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Pattaya Is Great For Lonely Men

Ling Kae

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I agree, please do not think they do it for anything except the convenience and the money. Also do not for anything except for the convenience yourself. I am in a relationship with one of these girls. Convenient for her you bet it is and for me too. I do not find it necessary to get out every night and shag a different girl. I enjoy her company and she in her way enjoys mine we talk have fun and do many things together. She takes great care of my son (5 years old) when he stays with us and he adores her.

It is a relationship of convenience. I like my "girl" very much and she shows affection toward me, nuff for any man that. Love or a lasting relationship even marriage. Could happen but do not expect to buy that. That will come or it won't just have to wait and see. :o

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I agree, please do not think they do it for anything except the convenience and the money. Also do not for anything except for the convenience yourself. I am in a relationship with one of these girls. Convenient for her you bet it is and for me too. I do not find it necessary to get out every night and shag a different girl. I enjoy her company and she in her way enjoys mine we talk have fun and do many things together. She takes great care of my son (5 years old) when he stays with us and he adores her.

It is a relationship of convenience. I like my "girl" very much and she shows affection toward me, nuff for any man that. Love or a lasting relationship even marriage. Could happen but do not expect to buy that. That will come or it won't just have to wait and see. :o

A test to separate the men from the boys so to speak, or weed out actual love versus potential future economic gain is a PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT. If she loves you and being with you is the most important thing she would have no prroblem signing. Just being able to live and work in the EC, Canada, USA, etc is worth its weight in gold. There are actual cases of men building expensive houses for their Thai women and being evicted from the house they built as it is in the name of the Thai woman.

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I am not knocking it, but how much self respect or self worth can these men have? I appreciate that having a Thai woman push your wheel chair and wipe your @rse would probably be more enjoyable than an overworked care assistant in your home town, but still...........................................................

Have you ever been in an old people's home? I worked in one.

Lonely human garbage waiting to die with no respect from anybody.

Thailand is paradise indeed. :o

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There are actual cases of men building expensive houses for their Thai women and being evicted from the house they built as it is in the name of the Thai woman.

whoa , steady on old chap.

are you sure , seems highly unlikely to me , do you have any proof of such evictions ?????

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There are actual cases of men building expensive houses for their Thai women and being evicted from the house they built as it is in the name of the Thai woman.

whoa , steady on old chap.

are you sure , seems highly unlikely to me , do you have any proof of such evictions ?????

I knew a chap in HK who took an early pay off and headed off to the PI with is lovely flipper wife and his two young children. Invested his life savings in an apartment complex and a hairdresser for the missus plus assorted shops on the ground floor to rent for investment.

His wife hired security guards ( armed ) and found seemingly good tenants for the shops. All was well.

One fine day he awoke to a minor irritation in his ear. This turned out to be the barrel of one of the guards's weapons, with the rest of the guard corps and the wife looking on. The wife thrust his litle son and some clothing into his mits and had him frog-marched to the airport on pain of death, if he returned

Turned out the dear lady employed unbeknown to him her entire ( young ) male family as guards and all the 'tenants' were family as well. She liked the daughter, so kept her, but as the son loved his dad thought it best to get rid of him too.

Similar legal system to the LOS ( ha ), so poor lad lost the lot ( all in her name of course, courts upheld her rights )

Not Thailand, but worth remembering, these things do happen.

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There are actual cases of men building expensive houses for their Thai women and being evicted from the house they built as it is in the name of the Thai woman.

whoa , steady on old chap.

are you sure , seems highly unlikely to me , do you have any proof of such evictions ?????

I knew a chap in HK who took an early pay off and headed off to the PI with is lovely flipper wife and his two young children. Invested his life savings in an apartment complex and a hairdresser for the missus plus assorted shops on the ground floor to rent for investment.

His wife hired security guards ( armed ) and found seemingly good tenants for the shops. All was well.

One fine day he awoke to a minor irritation in his ear. This turned out to be the barrel of one of the guards's weapons, with the rest of the guard corps and the wife looking on. The wife thrust his litle son and some clothing into his mits and had him frog-marched to the airport on pain of death, if he returned

Turned out the dear lady employed unbeknown to him her entire ( young ) male family as guards and all the 'tenants' were family as well. She liked the daughter, so kept her, but as the son loved his dad thought it best to get rid of him too.

Similar legal system to the LOS ( ha ), so poor lad lost the lot ( all in her name of course, courts upheld her rights )

Not Thailand, but worth remembering, these things do happen.

Sorry but I so don't believe that - Get your friend to post here and I'll change my mind.

It always happens to a friend of a friend, I'm sure somebody told you this story in a pub.

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Nope, sorry doubting Tommy, not allowed to post names but he was from Bonnie Sweaty land where he returned with his son. His elder brother also worked for the same branch of Government and is a regular to Thailand. When he visits i'll let him tell you how he re-invented himself as a driving Instructor after the cash went East.

