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Bangkok Bank - Unbelievable!

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I honestly am not generally the type to go nuts when receiving bad service and my experience with Bangkok Bank so far has been excellent, which is why this recent turn of events is extremely annoying.

I have a simple savings account with them, which for the past 3-4 months has not been used (and didn't have any money in it)...since last evening my regular bank's cash deposit machine was out of order, I decided to go to the nearest other one, which happened to be Bangkok Bank's Ramkhamhaeng branch. I deposited the money at their machine, got a receipt confirming that, so far so good...I then wanted to immediately transfer the money to my regular account (at Kasikorn Bank). Using the adjacent Bangkok Bank ATM yielded a failed transfer...I then checked the balance, which showed the correct amount of money in the Ledger Balance field, but showed precisely 0 in the Available Balance field. This has never happened before, normally if I deposit money using the machine (including previous experience with this particular Bangkok Bank branch), the money is immediately accesible, no matter at what hour of day or night the cash was deposited.

I called Customer Support and received confirmation that the deposit transaction did take place, but that the bank had put my account "on hold"...the operator could/would not tell me why, just that I need to contact the branch at which I opened the account (the same Huamark branch) on Monday. This is no good, I NEED that money in an accesible account tomorrow...why did the bloody machine take it in the first place?? If my account was on hold, it should have just denied the transaction...I'm very puzzled and very pissed off by this turn of events and will go in the morning to their Mall Ramkhamhaeng branch, which is open, hopefully to get some sense out of these people.

The only plausible explanation I can think of is that with no money in the account, whatever 100 Baht/year maintenance fee they have must have been left unpaid and thus I might have been stuck with essentially a "-" balance...but if this was the case, can't they call, e-mail, send a <deleted> letter?? And why withhold the ENTIRE amount I had just deposited?

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I think it's because you deposited at a different branch. I've read on here a lot that different branches of the same bank don't act the same way as different branches in other countries. Thai bank branches almost like to act like a different branch is a different bank. So your funds will probably be available soon, just not immediately. It shows you have the proper ledger balance, you just need time for the deposit to clear.


P.S. I just wanted to note your encounter with customer service could just be bad service/language difficulty which resulted in incorrect information, which happens in Thailand, or there could be a hold on your account for some reason.

Edited by Jimjim
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I actually deposited it at the cash machine of the same branch where I initially opened my account...and there was no miscommunication with the support rep, she understood and didn't BS me, she simply said she doesn't have access to WHY the hold has been put on my account, all she could say is that there definitely is a hold and that I need to contact the branch...I also think the funds will be available 'soon', it's just that Monday is not soon enough, I was hoping to have it sorted out right away, as has been the case in the past :o

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Roughly same story happened with a friend of mine.

Account had been dormant with a low balance for some months while he was abroad.

He wired money into the account three weeks before his arrival in Thailand.

Arrived at Don Muang, went to the first atm to withdraw cash, and got nothing.

Luckily he did have a European Visa card to get him through the weekend since he arrived on a friday evening!

Second and biggest problem was that he opened the account several years ago in Phuket, and on this trip he didn't plan to go their at all. First they required him to go to the branch he opened the account, but after much negotiating Bangkok headquarters unlocked the account!

Same story, account had been suspended, allowing only deposits but no withdrawals.

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Well monty, it seems you hit it right on the head...I still don't have an official explanation (after going to the Mall Ramkhamhaeng branch today) and I guess I have no choice but to wait until Monday - and take my business elsewhere.

This is an extremely messed up policy...putting unused accounts on hold I understand, but allowing deposits which then just sit there is WRONG.

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Yeah, no sh_it...it's just that these guys were actually very professional in my dealings with them so far, much more so than Bank of Ayudhya (forced upon me by my university)...guess that leaves KBank as my major remaining option for any kind of decent service.

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Switching banks, getting worked up about it, or going in the bank and demanding an "explanation" will get you no where.

There is nothing you can do but go in there on Monday and politely ask them if you could please have access to transfer the money.

They will probably say "Yes you will be able to transfer the money tomorrow".

