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Does The Forum Display Look Different..?


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One of the most common support problems at the moment is the different forum display modes.

There are three different display modes available.

  • Outline - shows you one post with a list of the remaining posts at the below it, in tree format.
  • Standard - this display mode shows the topic in the standard layout of one post above another, in the order selected by the administrator.
  • Linear+ - is similiar to standard with the added benefit of having the first post of the topic always shown at the top, no matter what page of the topic you are on.

The one that people commonly use and are most familiar with is the standard mode.

If for any reason it changes to one of the other modes follow the steps below to correct it.

  1. Open a topic
  2. At the top right of the topic you will see "options"
  3. Click on options, and look down under the heading "display modes"
  4. click on (switch to) standard (or other preferred choice)

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  • 1 year later...

We have removed the option to change topic view (threaded view, linear view). All members are now redirected to the Standard view.

Hope this helps members who are having problems with the topic view settings.

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