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Thai Sex Slave To Be Kicked Out From Australia


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Sex slave informant ordered out

A THAI sex slave who gave authorities detailed information about a trading network was told she had 48 hours to leave Australia because the information was not enough to secure a prosecution.

The woman, 26, known as Julie, told The Australian yesterday that on Tuesday, after six months in the victim support program, she was kicked out of her flat with no money.

She took refuge with a friend while she awaited deportation.

Her treatment appeared to be in conflict with the aims of the Federal Government's action plan to help women who have been trafficked to Australia as sex slaves.

"They told me they cancelled my visa and I have to leave," Julie told The Australian yesterday.

But after her case was taken up by this newspaper, the Government gave her a one-month reprieve - a bridging visa to remain in Australia.

Julie believes she will be in danger if forced to return to Thailand because she told the authorities here so much about the traffickers.

--The Australian 2004-06-25

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Her treatment appeared to be in conflict with the aims of the Federal Government's action plan to help women who have been trafficked to Australia as sex slaves.

If she was a "slave", she would probably not have had the possibility to report anything to the authorities.

And I do not really think the Australian government would have kicked her out.

Maybe they're bad but not that bad,... :o

Difficult to comment.

Things are not always what they appear to be,...

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I always wander whothey actaully get these girls into Aussie . I guess on tourist visas with alot of assets, jobs set up ect.

Sure doesn't help us Aussies trying to get legimate visas for Thai ladies , gives little Johnny Howard another excuse to be xenaphobic and make a great country an island fortress :o

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All Jokes aside, I pity those girls. From the stories I have heard, normally they are offered work of some kind that is generally better paid than a local job. The next thing they are prepped for the interview, normally with the Falang escort, and they both go to the interview claiming to be partners and wanting a holiday together....

Of course the expenses need to be repaid and of course the only way they can do that is by working in a brothel in Sydney or Melbourne or wherever. I have heard a story recently that would nearly break your heart of two Issan girls who signed up to perform domestic work in Israel, only to end up in a brothel with a minimum quota of 5 men a night or their stay would be extended before they would repay their "Passport and Visa" fees. And don't Thai girls just adore men from that part of the world......

I found out later this scam was organised by an Australian with strong ties to Israel. Just made me ashamed to be an Australian when I heard of what despickable things my countrymen were doing.

The really sad thing is the governments generally turn a blind eye to it, except to deport the girls asap.

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1000 sex slaves enter each year

By Investigations editor Natalie O'Brien, Elisabeth Wynhausen and Elizabeth Colman

June 25, 2004

AUSTRALIA'S border protection policy has been sidestepped by sex-slave traders using bogus documents to bring up to 1000 women and girls a year into the country.

Student and holiday visas, as well as false passports, are some of the tricks used by sex-slave traders to fool immigration officials, according to a wideranging inquiry by the Australian Crime Commission's parliamentary watchdog into the trafficking of women for prostitution.

The parliamentary joint committee inquiry has recommended the crime commission, the nation's peak crime-fighting body, concentrate on investigating how the traffickers were "able to circumvent Australian immigration barriers through visa fraud".

The inquiry was established last June after months of investigations by The Australian revealed widespread rackets involving the trafficking, exploitation and abuse of women and girls as sex slaves.

Its report, tabled in federal parliament yesterday, confirmed what the federal Government initially tried to deny -- that the problem was widespread and most sex slaves were deported by the Immigration Department before their stories could be told.

Kathleen Maltzahn from Project Respect, an anti-trafficking group, welcomed the report and its recommendations, saying it acknowledged "what we've been saying for years".

"They criticise the frustrating institutional myopia that happens because none of the departments communicate adequately," she said.

Committee inquiry chairman Bruce Baird yesterday revealed how he had been "disturbed" by the graphic accounts sex slaves gave the inquiry.

"We met a number of women in Sydney who had been trafficked and who did not know the role they would be carrying out," he said.

"They had been devastated. As one of the women said, 'I felt so dirty after what happened'."

The deputy chairman, Labor's Bob Sercombe, said the women were not given enough support. But he said the Government had changed its attitude in the past year -- mostly because of the investigations by The Australian.

"We are seeing a change of heart -- these women are being seen as victims, not as criminals," Mr Sercombe said.

Federal Justice Minister Chris Ellison last night pledged the Government would ratify the UN Protocol To Prevent Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. He agreed the women should be given more benefits, and said the Government would study the committee's other recommendations.


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I always wander whothey actaully get these girls into Aussie . I guess on tourist visas with alot of assets, jobs set up ect.