Tomorrow will come and you will problaby still be unable to transfer the money.

So just go in there again and politely ask again, and they will probably say the same thing "Yes tomorrow".

And continue this cycle until you are actually able to transfer the funds.

You are not going to be able to change the way the banks here operate, and the more you make a big deal of it in the bank the more likely the problem will take longer to be resolved.

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Switching banks, getting worked up about it, or going in the bank and demanding an "explanation" will get you no where.

There is nothing you can do but go in there on Monday and politely ask them if you could please have access to transfer the money.

They will probably say "Yes you will be able to transfer the money tomorrow".

Tomorrow will come and you will problaby still be unable to transfer the money.

So just go in there again and politely ask again, and they will probably say the same thing "Yes tomorrow".

And continue this cycle until you are actually able to transfer the funds.

You are not going to be able to change the way the banks here operate, and the more you make a big deal of it in the bank the more likely the problem will take longer to be resolved.

No need for that. The BBL won't change their computer programs because of the OP's complaint. The entire processing has probably been ported by IBM when the machines and the software were supplied.

All that can be done is - ask how it works (not technical details) and when the funds will be available. Poor customer facing staff may know more or less about the rule.

American Express, Visa, Mastercard...all cancel your card when their random search finds some unusual place or way of of use. Would you stop using them for that?

Edited by think_too_mut
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Switching banks, getting worked up about it, or going in the bank and demanding an "explanation" will get you no where.

There is nothing you can do but go in there on Monday and politely ask them if you could please have access to transfer the money.

They will probably say "Yes you will be able to transfer the money tomorrow".

Tomorrow will come and you will problaby still be unable to transfer the money.

So just go in there again and politely ask again, and they will probably say the same thing "Yes tomorrow".

And continue this cycle until you are actually able to transfer the funds.

You are not going to be able to change the way the banks here operate, and the more you make a big deal of it in the bank the more likely the problem will take longer to be resolved.

No need for that. The BBL won't change their computer programs because of the OP's complaint.

All that can be done is - ask how it works (not technical details) and when the funds will be available. Poor customer facing staff may know more or less about the rule.

American Express, Visa, Mastercard...all cancel your card when their random search finds some unusual place of use. Would you stop using them for that?

No need for what?

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I have a simple savings account with them, which for the past 3-4 months has not been used (and didn't have any money in it)

I suspect any bank here would have done the same with an account without funds in it.

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I have a simple savings account with them, which for the past 3-4 months has not been used (and didn't have any money in it)

I suspect any bank here would have done the same with an account without funds in it.

And they should.

There was an article in BKK Post a few weeks ago about someone who "won" a prize and got that message on his mobile. He just had to accept it and the money is his.

He had to give his account number so the "prize" could be transferred from some other account, the number given by the crooks.

That "other" account was dormant, as many other accounts at the cheat's disposal. They use farmers or anyone with Thai ID card to open it and never hear of it again.

Once the money is in it, they can fly. What the original poster said, is just a prevention of that kind of fraud - the funds were not available. And it has caused him inconvenience.

Nothing bad about the BBL or any other bank.

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So much is done by computers that I wonder if a human is even involved when a security program activates to interfere with account transactions.

I left Bangkok Bank a long time ago for what I consider poor banking practices, details previously posted, and have an excellent relationship with SCB. I would confirm that each branch operates somewhat differently and each branch manager is different. Example, bank balance confirmation letter for immigration. Got it from one branch from manager, actually watched as he found the form on his computer and filled it in and printed it out.

Next year the same manager refused to give me such a letter and denied having done it the previous year. His "story" was the branch was too small.The English speaking, married to falang, operations officer supported the managers version, although she had been involved the prior year.

Went to another branch, manager there said other branch was wrong, no branch is too small to issue balance confirmation letter.

However, even SCB can go awry. For Chinese New Year they had a pop up in their sign in window that blocked access to internet banking, even when I removed all of my pop up blocking.

Their customer service central number gave me an alternate URL that provided access since it had no pop up. I was delighted and noted that they did not remove the pop up until after the Chinese New Year holiday was over.

