive(long), thats his style, but a least he tries to help.

Maybye there should be a list of banned members with the moderators reason why, and possably a single post off the banned member offering a rebutal (if not offensive).

Personnaly I dont agree with much of what he writes, but he is often goaded into carrying on an argument.

I forgot who said something like "I dont agree with what you say but will fight for your right to say it."

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