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I have retired here to Thailand.  If I die here, I would like to be buried in a graveyard somewhere, or just organically buried in the ground somewhere, where I can decompose slowly and peacefully.  Anyone have any experience, history, thoughts, on how this can be done?  I will not allow my body to be flown back to North America.


I would think that even if you're not religious, your nearest catholic Church would be the best place to get info.

The only place I've ever noticed a cemetery was opposite a church on the ubon ring road, so I would imagine that most large cities would have one.

1 minute ago, MarcelV said:

Muslims bury their deads. You might wanna enquire at the local mosque.

An infidel in a muslim graveyard might not be too welcome. ????



There are (farang) cemeteries both catholic and protestant in most cities. I saw them in Bangkok (protestant next to Ramada Plaza Menam with a jewish one next to it, catholic near Santa Cruz and in Samsen,...) in Chiang Mai (next to the Gymkana and behind The Empress) and near Lamphun.
This places have caretakers who might take care of you.


The British Embassy issued this last year. Although more specific to UK nationals, it contains some good information for all foreigners here.  It includes a list of international funeral directors in Thailand, but from what I can see, they're mainly concerned with cremation in Thailand or repatriation of the remains, either following cremation or for burial elsewhere:

Information_Relating_to_Deaths_in_Thailand_-_August_2020.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)


It doesn't say much about a burial option other than:

"As Thailand is a Buddhist country, burials are rare and normally only for foreigners. As a result, they can be very expensive and difficult to organise. We advise that if you wish to have the deceased buried, you might consider having the body repatriated and arranging for the funeral to take place in the UK."


I'm not sure if an abbot would allow burial at a Wat.  I've seen the occasional Chinese grave at temples though, so might be worth considering, for a "small" donation.



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