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Covid19 at the workplace?

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Are there are rules about what an employer is meant to do when employees are tested positive for Covid19? Sister in law works in the offices of a well known bank in Bkk, co worker in the same space tested positive, her whole family had it. However the bank has not asked anybody to stay away in quarantine, (apart from miss positive) also, they are not getting anyone tested. This seems reckless, but maybe lawful. If this is what is happening in a major business it's going on all over the place.

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Where I work (a factory) all departments has been spread out into groups that are color coded. People from one color group are not allowed to interact with any other different colored group member. If one person in a colored group tests positive, the whole group is sent home to quarantine. We are not allowed to travel outside the province and are encouraged to travel as little as possible. We have to submit Google map timeline for the weekend before being allowed into work on Mondays. For absolutely necessary travel outside the province, we need special approval. No visitors, delivery people/trucks, contractors are allowed to enter the factory, everything delivered is left at the gates. In person meetings are not allowed, all meetings are conducted using Zoom, even if the persons meeting are sitting next door to each other. All employees must wear a mask at all times inside the company area. The company has removed finger scan system and we now check in and out using facial recognition, including entering the gate of the company. Temperature checks are automatically done at the gates. Disinfectant stations are placed everywhere in the company area.

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