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Thai Women And Violence


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I've heard stories of Thai male violence, but I'm starting to hear more stories of Thai female violence. Obviously, I'm not suggesting that Thais' are violent (I've never experienced violence from a Thai), there are violent people in all nations. I'm just interested to hear any stories of female violence, as it's something that is new to me. I read this on the internet:

"In Thailand, penis attacks are reputedly more common than in any other country, In fact, in Thailand more penis reattachment surgeries are performed than in any other nation. In 1997, a Thai wife had severed her husband's penis while he was asleep and attached it to helium balloons. There is a metaphor in Thailand that translates loosely as "Feed the ducks". This comes from a frustrated wife who cut off the penis of her philandering husband, then fed it to ducks outside the house".

Is 'cheating' the most common reason for violence?

Also, what about Thai women against other Thai women? Are they violent towards each other?

Just curious ...

Edited by Totster
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While cutting of the privates aren't a national sport yet, some woman joke about it like it could be and it shows they have the idea somewhere in their head...so guys, be carefull when you are messing around. :o

And to be fair, sofar, every story with a wife doing it to the husbands it has been a proper punishment/revenge...

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I've heard stories of Thai male violence, but I'm starting to hear more stories of Thai female violence. Obviously, I'm not suggesting that Thais' are violent (I've never experienced violence from a Thai), there are violent people in all nations. I'm just interested to hear any stories of female violence, as it's something that is new to me. I read this on the internet:

"In Thailand, penis attacks are reputedly more common than in any other country.[citation needed] In fact, in Thailand more penis reattachment surgeries are performed than in any other nation. In 1997, a Thai wife had severed her husband's penis while he was asleep and attached it to helium balloons. There is a metaphor in Thailand that translates loosely as "Feed the ducks". This comes from a frustrated wife who cut off the penis of her philandering husband, then fed it to ducks outside the house".

Is 'cheating' the most common reason for violence?

Also, what about Thai women against other Thai women? Are they violent towards each other?

Just curious ...

This is not exclusively a Thai thing. It almost happened to me once when a Mexican gf (lovely girl but insanely jealous) spotted me one day downtown with my arm around a cute little blonde. When I got home she went for me with a huge knife to the groin without asking for an explanation. The girl was my 16 year old daughter on a flying visit from Spain. I shudder to think what might have happened if I'd really been playing away. My gf was very loving after that but my feelings changed.

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When I first came to Thailand I was beaten regularly by my Thai girlfriend, I was really upset when we broke up. :o

No worries I'm sure we can find some one to beat you on a fairly regular basis hehe

Anyway, yeah my Lady made it very clear, and in no uncertain terms that I will have my girthy manhood cut off like unpaid electric if I where ever caught cheating. I belive her too...something about the way she said it "I am so, sooooo sincere, I will cut you..." *shiver* :D I'll be good.

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When I first came to Thailand I was beaten regularly by my Thai girlfriend, I was really upset when we broke up. :D

No worries I'm sure we can find some one to beat you on a fairly regular basis hehe

Anyway, yeah my Lady made it very clear, and in no uncertain terms that I will have my girthy manhood cut off like unpaid electric if I where ever caught cheating. I belive her too...something about the way she said it "I am so, sooooo sincere, I will cut you..." *shiver* :D I'll be good.

most fretten this type of behaveour but very few would actually go through with it :o

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When I first came to Thailand I was beaten regularly by my Thai girlfriend, I was really upset when we broke up. :D

No worries I'm sure we can find some one to beat you on a fairly regular basis hehe

Anyway, yeah my Lady made it very clear, and in no uncertain terms that I will have my girthy manhood cut off like unpaid electric if I where ever caught cheating. I belive her too...something about the way she said it "I am so, sooooo sincere, I will cut you..." *shiver* :D I'll be good.

most fretten this type of behaveour but very few would actually go through with it :o

Wrong , the Thai microsurgeons are the most experienced at reattaching the penis after having been severed off.

