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Do Thai Couples Do Cuddling & Hugging ?


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before to sleep, I like to cuddle & hug my Thai gf. (I don't mean about something more :o )

Most of times, she just does nothing and waits...

We're together since 2 years, so I asked her several times why she almost never cuddles & hugs with me if I don't do it, and she told me Thai people just don't do that.

I had another Thai gf long time ago, and it's true she wasn't much into cuddling either, although, she liked it a bit more than my current gf.

So I wonder if all Thai girls are like that, or if I have been unlikely with my 2 picks... :D

From what I see here, it seems clear than Thai people are a lot less demonstrative in public (outside & even at home) than westerners, but I'd think it's not the case once they have a bit of privacy...

Hugs feel good, whatever ur culture is, no ? :D

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before to sleep, I like to cuddle & hug my Thai gf. (I don't mean about something more :o )

Most of times, she just does nothing and waits...

We're together since 2 years, so I asked her several times why she almost never cuddles & hugs with me if I don't do it, and she told me Thai people just don't do that.

I had another Thai gf long time ago, and it's true she wasn't much into cuddling either, although, she liked it a bit more than my current gf.

So I wonder if all Thai girls are like that, or if I have been unlikely with my 2 picks... :D

From what I see here, it seems clear than Thai people are a lot less demonstrative in public (outside & even at home) than westerners, but I'd think it's not the case once they have a bit of privacy...

Hugs feel good, whatever ur culture is, no ? :D

Depends on the girl and her upbringing.

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I think most Thai girls are very affectionate in private but you must get a minority which are not. Could be several reasons:

they're tough

they're moody/cold

you're not cuddly

Better to move this to relationships section I think.

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I think most Thai girls are very affectionate in private but you must get a minority which are not. Could be several reasons:

they're tough

they're moody/cold

you're not cuddly

Better to move this to relationships section I think.

The relationships section ??? :o

I think you mean here.. http:// relationshipsforum.com/

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Stooding, must be something wrong with your relationship i think,,,

When i come back from our farm after spreading pig/cowshit on the plants and fertilizer, I must smell like a gorillas armpit or a kangaroo with mange, but as soon as my GF sees me, we always have a quick hello cuddle, and she is the boss of her own beauty salon, when bedtime comes, im all showered and clean and wear deoderant, we always cuddle and hug, she knows i like my back scratched and rubbed, and i do the same for her, if this leads to something else, that is an extra!! and enjoyable of course!!im 55 and GF is 44, what are your ages please?

And if this is another wind-up posting, i hope your next shit is a hedgehog!! Cheers, Lickey.

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we always cuddle and hug, she knows i like my back scratched and rubbed, and i do the same for her, if this leads to something else, that is an extra!! and enjoyable of course!!im 55 and GF is 44, what are your ages please?

thanks for ur testimony. :D

We're both 30...

I don't think the whole relationship is wrong (else i would have put an end to it since long time), but this is one of the most annoying points : globally she isn't sweet, even if she can do if I ask her ; example : goodbye kiss before to leave ; she wouldn't do if I didn't explicitly told her it was important me... :o

Best "unrequested" sweet thing I have is that sometimes she curls against me to fall asleep.

And if this is another wind-up posting, i hope your next shit is a hedgehog!! Cheers, Lickey.

ouch, it sounds painful..! :D

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My Isaan honey has a very deliberate routine prior to sleep. The last thing she does is tell me when its time to "do my job" (hug her to sleep)

I think Issaan women are very particular that you shower before bed too.

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Do Thai Couples Do Cuddling & Hugging ?, my thai gf says no...

It depends on a person.

We Thai have been tought to hide this behaviour.Even We love our partner so much ,It's not so good to do it in public.

Anyway,Things are changed by globalization.New generation people do not care.So you may see plenty TH people express those behaviours such as Cuddling & Hugging in the public place.

I,myself do "Cuddling & Hugging" from time to time.But I always do it in the the right time and the right place.

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As per social codex: not in public.

But no problems in private. Tell your GF she is wrong if she thinks thai girls/woman don't like it/do it. Everyone is still human...

Hugs, cuddles and kisses whenever we are alone, and after 4 years , they seem to be more frequent than they were at the start. If I 'cool it' for a while, for whatever reason, I am accused of not loving her any more and/or having a 'mia noi'.

In public it's a no no, but we do sometimes hold hands, as do many younger Thai couples.

Frankly, in the west I feel slightly disgusted when I see couples kissing in public (and I'm not talking about a peck on the cheek) - but maybe I've been in Thailand too long. :o

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This is difficult to generalise about. I never had this problem, but I have had many whose sexual responsiveness (or honesty about it) left a lot to be desired. I think there is considerable difference in attitudes with various age groups here: under 25 is fairly modern, 25-35 variable either way, over 35-many like your Grandmother's old maid Auntie. This is a big generalisation. I have been told (by some) that Thai women don't have sex before marriage, don't do sex in the daytime, don't do oral sex, never heard of spontaneity,etc, etc. It is usually B.S. and I often find they have no inhibitions with someone they really like, usually one of the local boys.

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I have heard these complaints from farang before, and while there could be other reasons, in the cases I know, it has turned out to be because the woman was not attracted to the man but needed his money and support. Not saying it is necessary the case here, but it could be.

Any hedgehogs yet?

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It is usually B.S. and I often find they have no inhibitions with someone they really like, usually one of the local boys.

So you mean they're human.......amazing.

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Hugs, cuddles and kisses whenever we are alone, and after 4 years , they seem to be more frequent than they were at the start. If I 'cool it' for a while, for whatever reason, I am accused of not loving her any more and/or having a 'mia noi'.

Yeah same here. Sometimes I want a bit of space and get annoyed by the incessant cuddling, but then I get accused of not loving her anymore. A bit childish really, but I kind of enjoy it.

No offense to OP, and this is pure speculation, but if your girl never wants to cuddle it may very well be because she isn't attracted to you.

Pictures would help us answer your question much more accurately! :o

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Hugs, cuddles and kisses whenever we are alone, and after 4 years , they seem to be more frequent than they were at the start.

Friend of mine told me the same thing about his young Thai wife, he explained it by saying as every day passed, he was closer to dying, so she had to up the affection accordingly to assure herself of getting the house and money when he finally went.

I never did know if he was kidding or not.

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