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First post..........Coming to see you all soon, :bah: p!55ed off with India. What's the situation regarding buying prescription drugs?



Straight to the point! Can you clarify? Do you mean, how much does it cost to buy prescription drugs here WITH a prescription? If so we can help.

WITHOUT a prescription, you'll find we can't help. :D


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You can't. As a matter of fact, when I had a root canal surgery in Nov 06 I begged my dentist for a Vicodin 'script. No Go.

Unless you are terminal with some dread illness, you just cannot either buy in a pharmacy, or get a doctor to prescribe any controlled prescription drugs in Thailand. I think this might be in part due to a certain political sensitivity to the past history of this country (previously) being hugely involved in the opiate drug trade in the 70's/80's. Not to say it is completely gone, but there is Zero Tolerance here for this sort of thing now. I suggest you stay in Goa if you like that sort of thing, and no disrespect intended....

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You can't. As a matter of fact, when I had a root canal surgery in Nov 06 I begged my dentist for a Vicodin 'script. No Go.

Unless you are terminal with some dread illness, you just cannot either buy in a pharmacy, or get a doctor to prescribe any controlled prescription drugs in Thailand. I think this might be in part due to a certain political sensitivity to the past history of this country (previously) being hugely involved in the opiate drug trade in the 70's/80's. Not to say it is completely gone, but there is Zero Tolerance here for this sort of thing now. I suggest you stay in Goa if you like that sort of thing, and no disrespect intended....

I stand corrected! SOrry, thought you could buy with a prescription. My bad!



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Do I need to bring a prescription or can I get one written when I arrive? Then, what are prices for drugs like? I'm talking about diabetes, blood pressure and cholestorol. I'm in Goa at the moment and you more or less buy anything you need.


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If you have serious medical issues, I am sure you can get a prescription here. Just go to a doctor, do a workup, and get a 'script for what you need!

But you are not going to be able to walk into a pharmacy here, and point to what you want! You need a prescription here for a lot of medications.


Edited by mcgriffith
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If you have serious medical issues, I am sure you can get a prescription here. Just go to a doctor, do a workup, and get a 'script for what you need!

But you are not going to be able to walk into a pharmacy here, and point to what you want! You need a prescription here for a lot of medications.


OK, no problem, but what are the prices like when you get the script?


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Very inexpensive compared to US/UK/EU pricing.

I don't know how Thai prices compare with India's, however.

And my apologies- I somewhat misread your original posting; thought you were making inquiries regarding purchases of "recreational" prescription drugs.

If you have serious medical issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. almost all of the required drugs for these conditions are available here easily. The healthcare system in CM is excellent with many 1st class hospitals, clinics and doctors. You won't go wrong living in CM, and we are happy to welcome you here!

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Very inexpensive compared to US/UK/EU pricing.

I don't know how Thai prices compare with India's, however.

And my apologies- I somewhat misread your original posting; thought you were making inquiries regarding purchases of "recreational" prescription drugs.

If you have serious medical issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. almost all of the required drugs for these conditions are available here easily. The healthcare system in CM is excellent with many 1st class hospitals, clinics and doctors. You won't go wrong living in CM, and we are happy to welcome you here!

Ha ha! no none of that old sh!*! Not into that. Thanks for your help. Might take me a while to tie things up here but I'm looking seriously. They're making it hard work here.


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"I'm talking about diabetes, blood pressure and cholestorol."

Most of the drugs for these things should be available at a pharmacy,

Free if you work and are in Thai Social Security system. Otherwise, not expensive, but depends on exactly what you need.

"Might take me a while to tie things up here but I'm looking seriously. They're making it hard work here."

If you're referring to visas, it's not getting any easier here.

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