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In Thailand and most other places, getting streetwise usually means learning the hard way.

Travellers, immigrants and expats usually learn the unforgettable lessons through disillusionment and disappointment.

No pain, no gain?

The FAQs on this board often focus on visa hassle, tourist rip offs, scams etc.

Examples of personal experiences might be a short cut for the unititiated to avoid unpleasant holiday spoilers.

Beginning with the taxi jungle the moment you arrive, right through to accomodation, meals, bars etc.

Let's hear some damage prevention.

Bashing allowed within limits, bearing in mind forum decorum.

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I was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. If you want a crash course go live there for a little while.

I think it won't take you long before you have all the bases covered.

For any country... :o

I was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. If you want a crash course go live there for a little while.

I think it won't take you long before you have all the bases covered.

For any country... :o

My sympathies Pepe.

I'm A Joisey boy myself, so know of what you speak. Newark #1 followed closley by Trenton or perhaps Camden.

Oops sorry, way off topic.


Hi Quertz (sorry it's a little qwerk of mine).

I consider "streetsmarts" to be the the sensible application of knowledge gained, so as you suggest "no pain, no gain" is not neccessary. However there is an element of "how long is a piece of string" in trying to give a specific answer! Take "Tipping", what (for example) Dr Naam would consider streetsmart would not, I suspect be streetsmarts to Clicktodelete.

So for an individual to gain "Streetsmarts" they would need to "Ask Questions", specific to their circumstance and take a group average. If they are unable to sort the "Wheat from the Chaff" chances are "Streetsmarts" are not up their alley (read, beyond their capabilities).


a few things that come to mind :

read and speak thai.

when out, keep your wits about you (dont get blind drunk).

be the man in grey (that means keep low profile, covert, observe rather than be observed).

learn the streets and sois, the ones you frequent(for work,home,going out,gong shopping,doing errands) you should have a crystal clear mental map.You should also be familiar with the key routes in and out of your city(N,E,S,W).

be familiar with the common scams.

be coy about giving out personal details to strangers(name, what you do, where you live etc..), extract information, dont volunteer it

carry passport, cash, credit card, phone discreetly in front pockets.This is all you need to get out of most situation and make a quick escape.No buldges or bags.

dont do anything illegal.


I was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. If you want a crash course go live there for a little while.

I think it won't take you long before you have all the bases covered.

For any country... :o

My sympathies Pepe.

I'm A Joisey boy myself, so know of what you speak. Newark #1 followed closley by Trenton or perhaps Camden.

Oops sorry, way off topic.


Not really way off topic. In fact being raised on the tough streets Newark has "mostly" served me well. Off course them I had graduate studies for seven years in "Hells Kitchen" in NYC's West side then two years or so in San Juan, Puerto Rico then on to Rio and Sao Paulo, Brazil.

It hasn't been boring. Glad to be in San Diego the past 22 years though.

Just hard to beat... :D


What taxi rip off's at the airport? I have used normal taxi's with no problem but normaly if coming back from a long journey there are signs everywhere advertising the price of a limo and that's what I pay. Where are these rip offs'?


Steertsmarts are gained by long exposure to dodgy situations, sometimes but not necessarily by trial and error.

Usually people with a higher social IQ will pick them up much more rapidly. A social dork is highly un-likely to become "street smart". People who readily trust strangers will not become very street smart. People who are good at reading other people's body language & facial expressions will naturally be street smart.

Street smart can be learned, however, it is a real mind conditioning process.

Its funny to sit on Suk Rd. in BKk & watch the scamsters / touts work. Most go by the numbers, however, when a person who looks like they know what they are on about walks past, the scamster usually doesn't bother.




It has to be recognized that Street Smarts are only of any use so long as you stay on the same street.

This is frequently confirmed by sophisticated western wise guys turning up in Thailand thinking they know the game, only to have some semi literate, but sweetly smiling, peasant, rob them of all they have, including their self esteem.

Not so much they didn't see it coming, as they opened the door and invited it in.

This is frequently confirmed by sophisticated western wise guys turning up in Thailand thinking they know the game, only to have some semi literate, but sweetly smiling, peasant, rob them of all they have, including their self esteem.

I sympathise with you GuestHouse, don't worry, you'll be back one day to your former glory, hopefully a little wiser.


read everything you can ..... then read some more

Learn from others mistakes ....

but DON'T believe all that you read. Many people are just bitter! They got burnt once and then everything from then on was suspect even when nothing was wrong!

