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Shera type fiber panels, need to paint?

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The wood planks the water tank is standing on are starting to go bad.


Been out in all weathers for about 10 years so not surprising. 


Am thinking of replacing the wood planks with Shera or similar cement fiber planks that should last forever.


Do I need to paint them, or will they be ok to use in their raw naked cement state. ?


Won't look so pretty unpainted but at the top of the tower nobody's going to notice. ???? 

38 minutes ago, jvs said:

As far as i know you can buy them painted already?

That's true.


Near me me is a roadside shop selling roof tiles and fiber board stuff cheaper than the real Shera but it's all unpainted hence the question.


This "shop" keeps all it's stock in the open just by the roadside and that doesn't seem to  deteriorate the stock so I'm guessing unpainted would not really matter, just trying to get another opinion. 


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They look better painted (the pre-coloured ones are $$$ and rarely in stock) but you don't have to, they last as long as concrete does even unpainted.


You may have problems with moss etc. making a home if you don't paint with something to seal the surface pores.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


They are a mix of cement and wood dust, so things will grow on it. The surface will probably degrade with time and look dirty at least. A quick paint over with roof paint should take care of it and avoid future problems. Water base fast drying, put on before taking them up and screwing them on.

You probably are aware cement/wood mixture don't have the strength of real wood and thus might need closer spacing of beams etc. All depending on the construction...


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