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No Alcohol From 2pm-5pm....


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I guess this never bothered me because I could buy booze on Sunday and beer at a non state regulated store unlike where I from.

Yeah, that's true. Where I'm from, it used to you could only buy alchohol at state-licensed stores. So, while one supermarket could sell beer, they couldn't sell whisky or other "hard" alcohol. And yes, there used to a Sunday ban but I'm not sure if it's still in place.

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Another dumb rule is that alcohol can't be sold all day whenever there is an election. Come on is alcohol going to prevent someone from voting? Well maybe voting for the wrong candidate, but what's the logic behind the ban even after the voting time is over? :o

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Another dumb rule is that alcohol can't be sold all day whenever there is an election. Come on is alcohol going to prevent someone from voting? Well maybe voting for the wrong candidate, but what's the logic behind the ban even after the voting time is over? :o

years ago i got drunk and forgot to vote.

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I know it is a law and I know why it is a law, but for me it remains as one of the dumbest laws in the country. Not making alcohol available for sale between 2PM to 5PM, but instead making it available for sale when kids are off for lunch or coming out of school makes me wonder whether the people responsible for this law (during Thaksin's time) were under the influence themselves.

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I know it is a law and I know why it is a law, but for me it remains as one of the dumbest laws in the country. Not making alcohol available for sale between 2PM to 5PM, but instead making it available for sale when kids are off for lunch or coming out of school makes me wonder whether the people responsible for this law (during Thaksin's time) were under the influence themselves.

i've often thought about that too

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Well, no alcohol during elections might be more widespread throughout the world than any of us think. I certainly can't speak for that many countries, but India is definitely one.

It's not to get people to vote, it's to stop them getting drunk and killing each other as the results come in.

A few years ago, I had been drinking and feeding quite openly with a friend and our Thai wives on the Sunday of - I'm sure - a national election, rather than provincial. All the Thais were having a good time as well. If you're ordering food, the regulations don't apply.

We got back to town and tried to buy some beers from a 7/11. Our Thai wives had gone home round the corner. Us two farangs were turned down for booze sales. "OK, we'll go to the Family Mart", literally next door. Needless to say, were were allowed to buy some beer and the staff at 7/11 looked on in disbelief as we walked by showing them our goodies.

It was never the fault of the staff - they were only following instructions, but the hyppocracy of it all made us laugh.

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Another dumb rule is that alcohol can't be sold all day whenever there is an election. Come on is alcohol going to prevent someone from voting? Well maybe voting for the wrong candidate, but what's the logic behind the ban even after the voting time is over? :D

years ago i got drunk and forgot to vote.

I could MAYBE see the point IF foreigners could vote, but we can't ! ?

Just thought of another time in Paragon. I went into the glass elevator and after pressing the buttons to go up nothing happened ? So I tried to open the door and all of a sudden up we go ! The elevator went straight up to the VERY top of the building and stopped. There was no door in front of me but instead a wooden barrier and sounds of workmen with still saws cutting metal etc etc Now I don't care for heights too much and there I am sitting in a glass box on the top of the paragon. I was stuck there for over a minute before it finally went down.

I was pretty shaken up and headed directly to the food court (you can prob guess what for). In the queue ahead was a farang chap who was buying a bottle of beer and I thought that will be just the ticket. When it was my turn to step up a different member of staff gave me the cannot sell crap. I told her/she/it that that other man had just bought one to which came the reply "no, he bought that long time ago -now cannot sell" :o


Just happy that dodgy elevator took me down to terra firma at a safe pace !!

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I went to Tesco to pick up some groceries and also a couple of bottles of Vodka as some friends are coming by at the weekend.

They wouldn't let me buy the vodka because it was between 14:00 and 17:00.... what is the deal with that?

As I understand it the law allows for more than 3L TescoLotus operaate this rule in the store I use. :o

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I went to Tesco to pick up some groceries and also a couple of bottles of Vodka as some friends are coming by at the weekend.

They wouldn't let me buy the vodka because it was between 14:00 and 17:00.... what is the deal with that?

As I understand it the law allows for more than 3L TescoLotus operaate this rule in the store I use. :o

the deal is: "buy a watch and learn how to figure out what time it is".

as simple as that! what's your problem?

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Wow, what a major problem!

It's probably just wishful thinking, but maybe the law is being more strictly enforced in certain places as part of a larger move to run out the bitter, low-end farangs that can't stop talking about how dumb Thais are, such as comparing their brains to 4 year olds or whatever the always delightful Alexth posted.

Thailand would be so much better if and when most of the farangs with that kind of attitude were expressing their opinions from Cambodia or Vietnam.

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I visited a liquior store after work yesterday with the intention to buy a bottle of vodka and a few shooters. I got there at 4PM and I left the place with 'my bag of tricks' containing a bottle of vodka and some shooters.