Do realise that EVERY tourist place in the world there are people that are all too willing to help a tourist spend his money ... Thailand is no different :o

Things tend to be a bit better once you get away from the main tourist areas.

Don't always assume that the taxi driver that appears to be going out of the way is out to rip you off .... he may in fact be avoiding a crazy traffic jam and saving you some $$ :D

Learn Thai! Speak it past "I can get a taxi and tell him how to get to my house" level

No matter how long you've been here ... be aware ... just be aware!

Having Thai friends can help ... if you know enough to pick out the winners from the scammers .... the scammers are actually few and far between ... but some are known to practice the 'long con'


Guide to a fairly normal and happy existence in Thailand.

In a fairly rough order:

Avoid lower sukhumvit in BKK

Avoid Nana.

Avoid Soi Cowboy.

Avoid Pattaya.

Avoid Patpong.

Avoid Patong Beach in Phuket.

Don't buy a beer bar.

Don't think with your penis.

If you are paying for it.....well.....really be prepared to pay for it.....

Don't ride in a Tuk Tuk.

Never get in a taxi that is parked, with its engines off.

The meters always work.

Look like you know where you are going.

Know that normal Thai's NEVER approach anyone to practice their english.

The grand palace is never closed.

If you wouldn't do it at home, then don't do it here.

If none of the above seems sensible and logical to you...then Cambodia awaits you with open arms.


Samran ----

I'd agree with everything except the practicing English thing ... it needs a caveat. "Normal Thais that are not in school and not in a group wearing school uniforms will not approach you to practice English"

I have had it happen with genuine Thais in places like NST and Udon ... but there was always more than one ... and they were in uniform ... asked a few questions and graciously left me alone after :D

(They WON'T approach you for a convo/school project in Nana etc:)

Also ... do go to Nana etc if it interests you ... just don't mistake the behaviour there for 'Normal' ... and be prepared for what you get :o

Samran ----

I'd agree with everything except the practicing English thing ... it needs a caveat. "Normal Thais that are not in school and not in a group wearing school uniforms will not approach you to practice English"

I have had it happen with genuine Thais in places like NST and Udon ... but there was always more than one ... and they were in uniform ... asked a few questions and graciously left me alone after :D

(They WON'T approach you for a convo/school project in Nana etc:)

Also ... do go to Nana etc if it interests you ... just don't mistake the behaviour there for 'Normal' ... and be prepared for what you get :o

good catch there JD. Totally agree.

Also would add that if any of your impressions of Thailand we made because one of the above points, then it is likely to be an incorrect impression.


Street smarts is an interesting question. In reality no taxi driver here really rips you off, 2.30am you need to get home normal cost say 140 baht for me, Taxi driver will up it to about 250 baht and pay free way, not a rip off you get home safely for 3 dollars more. Imagine what we would be paying out home.

Must say a little Thai really helps, at least they realise you have been here sometime.

Always remember how to get home.

Safe in numbers

thai friends help

Living the life here makes you understand how everything works.

I have read pretty bad stories here, but touch wood to date have never seen.

Bit of common sense never goes astray, and if you pay for something less then you would at home, then you will always be happy. Maybe I have just been lucky

Don't think with your penis.

'samran' the rest is ok...only this is an issue...I was born like that! :o

This is the problem...the irrational most times overwrite the rational....

Rationality is not all, otherwise we would not have war, crime and so on...for more academically prepared we can be, a single smile can make us illiterate, so we sould always be prepared to accept failure in those aspects of life in where our "personal" unmanageable feelings are predominant... a cultural thing sometimes!


Street smarts pertaining to Thailand can be gained by reading Thaivisa.com as well as other expat sites and getting some real experience on the streets.


Reading Samrans, Am a little confused about the normal happy life, then saying avoid Patpong Nana and Soi Cowboy surely they deserve a visit.

Not that bad if you control yourself, they are there for a reason.


How to be streetsmarts?

Easy answer for me …..Just think like the bad guy/girl - what would you do to another person given the same situation if you a bad guy/girl

Reading Samrans, Am a little confused about the normal happy life, then saying avoid Patpong Nana and Soi Cowboy surely they deserve a visit.

Not that bad if you control yourself, they are there for a reason.

