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Cambodia needs to end its coal addiction and adopt renewables, says the ADB

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Cambodia is making slow-but-sure progress along the road to low-carbon economic growth, according to the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The international lender, which has issued a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all, says the government still has some tough decisions to make about how it gets to that destination.


The Kingdom only contributes 0.02 percent to global greenhouse gas emissions but this month’s floods in Sihanoukville and fish-threatening drops in the level of the Mekong river because of low rainfall and upstream damming show how vulnerable Cambodia is to climate change and a lack of sustainable energy alternatives. Cambodia will likely suffer from both increased flooding and severe droughts with associated impacts on food production, especially rice, the ADB said.


“By 2030, loss of forestry and other land use will account for 49 percent of Cambodia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions followed by the energy sector (22 percent) and agriculture (17.5 percent),” said ADB Cambodia Resident Mission Country Director Sunniya Durrani-Jamal and economist Darren Byers.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50926341/cambodia-needs-to-end-its-coal-addiction-and-adopt-renewables-says-the-adb/



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