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Do You Speak English? Slimely/scammy Come-ons


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it seems like every time i am walking on second road i am accosted by greasy indians or toothless englishmen who ask me - do you speak english? of course... theyre are also the pretty english girl, assorted down-out europeans and

the card the hand out for - FREE TOURTIST ATTRACTIONS

these are at least some of the people/reasons the visa situation is the way it is. they have no funds and they are working illegally.

farang tourist police are beyond worthless but i challange these dopes to actually do something that warrants their silly badges and dopey black shirts.

set up a sting!

these low-lives ply their trade between about soi 13 up to about soi 2 on 2nd road.

cmon howard DO SOMETHING

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I thought I was the only one that seemed to always get stopped by someone on a motorbike asking "Do you speak English" when walking in the Jomtien area. I always ignore them, but always wonder what they really want, even though I would never be interested in buying anything from them.

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I thought I was the only one that seemed to always get stopped by someone on a motorbike asking "Do you speak English" when walking in the Jomtien area. I always ignore them, but always wonder what they really want, even though I would never be interested in buying anything from them.

Just say you live here long time and already have a condo, they go real quick then, they are after the tourists. :o

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it seems like every time i am walking on second road i am accosted by greasy indians or toothless englishmen who ask me - do you speak english? of course... theyre are also the pretty english girl, assorted down-out europeans and

the card the hand out for - FREE TOURTIST ATTRACTIONS

these are at least some of the people/reasons the visa situation is the way it is. they have no funds and they are working illegally.

farang tourist police are beyond worthless but i challange these dopes to actually do something that warrants their silly badges and dopey black shirts.

set up a sting!

these low-lives ply their trade between about soi 13 up to about soi 2 on 2nd road.

cmon howard DO SOMETHING

If someone stops and asks you for something unsolicited, there's obviously more to be gained from their standpoint than there is from yours. Therefore you have nothing to be curious about and you don't even have to acknowledge their existence.

Why have you such a hard-on for the "worthless... silly... dopey..." Volunteer Tourist Police?

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anyone that works for nothing - thats what the value of their services

i dislike cops in general, more so faux wannabe coppers with no training but desitre to wear badge and lots of stupid things around their waists - including in pattaya, fat bellies (farang). no police force would have them.

how many volunteers have already be implicated/convicted of crimes?

if pattaya can pay for stupid electric signs and silly monuments they can pay for REAL cops.

as for getting stopped - i just take a photo of them and their plate. thank you...

the issue i have is anyone working illegally has spoiled my permanent holiday status.

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I just say "yes" & keep on walking....

If its one of those thai uni students doing tourist surveys (they actually get paid per survey), I take the time to tell them I actually live here. They are usually very polite & say thank you. (for not being an a_hole like many others).



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I thought I was the only one that seemed to always get stopped by someone on a motorbike asking "Do you speak English" when walking in the Jomtien area. I always ignore them, but always wonder what they really want, even though I would never be interested in buying anything from them.
I answer them in a home made swahili language and point at the sky and laugh, never failed to get a jaw dropping :o Edited by mikethevigoman
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I answer them in a home made swahili language and point at the sky and laugh, never failed to get a jaw dropping

If I had time I would stop and explain at great length and in detail how to make a hamburger - then if still standing next to me and taking interest I would go on to point out the dangers of standing in the street from the rays given out by satellites overhead and offer to make them a tin foil "safety helmet".

You tend not to get bothered by the regulars and the bag seller outside the Royal Mall gives me a wide beth now.

Typical tinfoil loony.

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I answer them in a home made swahili language and point at the sky and laugh, never failed to get a jaw dropping

If I had time I would stop and explain at great length and in detail how to make a hamburger - then if still standing next to me and taking interest I would go on to point out the dangers of standing in the street from the rays given out by satellites overhead and offer to make them a tin foil "safety helmet".

You tend not to get bothered by the regulars and the bag seller outside the Royal Mall gives me a wide beth now.

Typical tinfoil loony.

Great, i want to see you in action :o
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@jinjok -I don't understand why you are so upset over this, there are touts all over the place, most people quickly learn to just walk on and ignore them, it's really a non issue.

In any case, this is not the Tourist Police or their volunteers job to chase people without work permit, their job is to ... wait for it ... assist and help tourists.

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