Sure doesn't help us Aussies trying to get legimate visas for Thai ladies , gives little Johnny Howard another excuse to be xenaphobic and make a great country an island fortress :o

Johnny howard aint so xenaphobic about koreans,chinese or middle easterners,they are running most of the rackets in aus

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1000 sex slaves enter each year

By Investigations editor Natalie O'Brien, Elisabeth Wynhausen and Elizabeth Colman

June 25, 2004

AUSTRALIA'S border protection policy has been sidestepped by sex-slave traders using bogus documents to bring up to 1000 women and girls a year into the country.

Student and holiday visas, as well as false passports, are some of the tricks used by sex-slave traders to fool immigration officials, according to a wideranging inquiry by the Australian Crime Commission's parliamentary watchdog into the trafficking of women for prostitution.

The parliamentary joint committee inquiry has recommended the crime commission, the nation's peak crime-fighting body, concentrate on investigating how the traffickers were "able to circumvent Australian immigration barriers through visa fraud".

The inquiry was established last June after months of investigations by The Australian revealed widespread rackets involving the trafficking, exploitation and abuse of women and girls as sex slaves.

Its report, tabled in federal parliament yesterday, confirmed what the federal Government initially tried to deny -- that the problem was widespread and most sex slaves were deported by the Immigration Department before their stories could be told.

Kathleen Maltzahn from Project Respect, an anti-trafficking group, welcomed the report and its recommendations, saying it acknowledged "what we've been saying for years".

"They criticise the frustrating institutional myopia that happens because none of the departments communicate adequately," she said.

Committee inquiry chairman Bruce Baird yesterday revealed how he had been "disturbed" by the graphic accounts sex slaves gave the inquiry.

"We met a number of women in Sydney who had been trafficked and who did not know the role they would be carrying out," he said.

"They had been devastated. As one of the women said, 'I felt so dirty after what happened'."

The deputy chairman, Labor's Bob Sercombe, said the women were not given enough support. But he said the Government had changed its attitude in the past year -- mostly because of the investigations by The Australian.

"We are seeing a change of heart -- these women are being seen as victims, not as criminals," Mr Sercombe said.

Federal Justice Minister Chris Ellison last night pledged the Government would ratify the UN Protocol To Prevent Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. He agreed the women should be given more benefits, and said the Government would study the committee's other recommendations.


Love to see the real numbers of cases in AUS and who is behind this so called trafficking.

I think their have been a couple of high profile cases but I need to be convinced its a mainly a thai problem.

I know for a fact chinese and korean syndicates are in this big time.

A korean one was busted in Sydney recently.

The Chinese and Koreans use a lot of students....(in NZ and AU).they get into debt to these syndicates ( AFTER donating their allowance to casino)and have to work it off.

how do we get access to this info?

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pity the uk doesnt take a leaf out of australias immigration book,we let all and sundry in, no questions asked soon the shi*s gonna hit the fan :o

UK is tightening up

That said an old Bar girl friend and her girlfriend (Soi nana freelancer)got Visas to UK early last year thru "thai mafia".

Its quite widely known you can do this in the BG community,and they do go voluntarily ,although they dont understand the Interest payback.

Cost them 200k baht each which they have to work off in various parlours in UK.

Another friend dropped them off to the Hotel at the airport and later reported their were 20 girls waiting all on standby.

One of the girls got lucky and found a punter that fell for her and she got him to buy her contract out,I think the other one is still working.

This proves its real ,but i truly believe its a drop in the bucket compared to the Chinese and Korean operations.

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I must stand corrected after some research.

Some of the commentary in this report is not well researched,but the facts speak.

In 02-03 of the 257 people busted in au for working on the game 100 were Thai.

I dont know how many you cld say were in bondage though.

interesting reading and this is probably why its so hard for us to get visas for our female friends


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I feel really sorry for the girls (whichever nationality they are) who are tricked and then forced into the prostitution business overseas. The scumbags in this business should get heavy punishments for destroying these girls' lives.

However, I cannot say the same thing for girls who KNOWINGLY head overseas for the sex business. And, I have a feeling that the majority of girls from here who go to work at sex establishments overseas know exacly what they are going to do.



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I was approached a few years back (by telephone) by a Bangkok Thai male to accompany/escort young Thai females to Australia (Sydney mostly)

I was to be given a a round trip air ticket (plus accommodation whilst awaiting my return flight to Thailand) plus Baht 50,000 for my troubles.

Initially I showed some interest (I thought that maybe I could increase my "mile high membership points) but declined for a couple of reasons.

I was not convinced that the girls knew the fate that awaited them even though I was assured that they knew it was to "kai hoi".

Secondly I was not wanting to be involved with an operation that might have in the future (now the past) have prejudiced me when/if I was to take a genuine friend to the antipodes.

I am sure that the girls made it without my help :o

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