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Is It Still Worth Moving To Thailand?


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They are called Trolls and can be found on any internet forum, most probably couldn't find Thailand on a map of South East Asia.

Yes, I find sometimes that a post begs the question of its writer's motivations.

But getting back to the subject...

Myself, I'm here already. On reflection, if I'd known how much trouble I'd initially have settling in here, I would never have come. But if I had known further how happy I would eventually be, I think I would have come despite the trouble. Hindsight is 20/20, and perhaps there will be some disaster in some short time (God, I hope not) which flips me back the other way- but so far things are looking good, in balance.


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If I'd known how much trouble I'd initially have settling in here, I would never have come. But if I had known further how happy I would eventually be, I think I would have come despite the trouble.

Honest repy, and I think it applies to a very large number of us, but once we found our feet not many have looked back, it's great here. Of course though, there are those that find it too dfficult for what ever reason, but hel_l, Thailand is Thailand, certainly not everybodys cup of tea.

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Myself, I'm here already. On reflection, if I'd known how much trouble I'd initially have settling in here, I would never have come. But if I had known further how happy I would eventually be, I think I would have come despite the trouble.

This perhaps describes perfectly the struggles of those who look for something different.

When I migrate to Australia, if I would have known before hand how much denigration I had to deal with, I would have never migrated there. But if knowing this and at the same time I would have envisaged the opportunities that this would open for me, I am sure that I would have chosen to go anyway.

When I migrated I did not sense either. I went there with lot of hopes thinking that this were to be my last destination. It was not, but allows me to see beyond and gave me the opportunities to move on.

I feel Thailand the same way. If it does not work...I will move on.

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Oh by the way, I think I got the unclear part. I should have said, I went to the US because I wanted to study there, not because it was cheaper...etc. Anyway, never mind.

by your own admission, you admit the west has a better education system than Thailand, or you would not study there, so thank you thaigoon, thank you for admitting your hypocrisy

your vehement defense of thailand (in the face of political and economic decay in LOS) is hypocrotical given you went west to better yourself, your actions speak louder than your rhetoric, why not stay in LOS if things are so great there? the answer is becaust they are not

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your actions speak louder than your rhetoric, why not stay in LOS if things are so great there? the answer is becaust they are not

You slam Thaigoons defence of his country against the onslaught of Thai bashing, whilst banging on about how things are better in your own country.

So therefore we can turn your own advice on you, why not stay in your own country if things are so great there ? The answer is because they are not

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your vehement defense of thailand (in the face of political and economic decay in LOS) is hypocrotical given you went west to better yourself, your actions speak louder than your rhetoric, why not stay in LOS if things are so great there? the answer is becaust they are not

Do you spect that a Thai national should stay quite and allow stupid, ignorant, denigrant and racist comments against Thailand without anyt response?.

Get real 'bingobongo'....and if you find that things are not right in here, the door is wide.

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After doing part time research for retirement alteratives for the first two years of retirement I spent the first year in the South of the Philippines. Returned to Washington state for medical needs and reality check, it has ended in not getting back out of here for a year, but will be making air reservations in the next five days.

Posters on RP forums complain about not being able to have more than basic conversations with Thai girls in english and brief visitors to the RP are freaked out about all the security with auto weapons and shot guns, when the result of the real security presents makes the bank ATMs and inside the huge nalls way safer than here in the US. And let use not forget average Filipino food sucks, every one knows it especially those who don't have an entry stamp in there book.

Through others we try and get a clue about a place before we spend the time and money to check it out buy being on the ground looking for the truth for our selves. The following small gems have brought me back to a perspective that makes is easyer to deal with the delemma.

Qwerts "And most important, we accept what is on offer, the prices are affordable and we don't even consider the posibility of living here. It may still be worth moving there but in this age of duindling pensions and capriciouse exchange rates I think for the new wave of pensioners(which includes me) LOS is only one of several options." A tourists state of mind

Jinggthing"As an American, I find getting health care near impossible(be sure to see Michael Moorse's new movie Sicko if you realy don't understand that), yet I have no problems getting most of my needs met here at any Boots store. So to my view, in some respects Thailand is a more free country than the US, yet obviously in very important ways it is much less free(internet censorship etc.). There is no place like home.....there is no perfect home.

