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Medpark still vaccinating?


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I registered for a vaccine a few weeks ago at Medpark hospital and am due my appointment on the morning of Monday the 16th. I notice that the registration page is now closed and assume it is because the vaccine allocation is used up so I am just wondering if any members have been there recently and if it was a successful trip or not.


I only ask because of the high number of people throughout the country  who had appointments only to find there was not enough vaccine to go around and I don't want to waste my time.


I will be trying to contact the hospital to confirm but from previous comments sometimes that is not successful so any info greatly appreciated.

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I have appointment next Wednesday, for Pfizer. I had to phone them for confirmation, but they were very professional and courteous. Sent confirmation email straight away with apologies for not doing so within the 24 hours of registering.

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For me its next Thursday.


I shall be traveling  down by road from Chiang Mai, not really looking forward to it and don't really know what to expect, but I will phone and check before I travel that the vaccine  is still available.

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8 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Said to be quite crowded today. Photos show the seating area nearly fully populated.



Not like the first day, but busier than the last two days.



I think some who had an appointment 13th Aug onwards received an email to say that they could go anytime between 13th and 20th, a poster posted his email somewhere in the myriad of vaccine threads.

Similar to some received an email to say that they could go anytime between 10th and 12th, caused overcrowding on the first day.

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FYI:  MedPark's online system is still accepting bookings.


I just completed MedPark's online registration form and booked my appointment for Thursday, the 19th, at 15:00.  They will send a  confirmation email in 24 hours.



Edited by LarryLEB
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3 minutes ago, LarryLEB said:

FYI:  MedPark's online system is still accepting bookings.


I just completed MedPark's online registration form and booked my appointment for Thursday, the 19th, at 15:00.  They will send a  confirmation email in 24 hours.



Just be prepared to never get that confirmation email. I ended up writing [email protected] who then confirmed my appointment for Monday lol...


Will go there in the afternoon should be quite empty then what I see from pics, a lot of people rushing in the morning times.

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42 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Quite busy when I arrived today at 14:30, facing the building walk around to the right, where I saw a serpentine of ~ 100 people. Most appear young and healthy, and Asian. Assume they're there for AZ or Sv?


Over 60? Hug the left hand side closest to the building, where there is a short line for over 60. Two deep when I arrived. You get a number here.



Thanks for this. Very helpful and much appreciated!

About the Over 60 and "hugging the left hand side" --- is there any signage?  ....or, just gently push on past the "under 60s" with confidence?  Thanks again for the info!

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4 hours ago, LarryLEB said:

FYI:  MedPark's online system is still accepting bookings.


I just completed MedPark's online registration form and booked my appointment for Thursday, the 19th, at 15:00.  They will send a  confirmation email in 24 hours.



Strange. Yesterday it said "This form is currently unavailable". After reading your success I checked again just now 18.00 - 13th August and it is still the same blank page with the same message. Cannot explain so I guess it is up to the individual to try for themselves. 

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My Medpark experience today.


Arrived at 11:30am for my 1pm appt and, as several people have pointed out, no problem showing up early.  Got right in line (maybe 4 people ahead of me) to the QR code survey which was taking most people's time in line.  On to the registration where they segregated us old-timers (60 and up) to a short line (only 2 people ahead of me) and was immediately asked if want Pfizer despite several e-mails confirming I was for sure to only get AZ.  I graciously accepted ("Thank you God" from Animal House in my heart) and was sent immediately to sit in a well organized and distanced seating area waiting for my number to be called.  Seven numbers after I sat down (and a!most immediately had been given a blood pressure reading within a minute of sitting) I went to fill out a couple of forms (mostly signatures, a few check boxes), then off to the shot that took 45 seconds which included me taking a pic of the vial lot number.  Off then to sit for 30min blood pressure again, appt for next shot handed to me, then gone. 1hr from the time I walked in to heading back to the truck.


Now, I have to tell you why so quick.  The AZ shots were not going to show up at the hospital until the afternoon (wife in the right place at the right time overheard the Dr's talking amongst themselves) so they were only processing us old and the infirm for Pfizer.  Just the luck of the draw.


Parking was a bit of a bitch in the hospital parking but we found one before having to shuffle off to park nextdoor.



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I think one of the issues is that many of us have already had a first dose of Sinovac or AZ. One system that seems to work is keeping track of that via our passport numbers. It's unlikely to be vaxxed with Pfizer if you've previously been vaxxed.


IMO, ALL Pfizer should be given to healthcare staff, right down to village volunteers.

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

That might explain the gigantic queue I witnessed at 14:30?





BYW stopped in Phitsanulok for the night on the way back to CM. No alcohol any day/time until 8/31.  There was only a couple of small Sing's in the minibar that the hotel would not replenish.  The balance of luck in the universe has been restored.

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1 hour ago, ThaiPauly said:

Thanks to everyone for posting their experiences,  please keep them coming for those  of us with appointments next week.

We need to know we will still get our vaccines, for me driving from CM your reports are invaluable


On Twitter simply search for medpark then choose latest, then translate tweets, most are in a foreign language. Many are unrelated to vaccines, Medpark does a ot of testing, COVID treatments. FB and IG probably have experiences too, but I have yet to figure out how to search/sort stuff on those platforms.


I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to get a vaccination, hopefully the one you listed as preferred, otherwise maybe a second option?


People rave about the MedPark facility/vaccination experience. It was OK, could be a lot better re: initial customer touch-points. For me it reminded me of the DLT, which I also found to be highly efficient at handling masses of people. No clue how they're making any money unless the government is reimbursing them some fixed amount per dose/person? Sure they're getting an awesome list of potential customers (older foreigners, people with conditions, probably most with cash) to whom they can pitch going forward. 


