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17 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Think you should take any vaccine you can presently get and then boost with Pfizer or Moderna when  they become available say at private hospitals.

And why should I accept a substandard vaccine when the Thai nationals over 60 are getting AZ?

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30 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

And why should I accept a substandard vaccine when the Thai nationals over 60 are getting AZ?

Because if you can not  get schedualled for a Mrna Premire Vaccine such as Pfizer, Moderna, or Novavac  and can not get J and J  then I would accept any vaccine that would at least give me limited protection from catching Covid 19  and can lesten  serious effects.  As soon as stronger vacccines are available here then you could buy say Moderna or Pfizer  which is known to be very effective at boosting the  other shots.. I'd rather not have to wait  4 to 8 months unvaccinated and hope I did not come down with Covid 19.   In the US and other countries  mainly the unvaccinated are the ones coming down with Covid19 or Delta  variant as it is much more contageous.   Germany was working on a vaccine but it's  not very effective ---less than 50%  but the US is still working on vacccines that may be even better than current ones  but I would not wait for them.   Remember there is no cure yet for Covid19. The vaccines can prevent you from getting Covid19 or lesten the efffects  but no current meds can cure you once you have come down with it. Your immune system will have to fight it off.


Edited by Tony125
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On 7/2/2021 at 1:50 PM, Tony125 said:




I think you have to be careful relying on a chart like that from back in May....




1: new results on the effectiveness of various vaccines have been regularly being reported since then.


2: the chart doesn't specify which virus variants those listed % results were based on, and it matters, because different vaccines respond differently to different virus variants.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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On 7/1/2021 at 7:58 PM, Crazy Noobie said:

I thought the private hospitals were going to start taking names & prepay for the Moderna vaccine that is suppose to be here around October? I'm in Chiang Mai and none of the private hospitals that I contacted are doing this? They all said they didn't know of any such program. Does anyone have any info, as I am ready to sign up.

I have paid for my Mordena vaccines at Chiang Mai Ram who contacted me because I was on their waiting list as that is my regular hospital.

I also managed to secure 3 does for friends.


Suggest you contact the hospital for more info  

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7 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

So Intervac is still dead?


I check a few times each day, still displaying the 


As the current round of vaccination appointments is full, we will be announcing the new round of appointments for vaccination at https://www.thailandintervac.com. We apologize for all inconvenience.






What a crock ---> "We apologize for all inconvenience"

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On 7/1/2021 at 7:58 PM, Crazy Noobie said:

I thought the private hospitals were going to start taking names & prepay for the Moderna vaccine that is suppose to be here around October? I'm in Chiang Mai and none of the private hospitals that I contacted are doing this? They all said they didn't know of any such program. Does anyone have any info, as I am ready to sign up.

Unfortunately  it ismy understanding that the US vaccines  are only authorized for emergency use at this point  and manufacturers cannot advertise for sale or sell to Hospitals around the world , only Gov.  When full US  FDA authorization is given ( hopefully in a few months ) then the manufacturers can advertise, list , set a price and sell to any hospital or medical facility in the USA or world. Untill then they can only be ordered by a Government which it seems Thailand  has  not done. 


Full FDA approval of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 shots would reinvigorate the U.S. vaccination push — but it could still be months away



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