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What About A Uk Forum


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Having looked at the local forums it strikes me that there might be a market for a Uk (or other home country) forums for those members who live in the Uk all or part of the year.

I have recently returned for 6 months with my thai wife and I can't seem to find anywhere there is a forum for people in the Uk to chat meet etc. Also is there somewhere my wife can go to so that she can meet other Thai woman for chats, friendship and a chance to speak Thai. We live in West London

My apologies if this has already been dealt with and I guess it might of done as I have never had a unique thought in my life!!!!!

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There is a Thai temple in Wimbledon and also 1 in Plaistow I believe.

Remember that just as Thailand can attract some of the worse elements of Farang society the reverse is also true and there are quite a few Thais who have made the UK their home that you might not necessarily want your wife getting mixed up with.

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Agree with sgunn,when my wife and i returned to UK my thought was important for wife to get Thai friends so not too homesick etc,but belive me most of them just cause problems.Jelousy is a big factor,gossiping about people,causing arguments,girls showing off,also some will dictate to others how they should be living their life in UK.This caused a problem for us when if its women who arrived in UK with some unsuspecting guy used as a free ticket to England,will try and tell the wife"do it like this,why you care this ?,you got to get this"and my wife not thinking the same as them.

Now the wife only has one Thai friend who is o.k the rest are different nationalities who she met at local playgroups(good place to meet friends if you have kids),she admits herself that she doesnt want any thai friends as problems can arise.

Good idea for the UK forum.

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Some good advice there, when I was in UK with my last missus, she got involved with the local Thai community and there was nothing but trouble.

Some of them just seem to gossip for the sake of it and can be quite nasty. Also, some of the Thai girls there were obviously ex hookers who weren't really as "ex" as they first appeared. I met up at a social gathering and didn't let on that I spoke Thai and the way these women spoke to and about there husbands was disgusting.

All in all we made lots of friends from China, India, Taiwan and Africa all from the University and didn't have much to do with the Thais'. I don't know what their problem was but it seemed mostly to be jealousy and competition.

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Some good advice there, when I was in UK with my last missus, she got involved with the local Thai community and there was nothing but trouble.

Some of them just seem to gossip for the sake of it and can be quite nasty. Also, some of the Thai girls there were obviously ex hookers who weren't really as "ex" as they first appeared. I met up at a social gathering and didn't let on that I spoke Thai and the way these women spoke to and about there husbands was disgusting.

All in all we made lots of friends from China, India, Taiwan and Africa all from the University and didn't have much to do with the Thais'. I don't know what their problem was but it seemed mostly to be jealousy and competition.

couldnt have put it better myself, as my wife told me , she wouldnt talk to or befriend these people in thailand, so why do it in the uk.

dont forget the moneylending, the gambling, the cards, girls reverting to (or maybe they just never gave up) their former profession.

the root of it appears to be jealousy, when these girls realize just what they married, and whoa betide your mrs if she wasnt employed in the entertainment industry.

as you say, quite funny to hear the way these women talk about their husbands, not forgetting their thai husbands/boyfriends.

if you want to lead a peaceful life, my advise is to avoid like the plague, my apologies to those of you married to the decent ones, i know there are a few, but take the lead from the decent thai ladies in the uk and have nothing to do with these groups.

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There is already a forum in the UK for farangs and their Thai wives. I'd echo what the other posters have said: sorry to say, but the vast majority of Thai spouses you are likely to meet in the UK are a recipe for disaster both from a class/background and gossip/jealousy point of view. My wife found this out very quickly indeed. As we employ some Thai MSc and Phd students in our company, these were found to be much more genuine, nice and trustworthy friends.

Trying to make friends with local English women through work, playgroups, introductions etc. etc. is extremely difficult for many reasons and is worthy of another discussion (which would probably get closed down).

Generally speaking for most Thai spouses, the UK can be a very lonely place. I don't know about other countries...

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Another bone of contention can be gambling. Many Thais love to gamble and as there is no law against it in the UK they often like to get together and have a game of cards which inevitably involves money and sometimes lots of it. They are also suckers for casinos, quite a few work in massage parlours and spend most of their hard earned money in casinos.

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I think while the warnings about the dangers of having such a limited social circle need to be heeded. I've posted here in the past on some of the problems my wife and I have had with the Thai community.

My personal pet hate is Thais who latch on to my wife (I have previously posted on that subject).

However, I think it is wrong to overstress the problems, after all, what is said of the Thai community can in many respects be said of the Expats community.

The observation someone who's opinion I very much respect made was :-

'Just because there are few people who speak English where he lives, is not a reason to lower his standards in who he chooses as friends'.

I think that is a good way of looking at it, but DON'T MISS THE IMPORTANT POINT (is not a reason to lower his standards)

That is, HE gets to choose, not HIS wife.

To be fair the same ought to be said of Thai wives (and husbands in the UK).

Having seen the problems other guys had faced I gave my wife the best advice I could on what to avoid and look out for, in the end I was wasting my breath. She's Thai, she can judge Thais far better than I can. I trust her to do so and she does choose her friends very carefully.

She has of course got it wrong once or twice, but I let her get on with choosing who she wants to socialize with, when she meets people she doesn't like or trust she deals with it in her Thai way.

She does occasionally have problems with the old Greng Jai thing were some Thais cam be extremely manipulative in getting what they want, and it is at these times I support my wife by stepping in (at her request) and drawing the line. – That in itself a Thai way of dealing with things.

But cutting off from the Thai community and not getting involved in many of the good aspects of expatriate Thai communities is not helping anyone, above all else it is denying your wife and yourself a chance to integrate more easily.

Thais continuing their night time employment in Farangland is only a problem and a risk if it you wife might be attracted to the prospect.

Trust her and let her make up her own mind.

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I think that a new sub-forum would be a good idea. I don't want to use the 'other' forum, I want to use this one!

It doesn't have to be a UK specific forum, it could just be just a forum for living with a Thai abroad forum or something like that.

I know I would like to see this and I might use it more often than the swimming pool forum or the loi Khratong subform!

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I think that a new sub-forum would be a good idea. I don't want to use the 'other' forum, I want to use this one!

It doesn't have to be a UK specific forum, it could just be just a forum for living with a Thai abroad forum or something like that.

Good idea! What would be a suitable forum title/description?

"Living with a Thai abroad forum" sounds a bit strange.

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How about.. "The Overseas Thai Community" ?

totster :o

Sounds like a good name to me.

I hope a new sub-forum does start up, as there should be plenty of people around with good information to share that might help make life in a new country a little bit easier for Thai people.


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Thanks for the interest and advice. I had not thought of the dangers and annoyances that might arise. Which I think highlights the need for a forum like this.

So Moderators: You have seen there is interest how do we start a Living abroad (or whatever it is called) forum??? Presumably forums have been added in the past.

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How about.. "The Overseas Thai Community" ?

totster :o

Sounds good

I think the term "Our Community Overseas" sounds more inclusive.

Sounds even better

Just to add support, I think it is a good idea.

Exiles with some form of attached moniker as another alternative, if it kicks off, how about a poll?


Edited by Mossfinn
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I think that a new sub-forum would be a good idea. I don't want to use the 'other' forum, I want to use this one!

It doesn't have to be a UK specific forum, it could just be just a forum for living with a Thai abroad forum or something like that.

Good idea! What would be a suitable forum title/description?

"Living with a Thai abroad forum" sounds a bit strange.

George how 'bout "Thais Living Abroad" as per my PM to you about his very subject.

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