As an edited aside, funny thing was the wife kept the daughter, totally against the accepted macho norm for PI families.

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Agreed, he was a tight fisted git as is his brother !!!

Jokes aside, it did not happen in Thailand.

I have ( honest, don't shoot ) known personally men who have been taken to the cleaners by Thai GF's, but never to this extent. Only posted it as a warning that sh-it does happen when one allows willy to rule the old noggin.

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There are many threads in many forums similar to this one. Having taken on board the various comments, both for and against I think that some BMs have tunnel vision. I guess I fit the category of old fart since I'm not much to look at, not so young and not so rich. In short, I'm just ordinary.

Why do I smile in LOS? Well, here in Germany there are lots of attractive women that I'd love to do. So how do I go about it? Walk in a bar and try to strike up a conversation, which I'm good at - the woman looks at me and, without hearing, decides on my looks alone that I'm not suitable. Bear in mind, the whole object basically is to get her into bed. No result.

So I go to a disco or singles club - same same. The women will gladly accept my offer of a pricey drink and then ramble off to dance - another thing I'm not good at. Do this a few times in an evening and you're out 2 or 3 K baht.

Compare this to the result a man like me gets in LOS for less outlay plus a result and the OP may have an inkling of why there are so many guys like me in LOS who can manage a smile.

Get real,OP. We're not physical or emotional cripples, we're just average Joes who just don't look enough like Brad Pitt and LOS has provided us with a solution.

P:S. I have a good life over here but there's nothing to compare with a holiday in LOS.

Edited by qwertz
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I've swung back and forth on this thread, wanting to make comments but then thought about what the OP has posted.

And have to say, the simple answer is "Yes, Pattaya is great for lonely men".

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Not everyone deserves love.

Some people don't deserve the love they get from their dogs, taking into account the cruel way that some owners treat their pets.

The same thing applies to how some men treat their women.

Money may buy companionship but money will never buy love.

Take an honest look at the marriage between Anna Nicole Smith and her 89 year old oil tycoon, J. Howard Marshall.

Was Anna in love with him or his wealth?

This thread is about Pattaya being great for lonely men.

Pattaya is great for all men but not necessarily for providing love.

Pattaya provides companionship both short term and long term, but usually at a price.

If men want love they need to work at it. It is a two way street.

A quick erection does not translate to love. A one night romp in the hay does not translate to love. Unfortunately, Pattaya is not renowned for its lasting relationships, but having said that, what country is?

Income will always be an important factor in any successful relationship but true love shouldn't rely on money.

Pattaya is mostly a fantasy land where people can come and have their dreams quickly and easily fulfilled.

Love is real, not a fantasy.

Let's not confuse them.

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Agreed, he was a tight fisted git as is his brother !!!

Jokes aside, it did not happen in Thailand.

I have ( honest, don't shoot ) known personally men who have been taken to the cleaners by Thai GF's, but never to this extent. Only posted it as a warning that sh-it does happen when one allows willy to rule the old noggin.

For every bad story there are hundreds of good stories. Last night I went around to see an old mate of mine for 5 years. He met his missus in a bar 4 years ago. From a few visits to that bar they grew on each other and ended up together on a permanent basis. They bought a condo and after 2 years now have a lovely baby and have moved into bigger digs by way of a townhouse. He loves his wife and baby so much, we were doting over the baby all night and his wife is one of the sweetest women I have ever met with a great sense of humour to boot. This man would never return to a life back in Australia, he told me himself last night.

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There are actual cases of men building expensive houses for their Thai women and being evicted from the house they built as it is in the name of the Thai woman.

whoa , steady on old chap.

are you sure , seems highly unlikely to me , do you have any proof of such evictions ?????

:o Lies, I say!

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Agreed, he was a tight fisted git as is his brother !!!

Jokes aside, it did not happen in Thailand.

I have ( honest, don't shoot ) known personally men who have been taken to the cleaners by Thai GF's, but never to this extent. Only posted it as a warning that sh-it does happen when one allows willy to rule the old noggin.

For every bad story there are hundreds of good stories. Last night I went around to see an old mate of mine for 5 years. He met his missus in a bar 4 years ago. From a few visits to that bar they grew on each other and ended up together on a permanent basis. They bought a condo and after 2 years now have a lovely baby and have moved into bigger digs by way of a townhouse. He loves his wife and baby so much, we were doting over the baby all night and his wife is one of the sweetest women I have ever met with a great sense of humour to boot. This man would never return to a life back in Australia, he told me himself last night.

I'm truly happy for your pal.

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Agreed, he was a tight fisted git as is his brother !!!

Jokes aside, it did not happen in Thailand.

I have ( honest, don't shoot ) known personally men who have been taken to the cleaners by Thai GF's, but never to this extent. Only posted it as a warning that sh-it does happen when one allows willy to rule the old noggin.