The best part is the "observation period" where the Thai lady belts out customer names on her microphone like some school administrator, because continuing to use the number would be too easy.







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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

People rave about the MedPark facility/vaccination experience. It was OK, could be a lot better re: initial customer touch-points. For me it reminded me of the DLT, which I also found to be highly efficient at handling masses of people. No clue how they're making any money unless the government is reimbursing them some fixed amount per dose/person? Sure they're getting an awesome list of potential customers (older foreigners, people with conditions, probably most with cash) to whom they can pitch going forward. 


The best part is the "observation period" where the Thai lady belts out customer names on her microphone like some school administrator, because continuing to use the number would be too easy.

I was there this morning and found the experience very simple and easy with helpful staff leading the way through every step so I am not sure how the initial customer touch points could be made better unless they made me a coffee as well. Even before entering the hospital there were personnel out in the street pointing you in the right direction so you got the correct entrance.


While waiting in the "observation area" I noted that, in the time I was there, about 80% of the people were Japanese men and women with a smattering of other nationalities such as Indian and Italian. How do I know? Because I was listening to the names being called out and recognised the language variations. It is quite possible that some do not speak English and would not know their number if it was called, however people do tend to remember their own names. I was also quite impressed with the Thai ladies doing the calling as they were very proficient at getting their tongues around foreign names quickly after a quick read from a form.

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21 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Over 60? Hug the left hand side closest to the building, where there is a short line for over 60. Two deep when I arrived. You get a number here.

A big thanks to MTLS5000 for this bit of info. I was there this morning and went from being last in a queue of a couple of hundred or so to being last in a queue of 4 (including me). Passport checked to confirm and the door magically opened and the rest is simply follow the staff's clear instruction. In and out in 45 minutes including the observation time sitting around.

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1 hour ago, narisarasgroove said:

I was there this morning and went from being last in a queue of a couple of hundred or so to being last in a queue of 4 (including me)


Just one of several initial customer touch-points which could be improved upon. Hence my mention of it, as was the entrance description. Valet staff at the main entrance less than helpful. I know it's a Thai thing to have staff standing around gabbing, and not helping customers, but these are first impressions, which influence people long after. These are not to be taken as complaints, rather observations which might allow for improvement.


Again, my vaccination experience at MedPark was very satisfactory. They're processing a lot of people, gotta be ~ 2.5/minute, professionally and efficiently. That was why I made a comparison to the DLT (Bang Chak) which was similarly well organized.


From initial seating to first data entry clerk, the three digit number is used, spoken loudly by the floor manager. Everyone seemed capable of responding. Assume they use the number for a reason?


I found the "Bingo lady" in the observation area entertaining, and about half the names she called appeared to "recognize" their own names. My favorite: "Mr. Bill". Oooh noo.



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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Just one of several initial customer touch-points which could be improved upon. Hence my mention of it, as was the entrance description. Valet staff at the main entrance less than helpful. I know it's a Thai thing to have staff standing around gabbing, and not helping customers, but these are first impressions, which influence people long after. These are not to be taken as complaints, rather observations which might allow for improvement.

I kept to the left only because I had been informed of it on the forum here. However, I did see staff directing people to the correct queue as and when they arrived. 


Having arrived by car driven by my daughter we initially went to the front entrance and as I exited the vehicle a "Valet" approached me and asked if I was there for a vaccine. When I confirmed that he very politely advised me to go to the entrance further down, opened the car door for me, and when I was back in closed the door gently so no complaints from me there.


Maybe I arrived when there was a different shift on from when you had your experience. I don't know. And as I am pretty much a pacifist I really don't want to start a war of words about this and can only say that we obviously had different experiences so lets shake hands, raise a glass, and have a nice day. Cheers!

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On 8/13/2021 at 3:34 AM, ThaiPauly said:

For me its next Thursday.


I shall be traveling  down by road from Chiang Mai, not really looking forward to it and don't really know what to expect, but I will phone and check before I travel that the vaccine  is still available.


On 8/13/2021 at 3:34 AM, ThaiPauly said:

For me its next Thursday.


I shall be traveling  down by road from Chiang Mai, not really looking forward to it and don't really know what to expect, but I will phone and check before I travel that the vaccine  is still available.


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Hi Thai Pauly, long time no chat. Just to let you know, I travelled down there on 13th Aug. overnighted in hotel. Originally my appointment was for 12:00 but arrived at 08:40. There were some 30-40 people waiting in a snaked queue. There was also a person with a sign, asking for over 60's, pregnant ladies etc. I spoke to him asking whether this was the right queue for Covid jabs? He asked my age and I told him, he then proceeded to take me to thefront of the queue, along with several others of a similar age, where I handed over paperwork/passport etc. Within a few minutes my passport, and ticket number were handed to me, and I was shown into the waiting area, where my blood pressure was taken, A few minutes later I was called to the front table and a couple more bits of paper were signed, a disclaimer, I was then directed to one of the injection stations. I was then jabbed, and directed to another waiting area, where you hand in your paperwork and wait for 30 minutes, to ensure there are no adverse affects. Your name is called out by a nurse and your blood pressure taken again. If all good then you are given a sheet of paper with your next appointment date on it, and you are good to go. 09:25 I was back in the van heading for Chiang Mai. Good luck and stay safe.

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40 minutes ago, mickmac said:

I forgot to mention how well everything was organised by MedPark hospital, all the staff were great, everything went like clockwork.

Wow, a blast from the past !!

Thanks for the post

I will send you a pm

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