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Do Thai Prefer Hotter More Humid Environment?

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Recent research from Silpakorn University suggests that Thai people like temperatures of 30 and relative humidities of 80 percent, putting thai thermal comfort in a completely different category from fahlang's.


But based on my experience and my review of the research I have my doubts -- which are expressed in my blog at:


Considering the several hot days of last month, did you find that your Thai friends were as uncomfortable as you?


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Its been my observation that Thais will always crank the AC up far cooler than farangs in Thailand.

I also have a friend who keeps weather records, sort of a hobby of his. He records outside temperature and temperature in the house (not enough to do in life).

He and his wife have homes in both the UK and Thailand, frequently travelling between the two.

He has written records that demonstrate that his Thai wife sets the temperature of the AC in their Thai house, lower than she sets the heating in their UK house.

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  • 1 month later...
He has written records that demonstrate that his Thai wife sets the temperature of the AC in their Thai house, lower than she sets the heating in their UK house.

the thing is she will spend only a part of the day indoors at home - the rest would be work, shopping, walking, gardening in a less than plaesant temperatures. That's why when coming back home we try to comfort ourselves.

Even within the home temperature will vary, for example air con usually is used for the bedrooms but not that often for the sitting room, corridors or bathrooms. Same with heating - I do set it high in the sitting room but much less in the bedroom (can't sleep in hot rooms) and not at all in the kitchen, corridors or bathroom where the windows are almost always opened and heating those rooms would be a waste.

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After reading this thread, I realize how bored and boring some people are. Arguing the pros and cons of research involving relative heat discomfort based on nationality, and keeping records of temperature and humidity? That's not "retirement", that's hel_l.

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