For every bad story there are hundreds of good stories. Last night I went around to see an old mate of mine for 5 years. He met his missus in a bar 4 years ago. From a few visits to that bar they grew on each other and ended up together on a permanent basis. They bought a condo and after 2 years now have a lovely baby and have moved into bigger digs by way of a townhouse. He loves his wife and baby so much, we were doting over the baby all night and his wife is one of the sweetest women I have ever met with a great sense of humour to boot. This man would never return to a life back in Australia, he told me himself last night.

I'm truly happy for your pal.


Me too. Great to hear the success stories which I am sure at the end of the day will outnumber the bad, even if they do not get the hearing they deserve, simply because they are not " sexy " enough for the pub. ( still have to be careful mind )

Edited by suiging
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I am not knocking it, but how much self respect or self worth can these men have? I appreciate that having a Thai woman push your wheel chair and wipe your @rse would probably be more enjoyable than an overworked care assistant in your home town, but still...........................................................

Have you ever been in an old people's home? I worked in one.

Lonely human garbage waiting to die with no respect from anybody.

Thailand is paradise indeed. :o

Absolutely spot on U/G for a single lonely older guy here in UK some life if your sick, waiting for the local council to swindle you out of your property, and pay the rest home that has mainly totaly uncaring people £600 per week at least untill they use all your lifes investments.

Totaly admire the men that got to LOS and find themselves some happines........£600 per week buys a lot of happiness there ! "Quid pro quo"

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Taxexile either you can not understand English or you are extremely weird as my post if you read it says exactly the opposite of your interpretation of it.

That the other sheeple on this thread followed your line rather than read it for themselves is I am afraid par for the course.


There is that simple enough for you to understand?

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There are actual cases of men building expensive houses for their Thai women and being evicted from the house they built as it is in the name of the Thai woman.

whoa , steady on old chap.

are you sure , seems highly unlikely to me , do you have any proof of such evictions ?????

A friend of mine with an actual house and a thai wife living in Isaan told me of this as the guy that was kicked out needed somewhere to stay urgently. I know a Brit (retired in pattaya) who has gone through much of his savings by giving money to a pattaya seasoned pro claiming her daughter is his. Of course she probably went down a long list accusing until someone agreed to support the child. In actuality she most likely does not know the true father.

Eventually the alleged father asked the woman for a paternity test. She refused and he cut funding almost to nil. This after many years of payments. I know for a fact the woman used almost none of the money for her child. The money went to purchasing gold, gambling, showing off, and buying off a Thai boyfriend. This is akin to something I have noticed, that is many of the business women seem to base their self esteem on displaying how much gold they can wear, a car they may have, and/ or a house.

Regarding Anna Nicole Smith and the oil billionaire. What the oil billionaire did requiring big money is within reach for the masses (the rest of us) in Pattaya. The ordinary guy can feel like donald trump , in pattaya.

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Very true. I wish everyone (Farang) read this and appreciate being in this beautiful country. Not critize and complaining. In the first place, you came here to enjoy life and like our life style. No one invite you here. If you don't like our country, you feel free to go home to your original country where's boring. Please respect our culture and fit in with our tradition. Do not try to change it. This is our life style. Sawadee!

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Today I went shopping and for a stroll on the beach and thought about how so many single men come here to Pattaya and are very Happy with their lives here. I saw men from all countries, all ages, all sizes, some were disabled as well. Most of these guys had a nice Thai lady looking after them, same as myself I guess.

The point I am trying to make is that some of these guys would be just stuck in room alone back in farangland wherever that may be but coming to Thailand has turned their life around completely. Sure in the beginning some guys may have paid for company but most end up finding a nice lady to take care of them eventually.

I think Pattaya is a great place to come and visit and start living life again. You could never get a live in care-er, companion, cook and maybe lover in farangland 24/7 (full time care-ers are hard to find) but here in Thailand many ladies are happy to provide this kind of care and some are quite happy to eventually get married to the man. I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand.

Pattaya is full of happy dreamers. If these so called happy guys stop dreaming, they'll discover the reality of the situation.

The favourite choice of boyfriend/husband for these poor, poverty stricken girls is disabled and/or old men who may not have too much time left on their clock.

Keep your head buried deep in the sand and stay "happy".

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Pattaya is full of happy dreamers. If these so called happy guys stop dreaming, they'll discover the reality of the situation.


Why should they(we)do that?Where is the benefit of discovering the reality of the situation?

"Dreams are necessary to life" (Anais Ninn)


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Yes, the government does offer scholarships to poor Isaan (and anywhere else) folks. They don't pay for everyone but they do offer scholarships to those who are bright enough to benefit from them. The downside is that if they pay for you for 3 years you have to work in a government institution (usually with fairly poor wages) for 6 years as your side of the bargain.

100 % correct,this posting is a very true statement,although sad that there is not enough support outside of this circle?

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