Ijustwannatech "myself, I'm here already. On reflection, if I'd known how much trouble I'd initially have settling in here, I would never have come. But if I had known further how happy I would eventually be, I think I would have come despite the trouble. See next post

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your actions speak louder than your rhetoric, why not stay in LOS if things are so great there? the answer is becaust they are not

You slam Thaigoons defence of his country against the onslaught of Thai bashing, whilst banging on about how things are better in your own country.

So therefore we can turn your own advice on you, why not stay in your own country if things are so great there ? The answer is because they are not

:D :D

And Bingobongo, the point I've been trying to make is that Thailand and Thai people are not as bad as some on here are trying to make them (us) out to be. I'm not saying that Thailand and Thai people are the best or always perfect. I hope even you can understand this point. :o Khun Torito also said it perfectly why I felt I needed to do what I did. :D to Khun Torito as well.

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Post two

Torito"When I migrated I did not sence either. I went there with lot of hopes thinking that this were to be my last destination. It was not, but allows me to see beyond and gave me the opportunities to moved on. I feel Thailand the same way. If it does not work...I will move on.

Plan B is secure

Plan A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,and A no guaranty


Try tourist state of mind....only here as short time tourists any way....last flight no return.

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Just a comment to assure all BMs that I've taken all this valuable input on board as I hope the OP has.

In analytical mood, I drew up a list of pros and cons, which I won't bore you all with except to quote an approximate result.

For a single pensioner, the benefits in LOS slightly outweigh when compared with my good life over here.

If I'm to believe the qualified input in this thread (and why should I not?) and equate it with my expat experiences, the easy road to emigration is history and any would be immigrant shouldn't expect an easy ride anywhere in these increasingly difficult times.

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Just a comment to assure all BMs that I've taken all this valuable input on board as I hope the OP has.

In analytical mood, I drew up a list of pros and cons, which I won't bore you all with except to quote an approximate result.

For a single pensioner, the benefits in LOS slightly outweigh when compared with my good life over here.

If I'm to believe the qualified input in this thread (and why should I not?) and equate it with my expat experiences, the easy road to emigration is history and any would be immigrant shouldn't expect an easy ride anywhere in these increasingly difficult times.

You know 'qwertz', you sound such a rational person and probably in Germany you have learn to do things like Germans....everything by the book. :D ...but at the end the balance is subjective.......

You are a master and I cannot lecture you in that..just a point in re to your list of pros and cons that I am sure you know it already:

it change substantianly when you have a young, tender, loving and beautilful lady next to you. :D ...this is the Thai factor! :o

Edited by torito
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"Is it worth moving to Thailand"

I've been back in Scotland for one week now, still have a week to go!

I can't wait to get back HOME to Thai, missing evrything about the place.

...and probably the English spoken in here is more understandable too :o

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I have been reading through lots of post regarding "new" visa regulations, and marraige requirements - abiltiy to prove income etc.

I really love Thailand but it looks like there are so many hoops to jump through now I was wondering if people thought it was still worth the hassle.

A friend of mine had a shop then a bar and is now seriously thinking of leaving Thailand.

So should I give up on Thailand and try moving to a more ferrang friendly country. Maybe Laos or Vietnam??



If you going to flame dont even bother posting.

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Just a comment to assure all BMs that I've taken all this valuable input on board as I hope the OP has.

In analytical mood, I drew up a list of pros and cons, which I won't bore you all with except to quote an approximate result.

For a single pensioner, the benefits in LOS slightly outweigh when compared with my good life over here.

If I'm to believe the qualified input in this thread (and why should I not?) and equate it with my expat experiences, the easy road to emigration is history and any would be immigrant shouldn't expect an easy ride anywhere in these increasingly difficult times.

You know 'qwertz', you sound such a rational person and probably in Germany you have learn to do things like Germans....everything by the book. :D ...but at the end the balance is subjective.......

You are a master and I cannot lecture you in that..just a point in re to your list of pros and cons that I am sure you know it already:

it change substantianly when you have a young, tender, loving and beautilful lady next to you. :D ...this is the Thai factor! :o

Torito, I'm sure you're right and I can't wait for that happy moment (and I wish you the same).