They are indeed their for a reason. The problem is, that things which cause people to get agro about Thailand are also usually associated with those places.

So if you find yourself frequeting those places, fine and dandy. Just don't be crying home to mummy when your wallet is gone, the $150 3 suit, 5 shirt deal you got turned out to be <deleted> and falling apart after one wear (if it made it home in one piece), you were led astray by a taxi/tuk tuk driver, you find that you are making buffalo maintence payments....the list goes on.

I was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. If you want a crash course go live there for a little while.

I think it won't take you long before you have all the bases covered.

For any country... :o

My sympathies Pepe.

I'm A Joisey boy myself, so know of what you speak. Newark #1 followed closley by Trenton or perhaps Camden.

Oops sorry, way off topic.


Not really way off topic. In fact being raised on the tough streets Newark has "mostly" served me well. Off course them I had graduate studies for seven years in "Hells Kitchen" in NYC's West side then two years or so in San Juan, Puerto Rico then on to Rio and Sao Paulo, Brazil.

It hasn't been boring. Glad to be in San Diego the past 22 years though.

Just hard to beat... :D

Ahhh the nights trying to cut through the Iron Bound section on a Motorcycle, or walking around broad street. It definitely helps in the 'street smarts" education.

In bangkok you just need to keep your 'wits' about what your doing and where you are, don't speak to every twit standing on a corner at 3 am asking you where your going.



Just a couple of additions.

Beware also of falangs who somehow seem over-eager to help.

Thais seem to find walking a real effort. lol. If I've moved into a new area I always go around for long walks in every direction. Just to see what's local, what's where. Often tuk tuks will not know your exact address but will know a nearby landmark. Know how to get home! Apart from Thailand's playgrounds, much of the country closes early, as they wake up early - don't get marooned.



Anywhere where there are large numbers of foreigners requesting a service, there will be those that try to provide it at an inflated price as well as those who provide a cheaper service.

In some cases, the service received is the same, in others, you actually get better service for paying a higher price.

The main rule is to keep informed. If you are going to buy goods or services, do your research first. The more you know, the less often you get ripped off. Learn from the times you are ripped off, try to see the patterns.

Extremely pushy salesmen that make you feel uncomfortable rarely have good products, and use intimidation to lure you in.


What's wrong with cowboy or nana or pattaya? Good entertainment from time to time.

If you have allready developed your thai "street awareness" you won't get stung at any of those places. If you do get bitten, then you obviously have some work to do...


Don't think with your penis.

'samran' the rest is ok...only this is an issue...I was born like that! :o

This is the problem...the irrational most times overwrite the rational....

Rationality is not all, otherwise we would not have war, crime and so on...for more academically prepared we can be, a single smile can make us illiterate, so we sould always be prepared to accept failure in those aspects of life in where our "personal" unmanageable feelings are predominant... a cultural thing sometimes!

My brain and my penis have been at war since ... I think maybe I was 11? And the penis wins most of the time.


I think that part of the process is knowing you WILL make mistakes here. You will take up with at least one person who will not do the right thing by you. You will get caught out doing stupid things. Being street smart is learning from the mistakes and NOT REPEATING them. Anyone living here will know guys who seem to be on a constant roundabout of making the same mistake over and over again. That is just being a sucker and they end up as street casualties.

The other thing is not being overconfident. I made a mistake about a year back that I would never have done previously or since. I was sure it wouldn't happen to me because I thought I was too smart to fall for that one but boom I got done and it was a good but expensive lesson.


I think that part of the process is knowing you WILL make mistakes here. You will take up with at least one person who will not do the right thing by you. You will get caught out doing stupid things. Being street smart is learning from the mistakes and NOT REPEATING them. Anyone living here will know guys who seem to be on a constant roundabout of making the same mistake over and over again. That is just being a sucker and they end up as street casualties.

The other thing is not being overconfident. I made a mistake about a year back that I would never have done previously or since. I was sure it wouldn't happen to me because I thought I was too smart to fall for that one but boom I got done and it was a good but expensive lesson.


Welcome to the club CB.

Everyone says, Oh they're just too smart & it can NEVER happen to them.


In reality no taxi driver here really rips you off... normal cost say 140 baht for me, Taxi driver will up it to about 250 baht and pay free way

I'd say it is a rip off. That's precisely what a rip off is: over charging for something. If you're happy paying extra, that's up to you. But it is still a rip off.

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