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An entry into my guest book on the web site read.



Text: as a Thaivisa member I actually came here to check ur website for some informations on SURIN and maybe have a decent drink when I am there, but then I was really SHOCKED:

ho w can you support those SCAM ARTISTS and email spammers such as CHARLIE travel companies ????

I dont believe that !!!

they are known to spam people their entire life with unwanted emails. their service sucks more than anything else.... a typical "Khaosan road SCAM company".

the entire WWW-world and all Thai-travel-messageboards are FULL of warnings of anything related to the notorious, infamous CHARLIE-gang....

Can anybody enlighten me on this. I googled charlie travel and came up with travelconnecxion.com

Could this be someone that has been misdealt with by this firm, choosing to mutilate my Guest book, thus putting him/herself into the same category. Sounds to me like someone had a DECENT DRINK BEFORE HE GOT HERE.

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