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90-day Non-imm B - Extension?

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Hi guys,

I got myself a 90-day single-entry non-immigrant B visa for a job here in Bangkok (got the visa from Hong Kong, where I submitted at least a metric ton of paperwork) back in March.

Thailand being Thailand, the details of what actual paperwork I need to provide in order to get the work permit, and move onto the 12-month non-imm B multi-entry visa, have been scarce and contradictory from my employer's lawyer.

After insisting that I get my degree certificate endorsed by the British Embassy (I'm British), despite my protestations that I do not have, or need, a degree, they have finally agreed that a simple CV and a couple of printed references are all they require from me. Obviously they'll also want the ton of paperwork from my employer again, but that's fine.

I still apparently have to get my CV endorsed by the British Embassy, which seems ludicrous, but hey - This Is Thailand, right? :o

Anyway, it's taken ages, and my 90-day entry expires in just over two weeks. My employer is now currently renewing his BOI status, which is also dragging on. Apparently they can't put my work permit application in until the BOI renewal is completed. And that's looking like it won't be done until after my entry expires.

So: can I extend my 90-day entry without a work-permit? Or am I going to have to get a 30-day exemption stamp, then return to HK (or wherever) with all the company paperwork once BOI status has been confirmed, to get another 90-day entry, and start all over again?!

Many thanks! It's all worth it in the end, isn't it? :D

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There are so many changes these days and even more interpretations on these changes from immigration and labour department staff that it is hard to say what is the best way to go, it's almost always an individual thing. I have learned that sending someone to the respective department and have the procedures and options explained worked best for me. So my advice, have someone like the secretary who manages the paperwork have a talk with the officers, in my case they were always helpful and came up with some kind of solution.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have just been informed that I'm not getting an extension.

I'm heading to Hong Kong again next month anyway, so I'll apply for a second 90-day non-imm B there, and start the whole process all over again. Grr.

In the meantime, my visa expires on Wednesday. I'm going to HK within 30 days, so can I just get a bus to Ban Laem with thaivisaservice or thaivisarun and get an exemption stamp? Haven't had one of those for over a year, so I'm definitely entitled.

What's this I hear about having to show a valid plane ticket? Do I need to book my trip to HK now?

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