Now, what law are we talking about?

Edited by PlainJane
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I was told I couldn't buy beer at 2 minutes after 2 at tops.

another reason I am delighted to be back in the uk...

And another reason we're delighted you're there too.

Jeez . is this such a big deal to people? Dumspero, you hit the nail on the head personally.

It's a simple law. It's hardly going to ruin people's lives, is it? Get over it.

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Personally I don't have a problem with the law, for the most part it just needs a bit of the good old "think ahead" syndrome. Yes the impromptu bashes can be a hassle but just think of it as a challenge "think outside the bottle". The really stupid thing is you can't get a beer in a 7/11 in Pattaya between 2 and 5pm but a minutes walk takes you to a beer bar. "What you want some dink?". "One bottle beer Sing please". "OK no promplem".

Sure it's a stupid ruling but if that was the biggest worry in my life I'd be as happy as a pig in sh1t. :o

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It just seems dumb,

If they want to stop teenagers drinking why not just require ID to buy?

And do they really think a hardcore alcoholic would be affected by a 3 hour block on sales in the middle of the afternoon?

I'd just really like to hear the offical reason for it. I mean when they brought this rule out they must have said why?

Seems like one of those rules where a guy in a "high position" came up with it and no one wanted to "break his face".

If i remember right it was to stop people drinking while they drive home from work. It does not work though if lotus and 7-11 are the only ones that comply.

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I was told I couldn't buy beer at 2 minutes after 2 at tops.

another reason I am delighted to be back in the uk...

And another reason we're delighted you're there too.

Jeez . is this such a big deal to people? Dumspero, you hit the nail on the head personally.

It's a simple law. It's hardly going to ruin people's lives, is it? Get over it.

I don't think anyone has made the comment that this is an earth shattering law that has changed anyone's life. It is an annoying law nevertheless. It hasn't even succeeded at what it was trying to accomplish (hence, subsequent banning of alcoholic beverage related advertisements and talk about raising the drinking age).

Most of us don't go to a supermarket just to buy alcoholic beverages and when we do go, we don't have a set time of day. Therefore, it is annoying to find out that you can't buy something on your shopping list for another two hours, regardless of what the item is.

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the deal is: "buy a watch and learn how to figure out what time it is".

as simple as that! what's your problem?

where've ya been the past 2 years?



As a tribute to my avatar, I'm waiting for the new thread that reads...

"Hey, I just went to 7-11 and all the cigarettes are hidden on the shelves... <deleted>??"

I think both these posts serve to show the problem of the law. As the law only appears to affect those who seldom buy alcohol.

Frequent drinkers (who i'm guessing are one of the targets of this law) are aware of the law and thus plan their day of drinking around it.

And those who maybe buy one bottle every couple of months with their grocery shopping are the ones who get caught out.

As many have said, it is not a big problem, but just an annoyance for all the wrong people.

I have an alcohol store right next to the condo (which sells all the time), but i have to pay 50baht more for the exact same bottle.

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My beer wholesaler sells beer between 09:00 and 18:00. Before and after that they are closed.

buys from a wholesaler....

I've been asked why I don't get it delivered. "Because she'll find out that I haven't got a shop"

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the deal is: "buy a watch and learn how to figure out what time it is".

as simple as that! what's your problem?

The problem is that this law does not and cannot accomplish what it supposed to do, i.e. reduce alcohol consumption. As some other posts noted correctly, is just a nuisance.

It is even more a nuisance when it is applied to some restaurant services just as the Food Loft in Central Chidlom. I was unaware of this law about a year ago and wanted to eat something with a friend visiting from Europe. We had all the lovely food and were looking for a glass of wine with that. NO WAY, cannot sell wine after 2PM! ("Baa chang!")

Such a law should be abolished, because the negative effect on the long run is that people just don't take the Law or the Government for serious anymore. Erosion of respect for the Law.

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My beer wholesaler sells beer between 09:00 and 18:00. Before and after that they are closed.

:D :D :D :D

buys from a wholesaler....

:bah: :bah: :o;)

I've been asked why I don't get it delivered. "Because she'll find out that I haven't got a shop"


Edited by sriracha john
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Aye, i agree with some of you laddies. This toss law isnae gonnae stop the alcohoes from drinkin themselves tae death.

Now, am no an alchoholic like, but i dae like a few before breakfast like, ok im under-exaggarating - i doon half a bottle. Well if i didnae, how the heck would yae expect me tae type on this forum - you no wit a mean am sure you guys goat a bit a the shakes yerself!

What's the point in no sells between 2-5pm, actually like - that's the best time tae have a sleep after a right decent mornin session like. Got tae cool doon a bit. Unlike those alcoholics who can go on drinkin all day long - i like tae split my daily drinkin sessions intae two - my morning one between 8-12 and my evening one from 5-midnight.

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