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Chonburi Covid-19 cases steeply rise to 127 after new clusters found at factory and migrant worker camp


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7 minutes ago, NaamGin said:


There is still a debate on whether asymptomatic transfer of this virus is actually taking place... For the sake of discussion, let's say that asymptomatic transfer does take place and people who have this virus and do not show symptoms can transfer it to other people... How is this virus different than every other virus that the populace has experienced throughout history? The most vulnerable segment of society for covid19 are the elderly that have other co-morbidities...  The same can be said for every respiratory illness through history... If you examine the cause of death for many elderly people you will find what actually kills them in the end is pneumonia, even if they have other illnesses that led them to being hospitalized... 


This is the first time in history that the entire planet has been locked down for the sake of preventing the transfer of a respiratory illness Instead of protecting those most susceptible to this virus and by all estimation it has not worked because the virus continues to spread... The impact to global economies and the livelihoods of people everywhere has been impacted due to the draconian measures to stop it's spread... And all for a virus which has a 99.9% survival rate if you do catch it... 


Your final sentence is quite telling, is a vaccine actually a vaccine when it does not prevent you from catching the virus and transmitting it to others? 


Sorry, but there is NO debate about asymptomatic transfer of the virus.  It's happening and been documented many times.  It's rare, but happens.  One reason they say the vaccines are not 100% effective at keeping you from getting the virus.  Just 100% effective at keeping you out of the ICU or from dying.  Or close to 100%.


These vaccines are the best we have.  And please, don't post a 99.9% survival rate.  That's pure misinformation.  Especially since the underlying data is known to be wrong due to under counting of cases and deaths.



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10 hours ago, Leaver said:

How many close contacts would the 127 infected people have? 

Maybe about the same as the 141 on the 10th of April.

The problem didn't start with 127 on the 21st May. Just be thankful the 141 in April didn't become exponential as predicted, tomorrow is another day.

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