Another example, took three months but finally got my accounts online, however, had to move all accounts to one branch to get it done. Three joint accounts and one me only.

A year later tried to add an account and was advised I could only do that if I removed the single owner account from the family of joint accounts as it was against bank policy to allow joint accounts to be in the same "internet group or family" with sole owner accounts.

Told them not to change anything, I was happy with the way it was and the beat goes on.

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Switching banks, getting worked up about it, or going in the bank and demanding an "explanation" will get you no where.

There is nothing you can do but go in there on Monday and politely ask them if you could please have access to transfer the money.

They will probably say "Yes you will be able to transfer the money tomorrow".

Tomorrow will come and you will problaby still be unable to transfer the money.

So just go in there again and politely ask again, and they will probably say the same thing "Yes tomorrow".

And continue this cycle until you are actually able to transfer the funds.

You are not going to be able to change the way the banks here operate, and the more you make a big deal of it in the bank the more likely the problem will take longer to be resolved.

I've been in Thailand long enough that I am well aware of the "be patient" concept...the simple fact of the matter is that a payment needs to be made and THAT cannot wait...and as posted below, they could have CALLED. SCB calls if there's any issue, AMEX Thailand also calls, they could have had the decency to do the same.

Also, when did I say anything about "changing the way the banks here operate", you think I'm an idiot or something?? What I can do is close my account with a company that offers bad service and never use them again, we're all free to do that.

And BTW, the concept that "any bank here would have done the same" is BS, Bank of Ayudhya (who do have many other issues, however), didn't close or put "on hold" an account that I had not accessed for over 9 months...I was able to do the exact same thing I tried to do now with no hassle.

I know this is not a very advanced country in terms of banking, but I was simply expecting that a service which has worked well in the past could simply work NORMALLY...is it so wrong to get worked up about losing access to money in a SAVINGS account??

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I've been in Thailand long enough that I am well aware of the "be patient" concept...the simple fact of the matter is that a payment needs to be made and THAT cannot wait...and as posted below, they could have CALLED. SCB calls if there's any issue, AMEX Thailand also calls, they could have had the decency to do the same.

Also, when did I say anything about "changing the way the banks here operate", you think I'm an idiot or something?? What I can do is close my account with a company that offers bad service and never use them again, we're all free to do that.

And BTW, the concept that "any bank here would have done the same" is BS, Bank of Ayudhya (who do have many other issues, however), didn't close or put "on hold" an account that I had not accessed for over 9 months...I was able to do the exact same thing I tried to do now with no hassle.

I know this is not a very advanced country in terms of banking, but I was simply expecting that a service which has worked well in the past could simply work NORMALLY...is it so wrong to get worked up about losing access to money in a SAVINGS account??

What payment is it that "cannot wait", remember people here have generally all been through the same kind of thing, so chances are they will be patient with you about your late payment.

If you get this worked up about something like this, you must be going crazy on a daily basis about the frequently subpar service a lot of business here offer?

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yes it is wrong to get so worked up over nothing.

if you need money nex t day , dont deposit day be4............lol.

I usually deposit the same day and second I need the money. If you like to bend over and get screwed by banks and presume that this is correct, good luck to you............lol. :o

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yes it is wrong to get so worked up over nothing.

if you need money nex t day , dont deposit day be4............lol.

Gee, thanks for the words of wisdom...and if this is nothing for you, how would you feel if I helped myself to some of your cash in the bank, telling you that I'll give it back later? Would you just hand me your ATM card?

dave111223, the payment that can't wait is a multiple-person air ticket booking...some friends are coming over and we have to fly out on AirAsia...AirAsia doesn't take AMEX and payments need to be made on the spot...all I wanted to do is use the K-Bank web card system to pay online for the tickets instead of heading out to the airport and doing it there. And we're supposed to fly out tomorrow...so yes, it CANNOT wait and it pisses me off that I can't use that money because of a retarded bank that knows how to TAKE money, but not GIVE IT BACK. And no, unauthorized restriction of my own goddamn money does not happen to me on a daily basis here in Thailand...which is why I'm angry about it now!

