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Motorcycle Accident


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I was on my way to a friend's house when I figured in an accident. I was on the back of one of those motorcyles for hire that you see in every soi when the accident happened. I unknowingly hop into one of those motorcycles driven by a very drunk driver. At first, I couldn't quiet tell that he was drunk to be honest because he was wearing his helmet. It was only after he rammed the bike against a wall and I flew-off the bike and landed on my hands, chest and legs - at least, still in one piece, and when he spoke to me after the incident.... that I noticed he was drunk. I can't believe he tried to over-charge me for the fare when I got to my destinition. The nerve! I was in a state of shock, so I did end up paying him more than what I should have. Now, that thought really pisses me off. It's not about the money, but the principle and the situation behind it!

Has this happened to you in LOS?

I can see how you might get on a motorcycle with a drunk. But I can't imagine how you would end up paying him after he crashes. You must wear a sign around your neck that lets people know how gulliable you are. It almost sounds like you get taken advantage of often.

Seems so. From previous posts, it seems Ms Fawn has lots of accidents and bad experiences happening to her. :D:o

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Seems so. From previous posts, it seems Ms Fawn has lots of accidents and bad experiences happening to her. :D:o

November Rain, an accident is an accident. Shit happens! Do not envy me for the accidents and bad experiences that happen to me. You don't want to be in my shoes!

Edited by GracelessFawn
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Seems so. From previous posts, it seems Ms Fawn has lots of accidents and bad experiences happening to her. :D:o

November Rain, an accident is an accident. Shit happens! Do not envy me for the accidents and bad experiences that happen to me. You don't want to be in my shoes!

If you want to get into a competition about bad life experiences, GF, I wouldn't recommend going up against me. I can assure you, in the "shit happens" contest I am wa-a-a-y ahead of you. The difference being, I don't start a thread on TV every time something happens to me. That's all I'm saying...

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November Rain, do you want to have coffee with me sometime when you're in BKK? I think it would be fun. Then we can have loads of conversation from bad life experiences to other things. Ghurl, I'm just me. Sometimes, I have too much energy so I sound crazy. I am also very accident prone which makes matters worse. (There's also my passion for writing. I sometimes cannot stop the movement of my fingers in the keybord when drama is involve.) Sorry if I come across as different.

I'm sorry if it seems to bother you that I wrote this post. It isn't my intention.

Contrary to what you think, I do not write every misfortune or bad experience that happen to me in Thailand on ThaiVisa. There are times when I write some things that just happened to mouth an observatio or two. That's all there is to it really.

I hope I've explained myself a little. You're a great girl November Rain and a very nice member. I do not intend to offend you and if I did, it wasn't my intention.


Seems so. From previous posts, it seems Ms Fawn has lots of accidents and bad experiences happening to her. :D:o

November Rain, an accident is an accident. Shit happens! Do not envy me for the accidents and bad experiences that happen to me. You don't want to be in my shoes!

If you want to get into a competition about bad life experiences, GF, I wouldn't recommend going up against me. I can assure you, in the "shit happens" contest I am wa-a-a-y ahead of you. The difference being, I don't start a thread on TV every time something happens to me. That's all I'm saying...

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November Rain, do you want to have coffee with me sometime when you're in BKK? I think it would be fun. Then we can have loads of conversation from bad life experiences to other things. Ghurl, I'm just me. Sometimes, I have too much energy so I sound crazy. I am also very accident prone which makes matters worse. (There's also my passion for writing. I sometimes cannot stop the movement of my fingers in the keybord when drama is involve.) Sorry if I come across as different.

I'm sorry if it seems to bother you that I wrote this post. It isn't my intention.

Contrary to what you think, I do not write every misfortune or bad experience that happen to me in Thailand on ThaiVisa. There are times when I write some things that just happened to mouth an observatio or two. That's all there is to it really.

I hope I've explained myself a little. You're a great girl November Rain and a very nice member. I do not intend to offend you and if I did, it wasn't my intention.


Seems so. From previous posts, it seems Ms Fawn has lots of accidents and bad experiences happening to her. :D:o

November Rain, an accident is an accident. Shit happens! Do not envy me for the accidents and bad experiences that happen to me. You don't want to be in my shoes!

If you want to get into a competition about bad life experiences, GF, I wouldn't recommend going up against me. I can assure you, in the "shit happens" contest I am wa-a-a-y ahead of you. The difference being, I don't start a thread on TV every time something happens to me. That's all I'm saying...

group hug! :D

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November Rain, do you want to have coffee with me sometime when you're in BKK? I think it would be fun. Then we can have loads of conversation from bad life experiences to other things. Ghurl, I'm just me. Sometimes, I have too much energy so I sound crazy. I am also very accident prone which makes matters worse. (There's also my passion for writing. I sometimes cannot stop the movement of my fingers in the keybord when drama is involve.) Sorry if I come across as different.

I'm sorry if it seems to bother you that I wrote this post. It isn't my intention.

Contrary to what you think, I do not write every misfortune or bad experience that happen to me in Thailand on ThaiVisa. There are times when I write some things that just happened to mouth an observatio or two. That's all there is to it really.

I hope I've explained myself a little. You're a great girl November Rain and a very nice member. I do not intend to offend you and if I did, it wasn't my intention.


Seems so. From previous posts, it seems Ms Fawn has lots of accidents and bad experiences happening to her. :D:o

November Rain, an accident is an accident. Shit happens! Do not envy me for the accidents and bad experiences that happen to me. You don't want to be in my shoes!

If you want to get into a competition about bad life experiences, GF, I wouldn't recommend going up against me. I can assure you, in the "shit happens" contest I am wa-a-a-y ahead of you. The difference being, I don't start a thread on TV every time something happens to me. That's all I'm saying...

Based on what you both said about bad things happening to both of you then I would not meet. I think it's a bad idea. It might be similiar to mixing fire and gasoline. Someone liable to die. For gods sake, don't do it!

But if you do, post the details here so we all can share in the experience. :D

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Seems a lot are saying that she - I take it GracelessFawn is a she - should not of paid the guy. Well whether this story is true or not I dont think that is the best advice to offer as a drunken motorbike taxi rider probably wouldn't take too kindly to that and would possibly quite readily turn to violence against a lone female.

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Well fell off a moto one time cos he was banking too hard on a corner which was sandy. Bit shaken up but not that bothered. However I thought I should have paid him less since it was his reckless driving that caused it all. However I was just happy to be home in one piece & just a little scraped & bruised.

I know plenty of farang who would rather walk over broken glass than get on one though...

The main thing that actually puts me off getting on a MS taxi is the fact that I ALWAYS seem to be on a bike that gets a puncture!!!!! It is uncanny how many times it has happened to me and if out of town a bit I end up walking the guy with his bike to a garage where he will inevitably try and get me to chip in for the repair :o

PS : I am not overweight before anyone claims otherwise :D

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Virtually never get up to BKK, GF, but thanks for the offer. A few glasses of wine might be more fun than coffee, though. :o Are you still abstaining?

I'll let you know if I ever do get up there. :D

Wine sounds good November Rain. Too bad you never find yourself in BKK, but who knows? Maybe, you will find yourself visiting BKK in the future. It would be great! I would love to drink a few glasses of wine with you.

Cheers Girl.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote?

Maybe you failed to consider the possibility that the whole story is made up. I don’t say it is, but the possibility cannot be excluded.



wouldn't be a first, would it :o

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