Better head for the hill or buy a chasity belt if your lady infers she hack off your most precious memeber.

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It is interesting that Thai women would have such an attitude, since from what I have seen of them, they are as likely to "screw around" and cheat on someone as a Thai man, if not more so. And, I don't mean the "play for pay" ladies. I think there is a lot of pent up emotional baggage with many people here, since it is not common for them to express thier true feelings in many instances. So, often things reach an explosion point.

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It is interesting that Thai women would have such an attitude, since from what I have seen of them, they are as likely to "screw around" and cheat on someone as a Thai man, if not more so. And, I don't mean the "play for pay" ladies. I think there is a lot of pent up emotional baggage with many people here, since it is not common for them to express thier true feelings in many instances. So, often things reach an explosion point.

Very true. Filipinos seem rather similar in this respect. They bottle it all up for the jackpot, and can go ballistic over what might seem to be something trivial....

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It is interesting that Thai women would have such an attitude, since from what I have seen of them, they are as likely to "screw around" and cheat on someone as a Thai man, if not more so. And, I don't mean the "play for pay" ladies. I think there is a lot of pent up emotional baggage with many people here, since it is not common for them to express thier true feelings in many instances. So, often things reach an explosion point.

Very true. Filipinos seem rather similar in this respect. They bottle it all up for the jackpot, and can go ballistic over what might seem to be something trivial....

My Filipina ex was crazy and wouldn't think twice about attacking me extremely violently. I always put it down to the Latin blood in her.

As for more penis reattachment surgery in Thailand than anywhere else in the world - maybe thats down to ladyboys changing their minds after having it cut off and taking it out of the freezer and asking for it to be sewn back on.

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In 1997, a Thai wife had severed her husband's penis while he was asleep and attached it to helium balloons. There is a metaphor in Thailand that translates loosely as "Feed the ducks". This comes from a frustrated wife who cut off the penis of her philandering husband, then fed it to ducks outside the house".

There is often helium balloons flying around here from some party or other, i dont think i will look closely at them anymore, and I have just lost my appetite for duck :o:D:D:D

Regards :D

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Has anyone seen the women act violently towards each other? Or is it just towards the men?

Is there anything better than sitting in a bar on Walking Street, sipping an icy cold beer, and watching two angry women tearing each other apart? :o

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Has anyone seen the women act violently towards each other? Or is it just towards the men?

Is there anything better than sitting in a bar on Walking Street, sipping an icy cold beer, and watching two angry women tearing each other apart? :o

Only when they are both rolling around in jelly or baked beans. :D

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Has anyone seen the women act violently towards each other?

Cat fights? ..... gawd yes, frequently.

I don't think I've ever personally witnessed physical violence between Thai women, but I've seen some stand-up shouting matches that far surpass anything I've seen in the West. After one of these matches, my cleaner, who lived very close to me, quit her job, packed up her house & moved, all in one day. The disagreement was with a shop owner over the road. Within 24 hours, my cleaner & her whole family had gone. I heard the fight & didn't see any violence, but I imagine some was threatened to make her clear out like that! :o

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I have husband and wife team that work for me. She beats him quite often at work so i hate to think what goes on at home. She is twice his size.

Just out of interest if it was the other way around and a guy beat his wife at work would he still be working for you ?

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My wife and I are *very* rarely at each others throats - i think we've had two "big ones" since we've been together.

She was 6 months pregnant, we're sitting at dinner with a party of friends, and all of a sudden she burst out crying. I was quite bewildered at this. She never spoke to me for 2 days - at the end of it i just said "sod this, i'm off out for a beer" to which point she improvised Ninja throwing stars out of my CD collection - i think one or two made rather nice dents in the door.

Anyways we made up and I found out the cause for this - i said a rude word. she missunderstood who it was directed at and flipped her lid.

Nutter. Love her to bits though :o

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