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New Wife Advice


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There is no such thing as money to her friends! I went through the same thing though not so fast. She might understand some things about immigration that you do not. Some things you might want to look into. That is the difference between you filing for a divorce and her filing for a divorce. In the USA if you file for divorce in the first five years she can stay in the USA and is entitled to alimony. IF she files for divorce within 5 years then she must return to her country and is not entitled for compensation or support. She is apparently trying to do to you what my Japanese wife learned from a Vietnamese and tried to do to me. Push you to file for divorce and drive you mad to help her prove abuse and abandonment. This just might give you a very difficult time if you ever decide to marry another foreign national. If I am right and the UK has any similar laws to the USA you had better start collecting evidence now. Put a recorder on the phone in the attic so she can’t find it. Tape the conversations of her defiling you to others or conspiring against you. Get documentation of her abuse for a court to hear. Put spy ware on your computer. Record on camera or tape your conversations. Make her think the last thing you want to do is divorce her. Act totally submissive and completely lethargic when the two of you are alone. Tell her the same terrible things she tells you, but only in front of “strangers”. Never in front of anyone who could be located to testify in court such as friends or co workers. This will make her desperate and careless about being verbally abusive. When she hears her own words out of your mouth the dumbfounded look on her face will be priceless and leave no room for rebuttal. Bring a camera every where you go to capture this look. You will want to frame the pictures after it is all said and done. Send her a new one every year on your anniversary along with a fake copy of a bank account in your name showing you had 250,000 ero. in some bank account the whole time you were married. The thought of all the money she failed to steal from you will kill her. If she is not sleeping with you she will be sleeping with someone sooner or later. So look for signs such as new English phrases that she did not learn from you but you know came out of an intimate conversation. If she is looking for a quickie she will carry tampons or pads in her purse when she is not on her period. Women use them to keep from getting a discharge in their underwear or messing them up when they get excited. You will find them in the trash when she is not menstruating. But you will have to get proof for a lawyer to work with so never question her about any evidence you find or it will be the last time you find anything. If this is not the case and she is just naturally cold as ice. Leave condoms in your pockets for her to find when she does laundry. Leave pictures on your camera of you with complete strangers. Go up to hot women and with a fake accent ask if you can take pictures with them. She will then be more careless about who she cheats on you with. Hire the same person that she will hire to have you followed to get pictures of her infidelity. He will make a great witness for you in court. You will get his information off the taped phone conversations and he will probably be sleeping with her as well so after she is gone and he is done testifying for you sue him for everything he is worth for taking advantage of your delusional wife and ruining your marriage. Take the money and go buy a sports car or Harley Davidson. Finally, share the detective’s photos of the men she slept with their wives. One of them will be extremely attractive, have a good job and Love to go for a ride.

Wow! No comment on that monologue! :D Hmmmm...

The only comment I will make is that the 2 sentences I've put in bold are totally erroneous. Women will use panty liners against discharge, but rarely pads (too bulky & no need for something that absorbent) & only a very ignorant (about her body) woman would use tampons if not menstruating. Google "toxic shock syndrome" and you'll find out why. If she were having a liasion & it was used to absorb lubrication from excitement, wouldn't it be a bit of an obstruction, also? :o:D

Now that I've put you all off your breakfast.... :bah::D:D

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Yeah, he could be a "troll," but how many folks would be labelled the same if they turned up on some mainstream family relationships/counseling web forum with the following credentials asking for advice:

-married a gal/guy XX years younger in a foreign country while on vacation in an 'entertainment venue,' through a dating agency, etc.

-spouse/partner has the equivalent of a 6th grade education, more or less; can barely read in her own language and has about a 100 word vocabulary in mine

-relationship consists of drinking alcohol, sex, conversations regarding how spicy food is, the weather, what we'll buy at the hypermarket this week, and how much I need to send "up country" this month to the inlaws I'm supporting (after having visited them X times).

Who else would also get the "troll" label?


p.s. not that there's anything wrong with any of that... to each his/her own.

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p.s. not that there's anything wrong with any of that... to each his/her own.

If it works for you Heng, that's all that matters.


Aaaah the best of TV all neatly packed in one nice thread

Precisely !

All the main ingredients are there. We really don't need much to "discuss"; just throw a few fish in the water & see what happens ...

Re the OP's question : none of us can know what's going on in your relationship, but no cuddling is not a good sign. That is why you are asking. Sorry :D.

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Re the OP's question : none of us can know what's going on in your relationship, but no cuddling is not a good sign. That is why you are asking. Sorry .

:o Sorry, that was a different thread. Though not very different :D .

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George and mods, please don't get angry at me for this but I overheard a conversation where 2 TV members were discussing the possibility that the management of TV were either writing threads themselves or paying existing members to write threads themselves under new names to boost traffic as it were.

So many of the controversial 'sad' stories are by newbies and are plainly fiction, as someone mentioned in the OP's story above, a 47 Thai woman, previously married to a bank manager, says she's too old for sex and then drops her pants and pulls out a soiled tampon! A vivid and crude imagination from the OP.

