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Iranian Pilot

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I'm commercial pilot from Iran & have employed by an Airlines in thailand.

The company had try for taken a Non immigrant type B Visa & work permit

but thiland immigration office said to thiland Airlines, they can not issue visa

& work permit for Iranian person. (all neccessary documents for this visa & work permit about me are avialabe in Thailand airlines)

Note ; my friends from france , Indonesia , .... have a position & condition exactly like me but Thailand immigration office have issue Visa & work permit for them.

Could you please tell , are there special rule for Iranian person about this subject

in thailand immigration office & is there an solution for my problem?

I have a few time ,could you please answer very soon?

Thank you.

Best regard.

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Thanks for your advise, but I done this procedure at tehran .

Thailand Airlines sent a letter for me(like my friends letter ) that this letter showing I'm employed by Thailnd Airlines then I taken this letter with all neccessary documents to Royal thai embessay in tehran.

Royal Thai embessy in Tehran said , I need a work permit .

I had informed this subject to Thiland Airlines then Thialnd Airlines

had try for get this work permit, but Thailand immigration office said to

them , Thailnd embessay can not issue the work permit for Iranian


I say again All my documents , condition, position are like my friends

except my nationlity.

this is very special question & hard problem for me.

could you please guidance me?

Thank you.

Kidest regard.

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I understand that there is a list of countries whose citizens may find it difficult, if not impossible, to become shareholders of Thai companies or obtain work permits in Thailand. I also believe that Iran is one of the countries on this list. Thai Airways should have an in-house lawyer who can look into this for you.

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I'm very thanks for your advise.

1) Are you suppose , Is it possible for The Thai Airlines lawyer to find a easy & fast solution?

I had a contact to royal Thai embessay In Tehran today, Regarding

my communication with them , I suppose there is an regulation between

Iran government & Thai government about this subject that cause Iranian person not be allowed to work in Thailand, So ;

I have to try by some Iranian the ministry in Iran tomorrow.

Are you have some Idia , suggestion(special guidance) for me? (when I want going to some the ministry)

Thank you.

Kindest Regard

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I few years ago while crossing into Thailand at the Malaysian border, I was behind an Iranian gentleman. The Immigration officer was very reluctant to stamp him in and eventually they led him off. I believe this may be related to a the fact that in the past some of the Muslim teachers working in Malaysia and Southern Thailand that taught a curriculum not in line with a secular government have been of Iranian origin. This goes back to the time of the revolution that overthrew the Shah.


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I know an Iranian teacher who got his Non-imm B from Iran and a work permit this end. This was around a year or so ago. I'd have thought Thai Airways would have some clout to get this sorted. Get them to contact the Labor department to say you'll get a WP and then get them to contact an Embassy to inform them to give you a Non-imm B? < I may be completely off the mark...but I can't think of anything else to suggest!

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I ain't got any problems with Iranian's per se, however this almost clinches it.

Thai used to employ quite a few foreign pilots but of course as foreign pilots won't normally work for a ration of rice every month I thought that they were now only employing Thais as pilots.

Maybe that it is Orient Thai and they will employ most anybody. The "big banana" (of Orient Thai) has connections via his missus (or one of them) to the ME

Still an Iranian pilot couldn't be a lot worse than a Thai pilot.

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You have get a Non-Immigrant B visa from the Thai Embassy in Iran. Your actual Work Permit has to be applied for in Thailand, and needs the cooperation of your employer to get it. No Thai Embassy anywhere in the world can issue work permits. You might get some good advice from the Iranian Embassy 602 Sukhumvit Road between soi's 22 and 24, Bangkok 10110 Tel 02 259 0611.

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What is wrong with a Thai pilot?

Why such a suggestive , negative talk?

I stopped 6 years ago flying NWA and KLM and started with Thai Airways.

Although not so many flights but frequently Mumbai-New Delhi-Jakarta-Yangon.

Never,ever any problem.(also not with reservations or service).

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The majority of the foreign pilots employed by Thai Airways International a few years ago were Australians flying 737's, 747's, and MD11's. A number of Scandinavian pilots were also employed, mainly flying Airbus aircraft. SAS played a major role in the genesis of TG beginning over 40 years ago.

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Meaning that there are (almost) no Thai pilots?

Then I owe JBG a apology.

Do you have numbers about Thai pilots working for Thai Airways International.?

(I don't like apologizing you know! :o )

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Heheheheh it is a national trait Dutch. I heard that no Hollander is ever wrong :o

I don't know the number of Thai pilots employed by TG but I think that I can find out. There were over 60 Australian captains employed a few years ago, but the airline determined to use all Thai captains, first officers, and engineers. I suspect that it is one of the new airlines that might be looking to foreign crews rather than Thai Inter. Thai Inter run a very good training program.

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DUTCH Thai Airways admit to having 1250 Captain's and First Officer's, but they were nervous about who wanted to know, and why. Pilots in training and flight engineers are obviously not included in that number. Although the fleet and schedules have grown the number of flight deck crew is down by a couple of hundred pilots over the past five years.

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