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My Wife Wake's Up With Headaches Everyday


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Hi can any body help with some info ,,

My wife age 29 has started to wake up every morning ,5ish with a splitting headache, it lasts for 4-5 hours, she is thai and wont go to the doctors ,so far she has taken tabs brought from local shop, but they dont work , and yes i keep telling her to go to the doctors but she wont listen, any suggestions please,

the pain is in the forehead ,and is not migrains , i get them so i have worked that much out

Edited by colino
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If its only in the mornings when she first wakes up it could be a sleeping disorder. These can be serious as the pain in the head is from oxygen deprivation. Does she snore? listen to her breathing when she sleeps does she stop breathing for periods of time. If the answer is yes to these two questions you should go to a doctor.

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is her jaw out of alignment? does she find her bed too soft? does she rest her head on a comfortable pillow or other?

one 'trick' is to tell her you want to see a doctor about your X (make something up). She then needs to come into the doctor's office with you to translate (hopefully your Thai sucks). You then mention to the doctor (who probably speaks good English) that your wife has headaches. A scheme, I know, but it's better than the alternative.

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well my english is not so good and maithai is bad :o

But however does the answers abow about bed and pillows on way of mai dee sleeping.

Now i dont live in Thailand ,only my wife does ,1 moore month :D

There is one moore reason to wake up with headache and that is, does she eat before she goes to bed.

If she does just try to avoid eating 3- 4 hours before normal sleeping , and ofcousrse she can drink a little.

Last "hint" can bee the Weather ,try to figure out when she have headache ,fast weather changing can also give this symptom and especially when "low pressure" is coming .

With Kind regards

Farang Mike from Sweden

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Get her blood pressure checked quickly. A friend of mine had very bad headaches and found out she had dangerously high blood pressure, she put up with it for days and as a result almost died. The pressure levels left her with major organ damage. She was not old but this seemed to run in the family as other family members had died very young in the past of related illnesses.

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cmsally took the words out of my mouth. Need to check her BP.

If she isn't willing to go to a doctor perhaps you know someone who has one of those home BP monitors you can borrow, or even buy one, and check it yourself. Actually there are some advantages to that since the stress of going to a doctor can affect the BP; taking it yourself at home gives a more accurate picture and also will enable you to easily compare what her pressure is at different times, i.e. at night, when she first wakes up, when the headaches are at their most intense.

If her BP is elevated there is nothing for it but to get her to see a doctor, and start getting used to it as she'll need to do so regularly.

If her BP is normal, then I would suspect low blood sugar or tooth grinding/jaw clenching in her sleep. But rule out high blood pressure first.

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HI all well got her to the docs this morning and blood pressure was ok,

the doc has given her ,,,ibuprofen 400mg and triple b, which has b1 100mg b6 5mg and b12 50mg , will see if that works tomorrow morning ,

thanks again for the help and info


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Ibuprofen is a pain killer and it will probably relive the headache once she takes it but won't prevent them. It must also be taken with food or it will greatly irritate her stomach.

The B vitamins are highly unlikely to have any effect. Thai doctors give them as a sort of placebo and because there is a feeling that patients want and expect more than 1 medication.

Anybody can have the occasional headache but if your wife is waking up with them on a regular basis then there is more to it.

3 suggestions:

1. Have her eat a high protein LOW carbohydrate snack before going to sleep, and avoid all sugars in the evening and keep processed carbs to a minimum (I know, hard with Thais given that white rice is the staple). As soon as she wakes up -- or if she gets up at any point during the night -- have her again take a small portion of a high protein low carb food. This will help stabilize her blood sugar. The fact that the headaches are first thing in the morning could be a reflection of a dip in blood sugar during the night.

2. If that doesn't work, try if you can to notice if she seems to clench or grind her teeth while she sleeps. Can also ask a dentist during a routine visit to see if there are any signs on the teeth of tooth grinding. If this is the cause, wearing a night guard will help a lot.

3. Lastly, ask her to note whether there is any relationship between the headaches and her menstrual cycle. If they are occurring mainly before her cycle taking a natural progesterone will help. (Brand name in Thailand utrogestan). No need to bother trying this unless the occurrence of the headaches seems inked to her cycle.

Good luck

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