And yes, living here you learn that it pays to observe the system, step out of line once and The German's don't forget you.

P.S. To Liketobe: Of course I have a "tourist's state of mind" what else would I have when I only holiday there nowadays?

But I probably know the expat route better than you, having been one for so long.

Just as a footnote, I did live there once, long ago in the good old days.

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"Is it worth moving to Thailand"

I've been back in Scotland for one week now, still have a week to go!

I can't wait to get back HOME to Thai, missing evrything about the place.

...and probably the English spoken in here is more understandable too :D

:o:D :D

Sorry draggons, that was ###### funny though.

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Last year , I had a job offer in thailand, I almost moved to bangkok. But last minute , I decided to turn it down . I am now in Thailand 2 weeks a month, working for the same company as an external consultant . Thank god, buddah and everyone else , I decided not to move to thailand. Going here on vacation is fun, but working and living here is a nighmare. Visa regulations, work attetude, the traffic nightmare.....and so on.

Hounestly , if you take out the girls ( and the cheap or free sex) and the food, thailand is really not a nice place . I am happy that I have stayed in singapore , and if I want good thai food , I just go to Golden Mile Shopping Center and I can get the same food for the same price .

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and if I want good thai food , I just go to Golden Mile Shopping Center and I can get the same food for the same price .

You pay 5 Singapore dollars for a bowl of soup in Bkk ?

I must admit, I like Singapore too, it ain't that expensive really and would be a better place to live given the choice.

Edited by Maigo6
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I must admit, I like Singapore too, it ain't that expensive really and would be a better place to live given the choice.

Except for two things. The ridiculously rising property prices / rents and the cost of owning a car.

I have staff located in Singapore. Her landlord has recently increased her rent from S$3000 a month to - wait for it - S$9000 in one fell swoop. And those stories aren't that rare these days.

Don't get me wrong. I like Singapore too and could easily live there. But I find the whole 'Asia for Beginners' feel to the place a bit dull.

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I feel a foreigner in my own country, I dont have a problem with imigrants in general if they are bringing something to the country. Far to many come to this country claiming to be skilled, then end up putting lives at risk because they aren't.

And all the falangs ending up here (Thailand) are of course very skilled.

I live in Wales, where most of the road signs are written in English, not Welsh. On top of that there are now Polish road signs appearing, still no Welsh ones though.

Yeah, only central Thai and even falang signs in Isaan, ###### falangs.

... moving to the UK, commiting horrific crimes (2 that spring to mind are a child rapist and a convicted terrorist)

And no falang kee-nok has ever been in trouble with the law in Thailand, chai mai

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Yes, rents going to the roof at this time. But it has still not reached the level of 2001 where I use to pay 4000 SG$ for a 60SQM appartement in the middle of nowhere. From 2003 to 2006 , rents came down alot, I lived in a really nice condo with 3 pools, squash , tennis , sauna , steambad and whatever , 120 sqm for 1300 sg$ . Now, prices going up again ,because of the 3 integrated resorts ( this alone created a sudden demand of 40.000 flats) and due to the fact that companies relocating their HQ's back to singapore from china , thailand and other countries, because it is more stable. Population has increased by almost half a million over the last 6 years.But You see so many new condo projets at the moment that the prices will come down again within the next 2 to 3 years.

As for food, you have to know where to go. You can still get a large portion of very nice fried noodels with chicken and vedgetable for 2 $ , and a coffe or tea for 0.4 SG$ . Thast 40 bath for the food and 10 for the drink . Same like here. I pay usually 80 to 100 bath here fro a dish in a small local restaurant in ayutthaya . If I would go to a place liek this in singapore , I pay roughly the same. Maybe 20% more max.

And , of course , if you go to a food center at orchad road , you pay the same as on siam square.

Yes, beer and cars are still much more expensive , but income tax is only 30% of what you pay here in thailand and everage salary is much higher .

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I feel a foreigner in my own country, I dont have a problem with imigrants in general if they are bringing something to the country. Far to many come to this country claiming to be skilled, then end up putting lives at risk because they aren't.

And all the falangs ending up here (Thailand) are of course very skilled.

Our skill is a fat wallet :o

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