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not only in Thailand:

GF has a passport of a major Asian economy and several accounts in Western Europe

different banks have blocked access to her account, altogether 4 times in 5 or 6 years, the reason was that there was not enough activity in the accounts (even there was a substantial balance)

she was never contacted by the bank before they blocked access and the banks did this even after she told them not to do it again

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My experience in the states was that anything I deposited in night deposit (for our business, used seldom) or at an ATM, which I RARELY did, was held AT LEAST one day for clearance. Their policy was that the time was necessary to verify the tranaction amount in cash and/or the lockbox processing of checks in the deposit.

I have a business here in CM and wouldn't DREAM of depositing cash in a machine, just too paranoid, the nightmare scenario of a lengthy, futile discussion at the bank seems so vivid, since I've lived a variety of similar scenarios with government and banking paperwork already.

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Yeah, I guess the safest thing is to just queue up for depositing...though I have done the cash machine thing many times in the past with KBank, Bangkok Bank, Bank of Ayudhya, never any issues.

uhuh, did your gf get blocked completely, or were just withdrawals blocked? Because I understand the logic of suspending an account due to lack of activity, but that should be both ways, not just for withdrawals.

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Beware of Thai Bank Accounts.

Many farangs open savings accounts with a passbook and an ATM card, yet are unaware that these accounts attract an annual fee of approximately 100-300 baht. These accounts can be 'frozen' if there is no account activity in 90 days and if a balance of less than 500/1000 baht is dormant for 90 days plus, then this balance is seized by the bank and the account closed.

Also, and reports on this forum will show. ATM cards can be issued to 'bent' bank employees and the account emptied of all funds. Some farangs have lost their 'life savings' in such scams.

Advice to all:

By all means hold a Thai bank account, but ensure that no ATM card is issued on the account, avoid Krung Thai Bank (No interest paid to farangs) and hold only what you can afford to lose.

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libya, a few months ago i would have thought you were being a little harsh, but

i've also recently read "too many" accounts of members with thai banks and disappearing

funds from unauthorized withdrawals. the corruption never ends.

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My experience in the states was that anything I deposited in night deposit (for our business, used seldom) or at an ATM, which I RARELY did, was held AT LEAST one day for clearance. Their policy was that the time was necessary to verify the tranaction amount in cash and/or the lockbox processing of checks in the deposit.

I have a business here in CM and wouldn't DREAM of depositing cash in a machine, just too paranoid, the nightmare scenario of a lengthy, futile discussion at the bank seems so vivid, since I've lived a variety of similar scenarios with government and banking paperwork already.

I always thought they would wait to check what you had really deposited?

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I'm truly amazed by the incompetance of all banks here in Thailand. Part of the problem is due to Bank of Thailand rules and regulations imposed on all banks here. The other part is due to lack of competition from foreign banks because the banking industry isn't yet openned thus limiting foreign banks operations here.

Unless Thailand opens the financial market to foreign firms, we will have to bear with the substandard service.

Just my two satang worth of comments. :o

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here a thought for you geniuses. if yuo know thai banks suck shouldnt you have multiple ways to get funds.

im only on holiday, i got cash, travellers cheques, bank card, etc.


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My experience in the states was that anything I deposited in night deposit (for our business, used seldom) or at an ATM, which I RARELY did, was held AT LEAST one day for clearance. Their policy was that the time was necessary to verify the tranaction amount in cash and/or the lockbox processing of checks in the deposit.

I have a business here in CM and wouldn't DREAM of depositing cash in a machine, just too paranoid, the nightmare scenario of a lengthy, futile discussion at the bank seems so vivid, since I've lived a variety of similar scenarios with government and banking paperwork already.

I always thought they would wait to check what you had really deposited?

Exactly my point.

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Hmmm, usually in the states they give you at least a fraction of what you deposited after hours in the ATM, if you use your whole available balance and then the check doesn't clear, it's you who are liable. These days they don't hold the whole amount of the ATM deposit, just a certain amount of it. When I deposit $200 I usually have $100 or more available from that deposit.

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