Anyway, my point is if it's true we can be paid for creating controversial threads under new names could you tell me how much per line? I guarantee only mild vulgarity and all done in the best possible taste.


In imaginative anticipation,


It must be tempting to do this but my own observation is that IF it happens here , then it is very occasionally .

In any case the posts are quit entertaining and the author is quit gifted .

One of the Patts boards seems to only have half a dozen writers all posting under multiple names to promote it and the commercial interests it supports.

It took me quit a while to realise that this little cabala existed but now I do know the nature of the beast , I , and many others , no longer post there !

Overall , I find this board to have a good 'authority' and I enjoy the 'substance' of the posts here!

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did you see darya closing comments. wow, for a thai girl she sure sounded like a farang. we were all had. another who post silly premise and expects all of us to feel for her.

hel_l, i wanted to feel her up like her friend probably has. whats a maaried woman hanging out with a boy.

you go boy, referring to heng. are you saying most of the relationships are not of equals............lol. like ive been saying , and who wouldnt expect tons and tons of problems. if yr relationship under these conditions go well you are a freak of nature......lol. or the exception that proves the rules.

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I tend to think the poster is not a troll. No matter, I would like to say, that in the case of a marriage for one month, you do not need to go hide all your assets, or spend months collecting information about her supposed infidelities, she probably doesn't have any. I don't happen to know what the law is in the UK if but if it is like American law (which is should be because most of American law was inherited from English law) then you would not owe her much money after marriage for one month.

But, by doing the stupid things suggested by many here, and thereby increasing your marriage time together, you will be incurring many more debts towards her, if you happen to have a balance of assets, and not debts. As far as I know, and I went to law school, the most liberal American state, would grant a spouse, suppot for one half of the total time of marriage. And this "support" is based on what you can pay, what she has been used to living on, take all your money and divide all your debts first. So according to your post you might owe her half of what your earn in two weeks, if you didn't have any debts.

This is hardly something to lose sleep about since you maybe spent more than that on one bar girl on a vacation in Thailand before you got married. Maybe because immigration is involved, you may have to pay a ticket to send her back to her country, since it is not the government's fault that you decided to bring this girl to the UK.

Surely, you will spend more on legal advise, than just making a tiny settlement with her and sending her back.

And even though people talk in Asia about "face" does this not exist in western countries, although measured differently? Maybe she will be embarrassed that her scam did not come off correctly, but don't you think western women are embarrassed when their marriages fail??? And most of you don't give a toss about that do you? Why are Thai women more likely to experience the "nice side" of you, when western women, who probably contributed a lot more to the balance in the relationship, get the shit side of you?

What would you be saying about this situation if it was a UK girl doing this to you now? Overall, I would bet that this would not happen if you married a western woman, as they are usually not desperate for a financial life that can only be provided by someone they might hate to be with.

I feel sorry for the poster because he probably thought that he could provide a nice life, and be a nice husband, and that that would be enough for a poor Thai girl to be happy. He probably thought that by providing these things he might get loyalty and a person to love him. He did not know that a pair of Channel sunglasses might be more important to his wife, than any house, anywhere in the world. Unless of course, it is only in her name. He probably is not aware that his Thai wife would sell her house and buy a "status car and 20 lottery tickets" in its place, because, afterall, she might get lucky. And people will see her drive the car ... but you cannot drive a house.

Maybe his Thai wife, thinking he was very rich in Thailand, did not have any idea what a school teacher's life is really like in England. Maybe she thought he/she could show off every week of the year, rather than for 2 weeks a year in Thailand. Maybe she did not know, that western women, as well as having a good job, we iron the clothes, clean the toilet and floors, and we do not have maids to do all of our mundane chores. Maybe she thought she could drive drunk off her ass, and pay the police if stopped ... because, she is married to a rich farang.

Maybe if Thai people were better educated about the outside world, they wouldn't make these mistakes. And maybe if farang men were not looking for the ideal wife, based on standards 100 years old, they would be more happy. Or if they were willing to support their farang wives the same way they are willing to support their Thai wives, everyone would be happy?

I'm sure my opinion will be unpopular, but why don't some of you think about it?

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and I enjoy the 'substance' of the posts here!

So you have a Bovine excrement fetish ?



No big deal now but school was hel_l! :o

No BS ether , I always tell the truth ( Honest M ) :D

You lot really impress me coz your cleaver and witty , like!

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Quote Rain:

The only comment I will make is that the 2 sentences I've put in bold are totally erroneous. Women will use panty liners against discharge, but rarely pads (too bulky & no need for something that absorbent) & only a very ignorant (about her body) woman would use tampons if not menstruating. Google "toxic shock syndrome" and you'll find out why. If she were having a liasion & it was used to absorb lubrication from excitement, wouldn't it be a bit of an obstruction, also?

Now that I've put you all off your breakfast....

Rain, what would we do without you?

I'm just composing a letter of thanks to the board.

Directly due to this plethora of erudite input I've managed to trim my budget by cancelling my Playboy card and my subscriptions to "True Romance" and Reader's Digest.

You've all given me more entertainment than I can handle with the intoxicating velocity of your verbosity.

Special thanks to maigo, blizz and the OP. :D:o:D:D:D

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