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Cambodia plans to produce own vaccines for animals

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Cambodia has initiated a plan on producing its own animal vaccines domestically to be used to timely prevent and control the spread of animal diseases after receiving support from China. Minister of Agriculture Veng Sakhon said yesterday that China agreed to support Cambodia on producing animal vaccines in the country after it had donated one hundred thousand doses of animal vaccines to the Kingdom.


“The Chinese side has agreed to the request made by Cambodia on producing its own animal vaccines under China’s support,” Sakhon said. The estimated cost of locally produced cattle vaccines has not been revealed pending a visit by Chinese experts to the Kingdom to be made after the Covid-19 pandemic.


“China will send expert officials to conduct studies on the (animal vaccine facility) during the post Covid-19 period,” Sakhon said. According to the ministry, the raising of livestock in Cambodia has significantly increased. The raising of animals is focused on meat, not for use in the agricultural sector, which currently uses machinery and tractors to replace animal power.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50879310/cambodia-plans-to-produce-own-vaccines-for-animals/

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